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patch on 7 sept 11, official forum topic

Posted: Tue Sep 06, 2011 8:07 pm
by lisa
Ok I just got online, d/l patch as I write this.

So yes there has been a patch and as always the addresses will have changed.

In the mean time check this topic here for how to find the new addresses.

Please post any addresses you may have found in this topic.

All other topics created about patch will be locked.

Code: Select all

addresses = {
	actionBarPtr = 0xA1BB24,
	actionKeyId_offset = 0x10,
	actionKeyType_offset = 0xC,
	boundStatusOffset = 0x40,
	camPtr_offset = 0x46C,
	camXUVec_offset = 0x128,
	camX_offset = 0x104,
	camYUVec_offset = 0x12C,
	camY_offset = 0x108,
	camZUVec_offset = 0x130,
	camZ_offset = 0x10C,
	castingBarPtr = 0xA1BC10,
	castingBar_offset = 0xC,
	charAlive_offset = 0x224,
	charBattle_offset = 0x732,
	charClassInfoBase = 0x9D2858,
	charClassInfoLevel_offset = 0x20,
	charClassInfoTP_offset = 0xC,
	charClassInfoXP_offset = 0x4,
	charExp_address = 0x9C7868,
	charMaxExpTable_address = 0xA14320,
	charPtrMounted_offset = 0x7C,
	charPtr_offset = 0x598,
	coolDownOffset = 0xE8,
	durabilityOffset = 0x18,
	editBoxHasFocus_address = 0xA18FEC,
	effectDuration_offset = 0x9C,
	effectIsMainFlag_offset = 0x90,
	effectType_offset = 0x94,
	eggPetAptitude_offset = 0x54,
	eggPetBaseAddress = 0x9E0480,
	eggPetCrafting_offset = 0x34,
	eggPetDex_offset = 0x68,
	eggPetEggId_offset = 0x20,
	eggPetExp_offset = 0x40,
	eggPetHerbalism_offset = 0xD8,
	eggPetInt_offset = 0x6C,
	eggPetLevel_offset = 0x2C,
	eggPetLoyalty_offset = 0x4C,
	eggPetMaxExpTablePtr = 0xA145AC,
	eggPetMaxTP_offset = 0x48,
	eggPetMining_offset = 0xD0,
	eggPetNourishment_offset = 0x50,
	eggPetPetId_offset = 0x28,
	eggPetProducts_offset = 0x16C,
	eggPetSkills_offset = 0x7C,
	eggPetSta_offset = 0x64,
	eggPetStr_offset = 0x60,
	eggPetSummoned_offset = 0x38,
	eggPetTP_offset = 0x44,
	eggPetToolId_offset = 0xE4,
	eggPetTraining_offset = 0x58,
	eggPetWis_offset = 0x70,
	eggPetWoodworking_offset = 0xD4,
	hotkeysKey_offset = 0x54,
	hotkeysPtr = 0xA1D210,
	hotkeys_offset = 0x28,
	idCardNPCOffset = 0x364,
	idOffset = 0xC,
	idRecipeItemOffset = 0xF0,
	inUseOffset = 0x1C,
	inventoryBagIds = 0x9DCE9C,
	itemCountOffset = 0x10,
	itemInfoOffset = 0x10,
	itemSetSkillsBase = 0x9E2038,
	itemStatsOffset = 0x20,
	loadingScreenPtr = 0xA1D320,
	loadingScreen_offset = 0xC,
	macroBody_offset = 0x118,
	macroIcon_offset = 0x14,
	macroId_offset = 0x10,
	macroName_offset = 0x18,
	macroSize = 0x508,
	maxDurabilityOffset = 0x15,
	maxStackOffset = 0x1C,
	moneyPtr = 0x9D918C,
	mousePtr_offset = 0x744,
	nameOffset = 0xC,
	partyIconList_base = 0xA1D3E0,
	partyIconList_offset = 0xC,
	partyMemberList_address = 0x9E8FA0,
	partyMemberList_offset = 0x134,
	pawnAttackable_offset = 0x384,
	pawnBuffId_offset = 0x20,
	pawnBuffLevel_offset = 0x44,
	pawnBuffTimeLeft_offset = 0x30,
	pawnBuffsEnd_offset = 0x26C,
	pawnBuffsStart_offset = 0x268,
	pawnCasting_offset = 0x25C,
	pawnClass1_offset = 0x2FC,
	pawnClass2_offset = 0x304,
	pawnDirXUVec_offset = 0x34,
	pawnDirYUVec_offset = 0x38,
	pawnDirZUVec_offset = 0x3C,
	pawnGUID_offset = 0x20,
	pawnHP_offset = 0x2C8,
	pawnHarvesting_offset = 0x160,
	pawnId_offset = 0x14,
	pawnLevel2_offset = 0x308,
	pawnLevel_offset = 0x300,
	pawnLootable_offset = 0x388,
	pawnMP2_offset = 0x2DC,
	pawnMP_offset = 0x2D4,
	pawnMaxHP_offset = 0x2D0,
	pawnMaxMP2_offset = 0x2E0,
	pawnMaxMP_offset = 0x2D8,
	pawnMount_offset = 0xC4,
	pawnName_offset = 0x290,
	pawnPetPtr_offset = 0x280,
	pawnRace_offset = 0x310,
	pawnTargetPtr_offset = 0x274,
	pawnType_offset = 0x18,
	pawnX_offset = 0x28,
	pawnY_offset = 0x2C,
	pawnZ_offset = 0x30,
	ping_offset = 0x7A8,
	qualityBaseOffset = 0x40,
	qualityTierOffset = 0x16,
	realItemIdOffset = 0x98,
	rentBagBase = 0x9DDA44,
	requiredLevelOffset = 0x58,
	skillAoEFlag_offset = 0xA4,
	skillAsLevel_offset = 0x18,
	skillAttackFlag_offset = 0xB4,
	skillBuffFlag_offset = 0xEC,
	skillCastTime_offset = 0xF4,
	skillClass_offset = 0x304,
	skillCooldown_offset = 0xE8,
	skillEffectStart_offset = 0x188,
	skillItemSetAsLevel_offset = 0x328,
	skillLevel_offset = 0xC,
	skillMaxLevel_offset = 0xF4,
	skillPassiveFlag_offset = 0x94,
	skillPercentMana_offset = 0xCC,
	skillPowerTypeUsed_offset = 0xC0,
	skillPower_offset = 0xC4,
	skillRangeAoE_offset = 0xA0,
	skillRange_offset = 0x9C,
	skillRequiredEffectFlag_offset = 0xD0,
	skillRequiredEffect_offset = 0xD4,
	skillRequiredEffectsStart_offset = 0x190,
	skillSelfBuffFlag_offset = 0xE0,
	skillTPToLevel_offset = 0x8,
	skillTargetType_offset = 0x98,
	skillTypeFlag1_offset = 0xF0,
	skillTypeFlag2_offset = 0x2FE,
	skillTypeFlag3_offset = 0x2FF,
	skillTypeFlag4_offset = 0x314,
	skillTypeFlag5_offset = 0x315,
	skillTypeFlag6_offset = 0xBA,
	skillTypeFlag7_offset = 0x300,
	skillTypeFlag8_offset = 0xE4,
	skillTypeFlag9_offset = 0x274,
	skillsTableBase = 0xA1E708,
	skillsTableTabEndAddress_offset = 0x8,
	skillsTableTabStartAddress_offset = 0x4,
	 staticEquipBase = 0x9C916C,
	staticInventory = 0x9D61B8,
	 staticTablePtr = 0xA1EA00,
	 staticTableSize = 0xA1E9FC,
	 staticbase_char = 0x9C77FC,
	 staticbase_macro = 0xA1D354,
	 staticpattern_char = 0x645204,
	 staticpattern_macro = 0x757B65,
	tableDataStartPtrOffset = 0x1C,
	tableStartPtrOffset = 0x124,
	tablesBase = 0x9EA22C,
	tablesBaseOffset = 0x28,
	typeOffset = 0x78,
	valueOffset = 0x34,

Re: patch update 7/9/11, official forum post.

Posted: Tue Sep 06, 2011 8:16 pm
by lisa
Some have made some progress already, posting their comments here.
fobsauce wrote:If these kids would stop making new threads they may be able to see this...
tablesBase = 0x9EA22C, -- it moved from 1C to 2C
castingBarPtr = 0xA1BC10,
editBoxHasFocus_address = 0xA18FEC,
skillsTableBase = 0xA1E708, -- SpiralV

Yoder wrote:Here is my address.lua with the changes made have not tested combat but Millers is working

Code: Select all

-- Auto-generated by update.lua
addresses = {
	actionBarPtr = 0xA1BB24,
	actionKeyId_offset = 0x10,
	actionKeyType_offset = 0xC,
	boundStatusOffset = 0x40,
	camPtr_offset = 0x46C,
	camXUVec_offset = 0x128,
	camX_offset = 0x104,
	camYUVec_offset = 0x12C,
	camY_offset = 0x108,
	camZUVec_offset = 0x130,
	camZ_offset = 0x10C,
	castingBarPtr = 0xA1BC10,
	castingBar_offset = 0xC,
	charAlive_offset = 0x224,
	charBattle_offset = 0x732,
	charClassInfoBase = 0x9D2858,
	charClassInfoLevel_offset = 0x20,
	charClassInfoTP_offset = 0xC,
	charClassInfoXP_offset = 0x4,
	charExp_address = 0x9C7868,
	charMaxExpTable_address = 0xA14320,
	charPtrMounted_offset = 0x7C,
	charPtr_offset = 0x598,
	coolDownOffset = 0xE8,
	durabilityOffset = 0x18,
	editBoxHasFocus_address = 0xA18FC4,
	effectDuration_offset = 0x9C,
	effectIsMainFlag_offset = 0x90,
	effectType_offset = 0x94,
	eggPetAptitude_offset = 0x54,
	eggPetBaseAddress = 0x9E0480,
	eggPetCrafting_offset = 0x34,
	eggPetDex_offset = 0x68,
	eggPetEggId_offset = 0x20,
	eggPetExp_offset = 0x40,
	eggPetHerbalism_offset = 0xD8,
	eggPetInt_offset = 0x6C,
	eggPetLevel_offset = 0x2C,
	eggPetLoyalty_offset = 0x4C,
	eggPetMaxExpTablePtr = 0xA145AC,
	eggPetMaxTP_offset = 0x48,
	eggPetMining_offset = 0xD0,
	eggPetNourishment_offset = 0x50,
	eggPetPetId_offset = 0x28,
	eggPetProducts_offset = 0x16C,
	eggPetSkills_offset = 0x7C,
	eggPetSta_offset = 0x64,
	eggPetStr_offset = 0x60,
	eggPetSummoned_offset = 0x38,
	eggPetTP_offset = 0x44,
	eggPetToolId_offset = 0xE4,
	eggPetTraining_offset = 0x58,
	eggPetWis_offset = 0x70,
	eggPetWoodworking_offset = 0xD4,
	hotkeysKey_offset = 0x54,
	hotkeysPtr = 0xA1D210,
	hotkeys_offset = 0x28,
	idCardNPCOffset = 0x364,
	idOffset = 0xC,
	idRecipeItemOffset = 0xF0,
	inUseOffset = 0x1C,
	inventoryBagIds = 0x9DCE9C,
	itemCountOffset = 0x10,
	itemInfoOffset = 0x10,
	itemSetSkillsBase = 0x9E2038,
	itemStatsOffset = 0x20,
	loadingScreenPtr = 0xA1D320,
	loadingScreen_offset = 0xC,
	macroBody_offset = 0x118,
	macroIcon_offset = 0x14,
	macroId_offset = 0x10,
	macroName_offset = 0x18,
	macroSize = 0x508,
	maxDurabilityOffset = 0x15,
	maxStackOffset = 0x1C,
	moneyPtr = 0x9D918C,
	mousePtr_offset = 0x744,
	nameOffset = 0xC,
	partyIconList_base = 0xA1D3B8,
	partyIconList_offset = 0xC,
	partyMemberList_address = 0x9E8F90,
	partyMemberList_offset = 0x134,
	pawnAttackable_offset = 0x384,
	pawnBuffId_offset = 0x20,
	pawnBuffLevel_offset = 0x44,
	pawnBuffTimeLeft_offset = 0x30,
	pawnBuffsEnd_offset = 0x26C,
	pawnBuffsStart_offset = 0x268,
	pawnCasting_offset = 0x25C,
	pawnClass1_offset = 0x2FC,
	pawnClass2_offset = 0x304,
	pawnDirXUVec_offset = 0x34,
	pawnDirYUVec_offset = 0x38,
	pawnDirZUVec_offset = 0x3C,
	pawnGUID_offset = 0x20,
	pawnHP_offset = 0x2C8,
	pawnHarvesting_offset = 0x160,
	pawnId_offset = 0x14,
	pawnLevel2_offset = 0x308,
	pawnLevel_offset = 0x300,
	pawnLootable_offset = 0x388,
	pawnMP2_offset = 0x2DC,
	pawnMP_offset = 0x2D4,
	pawnMaxHP_offset = 0x2D0,
	pawnMaxMP2_offset = 0x2E0,
	pawnMaxMP_offset = 0x2D8,
	pawnMount_offset = 0xC4,
	pawnName_offset = 0x290,
	pawnPetPtr_offset = 0x280,
	pawnRace_offset = 0x310,
	pawnTargetPtr_offset = 0x274,
	pawnType_offset = 0x18,
	pawnX_offset = 0x28,
	pawnY_offset = 0x2C,
	pawnZ_offset = 0x30,
	ping_offset = 0x7A8,
	qualityBaseOffset = 0x40,
	qualityTierOffset = 0x16,
	realItemIdOffset = 0x98,
	rentBagBase = 0x9DDA44,
	requiredLevelOffset = 0x58,
	skillAoEFlag_offset = 0xA4,
	skillAsLevel_offset = 0x18,
	skillAttackFlag_offset = 0xB4,
	skillBuffFlag_offset = 0xEC,
	skillCastTime_offset = 0xF4,
	skillClass_offset = 0x304,
	skillCooldown_offset = 0xE8,
	skillEffectStart_offset = 0x188,
	skillItemSetAsLevel_offset = 0x328,
	skillLevel_offset = 0xC,
	skillMaxLevel_offset = 0xF4,
	skillPassiveFlag_offset = 0x94,
	skillPercentMana_offset = 0xCC,
	skillPowerTypeUsed_offset = 0xC0,
	skillPower_offset = 0xC4,
	skillRangeAoE_offset = 0xA0,
	skillRange_offset = 0x9C,
	skillRequiredEffectFlag_offset = 0xD0,
	skillRequiredEffect_offset = 0xD4,
	skillRequiredEffectsStart_offset = 0x190,
	skillSelfBuffFlag_offset = 0xE0,
	skillTPToLevel_offset = 0x8,
	skillTargetType_offset = 0x98,
	skillTypeFlag1_offset = 0xF0,
	skillTypeFlag2_offset = 0x2FE,
	skillTypeFlag3_offset = 0x2FF,
	skillTypeFlag4_offset = 0x314,
	skillTypeFlag5_offset = 0x315,
	skillTypeFlag6_offset = 0xBA,
	skillTypeFlag7_offset = 0x300,
	skillTypeFlag8_offset = 0xE4,
	skillTypeFlag9_offset = 0x274,
	skillsTableBase = 0xA1E6E0,
	skillsTableTabEndAddress_offset = 0x8,
	skillsTableTabStartAddress_offset = 0x4,
	staticEquipBase = 0x9C916C,
	staticInventory = 0x9D61B8,
	staticTablePtr = 0xA1EA00,
	staticTableSize = 0xA1EA04,
	staticbase_char = 0x9C77FC,
	staticbase_macro = 0xA1D354,
	staticpattern_char = 0x5E3387,
	staticpattern_macro = 0x757B65,
	tableDataStartPtrOffset = 0x1C,
	tableStartPtrOffset = 0x124,
	tablesBase = 0x9EA22C,
	tablesBaseOffset = 0x28,
	typeOffset = 0x78,
	valueOffset = 0x34,

Re: patch update 7/9/11, official forum post.

Posted: Tue Sep 06, 2011 9:11 pm
by rock5
2 comments. I'd still like to see the patch number in the title and I suggest, when redirecting people to this thread, you include a link to this thread.

Re: patch update 7/9/11, official forum post.

Posted: Tue Sep 06, 2011 9:58 pm
by lisa
Yeah I didn't know patch number as I hadn't finished d/l yet, thats why I put the date in topic. I can edit in the patch number now.

Also at work, done what I could and added to first post, if someone can get any I missed and put it all together would be nice, thanks =)

I can still edit first post as needed.

Re: patch update 7/9/11, official forum post. patch

Posted: Tue Sep 06, 2011 10:06 pm
by rock5
I'll start work on it

Re: patch update 7/9/11, official forum post. patch

Posted: Tue Sep 06, 2011 10:21 pm
by Dsanchez
just wondering... why update.lua doesn't fix these addresses?


Re: patch update 7/9/11, official forum post. patch

Posted: Tue Sep 06, 2011 10:45 pm
by rock5
When update.lua doesn't work it means the patterns to find those addresses don't work anymore. It just means more has changed than can be accounted for. The patterns will need to be updated before update.lua will work again.

Re: patch update 7/9/11, official forum post. patch

Posted: Tue Sep 06, 2011 10:47 pm
by rock5
charMaxExpTable_address = 0xA2CB34
didn't work for me. This is the address I get.


Re: patch update 7/9/11, official forum post. patch

Posted: Tue Sep 06, 2011 11:00 pm
by lisa
yeah confirmed, I messed that 1 up =(
the address you posted is right.

Re: patch on 7 sept 11, official forum topic

Posted: Tue Sep 06, 2011 11:39 pm
by rock5
I thought I'd try running update.lua with the above changes. It ran successfully. The only thing it changed though was

staticTableSize to 0xA1EA04

which looks more correct to me seeing as it's 4 more than staticTablePtr which is the way it was previously.

Re: patch on 7 sept 11, official forum topic

Posted: Tue Sep 06, 2011 11:42 pm
by rock5
I spoke too soon, it also changed

staticpattern_char = 0x5E3387,
staticpattern_macro = 0x757B65,

I can't check these values myself as I don't understand them, so I don't know which are correct.

Re: patch on 7 sept 11, official forum topic

Posted: Tue Sep 06, 2011 11:54 pm
by lisa
staticpattern_char = 0x5E3387,
cant be right, that address is a test ebp,ebp

it should be a mov eax, dword
pretty sure the address I posted is correct.

staticpattern_macro = 0x757B65,
is correct, same as i posted.

Re: patch on 7 sept 11, official forum topic

Posted: Wed Sep 07, 2011 12:40 am
by lisa
rock5 wrote:I thought I'd try running update.lua with the above changes. It ran successfully. The only thing it changed though was

staticTableSize to 0xA1EA04

which looks more correct to me seeing as it's 4 more than staticTablePtr which is the way it was previously.
that address doesn't show up in a search for constants, can't be right.

Re: patch on 7 sept 11, official forum topic

Posted: Wed Sep 07, 2011 12:59 am
by rock5
lisa wrote:
rock5 wrote:I thought I'd try running update.lua with the above changes. It ran successfully. The only thing it changed though was

staticTableSize to 0xA1EA04

which looks more correct to me seeing as it's 4 more than staticTablePtr which is the way it was previously.
that address doesn't show up in a search for constants, can't be right.
I don't know about that but all the addresses in that memory region are static address. Both the address before and the one after staticTablePtr show the size and change at the same time. I don't know why it does it in 2 places. In revision 625 it was changed from the one before to the one after. There was probably some reason for it but I can't remember what it was.

In the end it doesn't matter. If using your method it's better to be the one before, then that's ok.

Edit: That means update.lua needs to be changed.

Re: patch on 7 sept 11, official forum topic

Posted: Wed Sep 07, 2011 1:14 am
by rock5
You forgot to add the updated tablesBase to the first post.

Lisa couldn't you test itemSetSkillsBase? I don't have any itemset skills. Just add an itemset skill to your profile, start the commandline and check that those skills values are correct id and aslevel.

Re: patch on 7 sept 11, official forum topic

Posted: Wed Sep 07, 2011 1:34 am
by Ghozie
can you post the latest address.lua that working in patch

Re: patch on 7 sept 11, official forum topic

Posted: Wed Sep 07, 2011 1:35 am
by Ghozie
lisa's adress.lua is the latest??

Re: patch on 7 sept 11, official forum topic

Posted: Wed Sep 07, 2011 1:44 am
by lisa
updated first post with what I am testing atm, it all seems to be working for me.

I also updated swim hack in the userfunctions section.

Re: patch on 7 sept 11, official forum topic

Posted: Wed Sep 07, 2011 1:47 am
by lisa
rock5 wrote:You forgot to add the updated tablesBase to the first post.

Lisa couldn't you test itemSetSkillsBase? I don't have any itemset skills. Just add an itemset skill to your profile, start the commandline and check that those skills values are correct id and aslevel.
K I'll test that next, While updating I noticed quite a few addresses were the same as before patch, not all though so still had to go looking anyway lol

I have it running atm and no errors and seems ok, I'll do some more testing and I'll check the itemsetskill a little later

Re: patch on 7 sept 11, official forum topic

Posted: Wed Sep 07, 2011 2:11 am
by rock5
partyMemberList_address = 0x9E8FA0

I tested everything. I found all other values unchanged.