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lvl 1-60 waypoint?

Posted: Mon Nov 21, 2011 7:29 am
by kuchen91
hi all,

does anyone of you have a waypoint file, to lvl a character from 1 to a high lvl?


Re: lvl 1-60 waypoint?

Posted: Mon Nov 21, 2011 8:21 am
by rock5
No, and it's practically impossible to do. The highest so far is the 20-40 script you'll find somewhere on this forum. I guess in Xaviera it would be nearly possible maybe to make it to 50 but it would be a lot of work.

Re: lvl 1-60 waypoint?

Posted: Mon Nov 21, 2011 9:48 am
by Nero
Do you seriously think that if anyone took the time to code more than 1000 quests (if not more), that he would just release it like that?

Heck, even if someone had such scripts, it wouldn't be good to release it here - doing dailies with bot is one thing, doing 1-60 is another.

Even so, it would be insanely time-consuming to do such script - it took me about 50 hours to do 22-44 leveler on Xaviera (normal quests, no dailies, and no, I won't release it), and another 10 hours or so to make sure that it runs properly, and even then I need to do manually 3 quests as it's too hard for me to code them. To put it simply - you can do 1-50 in CoO and Xaviera, but it's very time-consuming and inefficient. If you need alts, then you're better off collecting dailies with bot and turning them in with alts - it takes about 3 weeks to hit 50 that way, bu your effort is minimal.

If you would want to do quests with bot in different area than Xaviera or CoO then.. well, good luck with that.

Re: lvl 1-60 waypoint?

Posted: Mon Nov 21, 2011 9:56 am
by kuchen91
i can pay with gold on cogadh ...

but best would be from lvl 31 (1m exp sphere) to lvl 50++ ^^

Re: lvl 1-60 waypoint?

Posted: Mon Nov 21, 2011 10:46 am
by nerdyone255

Re: lvl 1-60 waypoint?

Posted: Tue Nov 22, 2011 2:49 am
by xplar
what you guys are forgetting is that we have a community here, if everyone coded a few quests and posted them then more people would be motivated to do some more, and maybe in a month or two we could have a 1-60 script pack. we can't ever expect one person to do all the work and give it away for free.

Re: lvl 1-60 waypoint?

Posted: Tue Nov 22, 2011 3:32 am
by lisa
The issue with publically sharing something like this is it will make it very easy for GM's to catch botters. A few WP here and there shared publically is fine but something that bots from 1-50+ would more then likely have easily recognised areas for the GM's to catch people.

Then the forum will be filled with posts saying there is a bann wave because they got banned.

Re: lvl 1-60 waypoint?

Posted: Thu Nov 24, 2011 2:31 am
by xplar
that's true, even if it was strictly doing quests, which is all i did to level my main. you would run into people that are questing and they're the ones that report botters.

Re: lvl 1-60 waypoint?

Posted: Thu Nov 24, 2011 5:13 am
by MiesterMan
I keep wanting to comment here but there's just so many issues it's hard to say anything.

The best solution to this is a quest bot. People are expected to quest, those that don't look like grinding bots. A healthy mix of the two would be good but then you have the small sections of grind being identical and you run into the issue mentioned (everyone knows where the bots are).

To top this off, it's a massive project that can't be done with "QuestByName" alone. If the bot has to stop, then resuming gets tricky... Oh this could go on for hours.

Re: lvl 1-60 waypoint?

Posted: Thu Nov 24, 2011 5:57 am
by BillDoorNZ
Theres no reason why the bots need to look the same tho and variance via randomising cannot be factored in. Someone made a series of posts about more natural movement (more like player movement) and I seem to remember someone writing a userfuction that would generate intermediary waypoints between 2 waypoints to make movement easier (simple enough to extend to add variance between 2 'border' waypoints along a path.

Scripting enough quests to level to 60+ is the hard part. Its even harder as we don't really have enough framework in place to facilitate it - i.e. heres a standard set of libraries to do all the stuff your want, along with a master set of waypoints that you attach your first waypoint to. We have a lot / most of that, but not quite enough to make it easy.

Just think about what currently happens when the bot is interrupted by a mob which pulls it too far away from the next waypoint and so the bot skips it or can't get back and gets stuck or times something else out that the bot isn't currently checking for. All those sorts of things need to be handled the same way everytime (via common libraries) so that when a new quest is scripted, the scripter does not have to reinvent the wheel.

Re: lvl 1-60 waypoint?

Posted: Tue Dec 20, 2011 4:14 pm
by imaginethat
this is a very tricky topic, as there are people here (community) that are helping each other, and there are people here that are just keen to rip the system (and community) off by taking everything they can.
I have been working on getting a bot level automatically and so far I have it getting to level 50. I do almost no questing, save for the odd daily.
I have gotten a lot of help from this forum, and I would be keen to release my functions, but not my waypoints. The reason for not wanting to share the waypoints is not a selfish one, I think, but it would mean that many bots would be following the same paths.
Seeing a conga line of character following each other exact move would obviously set off many alarms with anyone seeing it.

The functions I have would not be of too much use without the waypoint files themselves, so not sure how to share it.

Yes there has been a huge amount of work involved in getting the bot to be self sufficient and try and act as much as possible like a human controlled character would act. But I am doing this to learn Lua, learn Artificial Intelligence, along with other reasons. I'm not doing this to horn money etc.

There are almost 50 waypoint files involved and my functions file is close to 2000 lines at the moment. there is no way I would have been able to get where I am with it without the awesome help of rock5 and lisa and others keeping this community going.

I personally think waypoint files should NOT be shared, but the functions and code to get the bot to be more human like should be shared as much as possible, but is a personal thing.

my 2cents

Re: lvl 1-60 waypoint?

Posted: Tue Dec 20, 2011 4:57 pm
by BillDoorNZ
I agree to some extent (no, I can never agree with anyone but myself completely ;)

The way I see something like this possibly working would be:

1) Build a set of waypoints for main arterial routes throughout the game world.
2) Build a waypoint file per quest / quest-set - where a quest-set is a group of quests that are related by things like location and things that need to be killed (e.g. collect 10 bear paws for quest A and 10 bear skins for quest B - clearly these two can be completed at the same time) or things that need to be killed/collected in the same area (e.g. wolf cubs and fungi in starting area - get both quests and run around pillaging).
2.a) Might be worth building multiple waypoint files for this or even have randomised routes.
3) Detail level ranges for each of the quests (simple enough) and 'attach' them to the main arterial routes so the bot knows where it needs to go to start said quest
4) Build algorithms for making movement more humanlike (smooth turning - while running, jumping and more intelligent path deviation - no running back to hit a waypoint and no running exact routes)
5) Build algorithms for random selection of which quests the bot will select that don't select the same quests all the time - thus the need for level ranges in quests and numerous quests of similar level

I'm sure theres more, but for me, thats the direction I would take

Re: lvl 1-60 waypoint?

Posted: Tue Dec 20, 2011 8:08 pm
by rock5
imaginethat wrote:I have been working on getting a bot level automatically and so far I have it getting to level 50. I do almost no questing,
I'm curious, how long would it take to get to level 50 without doing quests? It takes me 2-3 days doing all the quests in Coast of Opportunity and Xaviera (manually).

Re: lvl 1-60 waypoint?

Posted: Tue Dec 20, 2011 10:12 pm
by imaginethat
I have never run a bot from 1-50 in one go, as I keep adding things to it, and tweaking, like auto upgrading equipment (not really an option at the moment) and auto levelling skills (ongoing as I run different classes through the script), using the giftbags up to level 50+. I have automated all these to keep the bots bags as empty as possible, skills as up to date as possible.
I do not run the bot for more than maybe 3 hours at a stretch. I only run the bot while I am at the computer.
If it was to run continuously, it may take a week I guess, but that is a very broad guess. It would depend on the gear you had on. Obviously the better gear you had on, the bigger mobs you could take on, so the XP per/min would be much higher.
I am at the stage of running a bot through it from level 1 and just fine tuning, removing bugs, possible traps for the bot, and filling in the skill level and giftbag tables.

Re: lvl 1-60 waypoint?

Posted: Wed Dec 21, 2011 3:00 pm
by imaginethat
just another comment...
I think questing and levelling manually is faster than solely grinding, but I was not aiming for speed, I was doing this mainly as a learning and curiosity exercise in creating an AI bot.
I have added in functionality in the bot to add both daily quests (have it doing a small number) and main quests, but have not added any quest waypoints, so it is not doing any. It would be easy to add them in as they are created, as the bot is based around a "ToDo" list, and quests is part of that todo list.

Re: lvl 1-60 waypoint?

Posted: Wed Dec 21, 2011 9:45 pm
by MiesterMan
rock5 wrote:
imaginethat wrote:I have been working on getting a bot level automatically and so far I have it getting to level 50. I do almost no questing,
I'm curious, how long would it take to get to level 50 without doing quests? It takes me 2-3 days doing all the quests in Coast of Opportunity and Xaviera (manually).
1-30 in grind, depending on the class, takes about 3 days. After that it increases exponentially.
That is assuming you aren't passing twinked gear to them.

I don't think you can grind all the way up to 50, somewhere in the late 40s you need to get statted gear (for grind). Forget questing or grinding past 50 without statted gear. That's why they started implementing pay to win.

Re: lvl 1-60 waypoint?

Posted: Mon Dec 26, 2011 6:45 pm
by kanta
It "might" be possible if you have the bots do the mini games every day once they are able. Then use the Shell stats combined with 2 stat fusion stones. Of course this will require manual intervention as I don't know if it would be possible, or even worthwhile, to figure out the coding to automatically do this. If you do this upgrading, you bypass the "pay to win" problem for the most part.

nvm, just remembered you have to be higher level to get shells.