Aion Bot

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Re: Aion Bot

#41 Post by botje » Sat Feb 18, 2012 6:10 am

yep, tried that, strange huh?

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Re: Aion Bot

#42 Post by botje » Sat Feb 18, 2012 7:13 am

fixed it, seems i didnt define the right variables in the function.

also, perhaps its possible to get a game section for AION?


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Re: Aion Bot

#43 Post by Administrator » Sat Feb 18, 2012 8:47 pm

If there is enough attention paid to AION, I'll open a new section. As is, I don't really thing 1 thread that is barely on its second page really warrants a need for a whole forum section.

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Re: Aion Bot

#44 Post by botje » Sat Feb 18, 2012 9:01 pm

true true, but watch what happens when the bot gets in a working state and it goes F2P :)

we'll see ^^

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Re: Aion Bot

#45 Post by shavas » Sun Apr 15, 2012 2:04 am

Well i for one am very keen to get the bot up and working. Played SOOOO much RoM before frogster ruined it. Even being in the top guild on our server it still sucked..... scouts were and probably are so op.
Anyways.. going to start testing your bot.

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Re: Aion Bot

#46 Post by shavas » Sun Apr 15, 2012 3:10 am

Some updates below for 3. Target isnt working ran outta time. I just googled about till i found places that had stuff updated.

Code: Select all

CharNameOffset = 0xD23568,
 CharLegionOffset = 0xBEDC68,
 CharLvlOffset = 0xCC7848,
 CharClassOffset = 0xBF67D4,

 CharCurHPOffset = 0xCC7870,
 CharMaxHpOffset = 0xCC786C,

 CharCurMPOffset = 0xBF6778,
 CharMaxMpOffset = 0xBF6774,

 CharCurExpOffset = 0xCC7860,
 CharMaxExpOffset = 0xCC7850,

 CharCurDpOffset = 0xBEB50E,
 CharMaxDpOffset = 0xBEB50C,
 CharEpRecoverOffset = 0xBEB4E8,

 CharPosXOffset = 0xCBDD68,
 CharPosYOffset = 0xCBDD64,
 CharPosZOffset = 0xCBDD6C,

 CharCamXOffset = 0xCBD944,
 CharCamYOffset = 0xCBD93C,

 CharHasTargetOffset = 0x8774E4,

 CharIsFlyingOffset = 0xBEB518,
 CharFlightRestOffset = 0xBEB514,
 CharFlightMaxOffset = 0xBEB510,

 CharIsCastingOffset = 0xBE1054,

 CharCurCubeOffset = 0xBF67C8,
 CharMaxCubeOffset = 0xBF67C4,

 MiolIsAliveOffset = 0xC3EA48,

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Re: Aion Bot

#47 Post by botje » Sun Apr 15, 2012 5:10 am

thanx mate, ill include them, but i cant test them, seeying i only play at gameforge...

but ill add them nonetheless, and proberly add some setting to switch to them :)


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Re: Aion Bot

#48 Post by shavas » Sun Apr 15, 2012 5:21 pm

just create a free account then :)

then you can test both sides. Private servers just use a customised command line i thought.

I guess the next thing to do with the bot is see if we can port over the waypoint system from rom. Not hugely sure what / how difficult that will be. but considering both systems use a x/y co-ords system and we have that in Aion it shouldn't be 2 hard to get something similar going (well maybe for Administrator... i'll see how far i get tonight if i get time to play about).

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Re: Aion Bot

#49 Post by botje » Mon Apr 16, 2012 1:55 am

yeah i know, i tried to make something, but failed very VERY hard xd

even something simple as calculating distance between character and mob is above my current capabilities >.<

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Re: Aion Bot

#50 Post by shavas » Mon Apr 16, 2012 2:44 am

well got the waypoints recording now. Atm it is a complete hackfest of the rom code to just get it working. Now to work on getting it to move using the waypoints... that will be ALOT harder.

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Re: Aion Bot

#51 Post by botje » Mon Apr 16, 2012 2:55 am

yeah, recording is not the problem, thats easy enough.

but using them... xd good luck mate,

and thanx for the help, was getting lonely here :P

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Re: Aion Bot

#52 Post by shavas » Mon Apr 16, 2012 3:54 am

yeah got the WP's loading. just working on getting the bot to move. ahh well tomorrow is another day.

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Re: Aion Bot

#53 Post by botje » Tue Apr 17, 2012 2:24 am

dunno if you are familiar with autoit, but i got some code here that could provide some insight.

Code: Select all

;navigate functions

Func calcDist($xa,$ya)
	$distCalc = sqrt( ($xa-PlayerXPos())^2 + ($ya-PlayerYPos())^2 )
	if($distCalc > 15) Then
	return $distCalc

Func _getRandomJumpTimer()
	return _TimeGetStamp() + Random(0,6,1)

Func _jumpPlayer()
	if($jumper < _TimeGetStamp()) Then
		if( $jumper <> 0) Then
			Send("{SPACE down}")
			Send("{SPACE up}")
		$jumper = _getRandomJumpTimer()

Func _switchRotate($target, $now)
	if($target < $now) Then
		If(($now - $target) > 180) Then
			$rot_down = "a down"
			$rot_up = "a up"
			$rot_down = "d down"
			$rot_up = "d up"
		If(($target - $now) > 180) Then
			$rot_down = "d down"
			$rot_up = "d up"
			$rot_down = "a down"
			$rot_up = "a up"

; rechnet 90 zu 360 hoch
Func getAngle($diffX, $diffY)
	$angle = ATan($diffY/$diffX)
	$angle = ($angle * 180.0 )/ $pi
	if $diffX > 0 and $diffY > 0 Then
		return getThreeSixty((180 -$angle),true)
	ElseIf $diffX > 0 and $diffY < 0 Then
		return getThreeSixty((-180 -$angle),true)
	ElseIf $diffX < 0 and $diffY < 0 Then
		return getThreeSixty((0 -$angle),true)
	ElseIf $diffX < 0 and $diffY > 0 Then
		return getThreeSixty((0 -$angle),true)

; Flag = true  - rechne 180 auf 360 hoch
;Flag = false - calc 360er rotate!
Func getThreeSixty($angle, $flag = false)
	If($flag) Then
		If($angle < 0) Then
			$angle = (360 - ($angle * -1))
		If($angle > 360)Then
			$angle = $angle - 360
		ElseIf($angle < 0)Then
			$angle = $angle + 360
	Return $angle

Func alignRotaion($x, $y, $move = false)
	$playerXcoord = PlayerXPos()
	$playerYcoord = PlayerYPos()
		;$playerZcoord = PlayerZPos()
	$diffY = Round($y - $playerYcoord,2)
	$diffX = Round($x - $playerXcoord,2)
	$angle = getAngle($diffX, $diffY)
	$nowAng = getThreeSixty(GetPlayerPos(), true)
	_switchRotate($angle, $nowAng)
	While ($angle + 5) < $nowAng OR ($angle - 5) > $nowAng
		if $move Then
			Send("{w down}")
		$nowAng = getThreeSixty(GetPlayerPos(), true)
	if $move Then
		if(($angle + 5) < $nowAng AND ($angle - 5) > $nowAng) Then
			Send("{w up}")

Func walkPoints()
	while $i < ($countMax-1)
		WinActivate("AION Client")
		WinWaitActive("AION Client")
		_toolTip("Move to waypoint "&($i/3)+1)

		$Distance = calcDist($xCoord,$yCoord)
		while $Distance > 3
			alignRotaion($xCoord, $yCoord, true)
			if(enemyInsgid()) Then
				Send("{w up}")
				_toolTip("Move to waypoint "&($i/3)+1)
			$Distance = calcDist($xCoord,$yCoord)
			Send("{w down}")
			If $Run = False Then
				Send("{w up}")
		If $Run = False Then
			Send("{w up}")
		$jumper = _getRandomJumpTimer()

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Re: Aion Bot

#54 Post by shavas » Tue Apr 17, 2012 3:31 pm

oh the code for all that is already in rombot. I am no math geek so i dont know what the functions are really. But i know their purpose in the greater code. The hard part is retrofitting the whole class to work in your bot code. If i had an OLD copy of the rombot it would be easier. In the past rombot worked on addresses just like aion does. But eventually some clever guys figured out all the pointers and now it just works off them plus offsets so changing stuff about takes time. And i didnt get time to work on it last night.

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Re: Aion Bot

#55 Post by botje » Tue Apr 17, 2012 4:11 pm

k, just trowing it out there :P

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Re: Aion Bot

#56 Post by MiesterMan » Wed Apr 18, 2012 9:43 am

Looks like Aion came out as "truly free" with this 3.0 launch last week. I'm downloading now and will let you know if the version I get is crapshielded or not.

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Re: Aion Bot

#57 Post by botje » Wed Apr 18, 2012 11:06 am

welcome aboard man, AION has no crapshield :)

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Re: Aion Bot

#58 Post by shavas » Wed Apr 18, 2012 9:27 pm

wont be working on the bot till sunday. Got family visiting and kids birthday in weekend. So touch base then with updates.

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Re: Aion Bot

#59 Post by shavas » Wed Apr 18, 2012 9:38 pm

i only play on the true free live servers.... so i know it is all fine.

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Re: Aion Bot

#60 Post by MiesterMan » Wed Apr 18, 2012 11:26 pm

Cool, well, I'm just waiting for the 13 GB download to finish so I can play...

What the hell kind of update is 13 GB?

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