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SOLUTION: If you have trouble running bot after RoM update

Posted: Tue Sep 06, 2011 12:49 pm
by kanta
You would think by now that everyone would know that when there's a game update, there will be issues with the bot. Wait till the coders get the update and then wait a little more. We aren't all in the same time zone here, learn the valued skill called PATIENCE. If you don't have this skill leveled up, I suggest going outside, running around, grabbing a bite to eat and gain some TP to put into it.

The fixes will be out when they are out. No amount of badgering the coders will make it go faster, in fact, that may make it go slower. Leave them be, they will say when they get things working, or even partially working. There's no sense in making a dozen different posts saying the bot doesn't work. Once the coders get the update, they will see the problem and THEN be able to fix it.

So again, just wait. Solutions are on their way. Either play manually for now or go find another game to play for a day or two.

Re: SOLUTION: If you have trouble running bot after RoM upda

Posted: Tue Sep 06, 2011 1:24 pm
by Germangold
Your word in gods hands!
thank you...

Re: SOLUTION: If you have trouble running bot after RoM upda

Posted: Tue Sep 06, 2011 5:11 pm
by Slain Reaper
This is the dumbest post i have seen, if u have read about the rules and stuff you would know that if ppl dont post theyre problem it will not be fixed, its not harrasing the coders its letting them know more then just 2 people have the issue, and you are ranting about how u would negative rep if there was rep power, you in fact are the one making the useless posts.

@ On Topic: There was no topic to stay on, close thread please.

Re: SOLUTION: If you have trouble running bot after RoM upda

Posted: Tue Sep 06, 2011 5:47 pm
by AZV
FAIL ... thats no solution ... only a strategy

even if the core is right and I agree with it youre just doing what youre ranting about ... useless posts

Re: SOLUTION: If you have trouble running bot after RoM upda

Posted: Tue Sep 06, 2011 7:18 pm
by kanta
No, it's the plain truth. All the coders know that when there's a RoM update the addresses need fixed. But since that's only your first post I guess you just didn't know. I won't insult you for your ignorance in this matter. I'm not gonna take offense by someone that made an account and has only one post.

I said nothing about useless posts. My topic was about making several threads about the same topic. The bot not working. Constantly posting more and more about the same problem that they know about is not helpful.

Look at my join date. I've been here a while, I've contributed to helping people. I've helped with some of the lesser coding problems people have had. I've seen the maddening annoyance that everyone starting a thread about the same issue causes the main coders. I've seen all the posts people make where it's obvious they have read nothing else to see that it's already been acknowledged... No reading, no using the forum search, not trying at all to find out if the problem has been addressed, just wanting to voice their complaints...

So yes. The solution is to wait. It's been said many times before and it's obvious it will be said many times in the future because people won't take the time to look before posting.

Re: SOLUTION: If you have trouble running bot after RoM upda

Posted: Tue Sep 06, 2011 8:58 pm
by rock5
Kantas intention is good and he does have a point. Unfortunately I don't think it will help. Those that have been here long enough will know the score. The newbies though will always post a dozen post about it not working. And there will always be newbies. And newbies usually wont search for other posts to see if someone has already posted about the problem or wont recognise that it's the same problem. So we always have to deal with new patches like this. Don't worry we're used to it. :)

Re: SOLUTION: If you have trouble running bot after RoM upda

Posted: Tue Sep 06, 2011 9:11 pm
by lisa
8 addresses down, lots to go. On a side note seems I can't lock topics rock, it only gives me delete option. Do you have a lock option?

Re: SOLUTION: If you have trouble running bot after RoM upda

Posted: Tue Sep 06, 2011 9:34 pm
by rock5
Let me just double check. If you edit a post, down the bottom where you have the options

Disable BBCode
Disable smilies
Do not automatically parse URLs
Attach a signature (signatures can be altered via the UCP)
Notify me when a reply is posted

you don't have "Lock Topic"?

Re: SOLUTION: If you have trouble running bot after RoM upda

Posted: Tue Sep 06, 2011 9:47 pm
by lisa
nope, there is a lock post to prevent editing, no lock topic anywhere. Pretty sure I used to just click moderator options and there was a lock topic option there but it only has delete now.

Re: SOLUTION: If you have trouble running bot after RoM upda

Posted: Tue Sep 06, 2011 10:05 pm
by rock5
That's where it is for me. Just used it on "613 Changelog". Strange that you can't do it if you are a moderator. Talk to Administrator.

Re: SOLUTION: If you have trouble running bot after RoM upda

Posted: Tue Sep 06, 2011 10:14 pm
by lisa
Yeah I used to have the lock topic option, maybe admin thought I was being heavy handed with it lmao

Re: SOLUTION: If you have trouble running bot after RoM upda

Posted: Tue Sep 06, 2011 11:43 pm
by Slain Reaper
My post count and my join date has nothing to do with my IQ/ reading ability, Azn has been here the same time u have and has 9 post.. some people just dont post b/c it doesnt serve a huge purpose when u can search stuff. My point is simply that your saying for people not to make a dozen post about the same issue, and to use search etc etc, when its obvious some ppl just make post/ threads b/c they can. Some people maybe think its cool to make a post who knows maybe theyre 10 and think a thread is a big deal. Either way ur saying not to make countless posts when this post is serving no purpose. Its a huge contradiction.

Have fun, Happy Botting.

Re: SOLUTION: If you have trouble running bot after RoM upda

Posted: Tue Sep 06, 2011 11:51 pm
by rock5
I think enough has been said on this topic and it's getting repetative.

Locking topic.