Question about Cyclops Lair Bot

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Question about Cyclops Lair Bot

#1 Post by ichmagbotsyay » Tue Aug 09, 2011 7:45 am

I've been using Gold-Egg bots and 1-10 Transmutor bots for quite a while now and wanted to try out a CL-farm-bot. Setting up the waypoints for the bot and making it auto-sell is no problem, I can do that myself. I just have a question about how my char will have to be equipped.

I'm currently playing my char (Mage/Priest) to get him up to level 60 (not further, because it's still sort of quick to get him to 60^^). Then I want to equip him to farm CL, but I don't want to spend too much money on it. So, what do you guys suggest I equip him with? No items have to be named, I just sort of want to know how much HP and matk he has to have.

Anyone with experience with CL-botting, who could tell me how his char is equipped, would be very helpful.
Thanks in advance,

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Re: Question about Cyclops Lair Bot

#2 Post by lisa » Tue Aug 09, 2011 8:42 am

you could easy get by with 12k hp and 10k mattack, both of which you can reach just by dirty stating white OD items for cheap.
If you can do survival game from the minigames then you can prob farm CL. just make sure your prieswt side is 40+ and you get the elites, need higher lvl heals for soloing bosses.
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Re: Question about Cyclops Lair Bot

#3 Post by ichmagbotsyay » Tue Aug 09, 2011 10:08 am

Thanks for the quick reply :)
That's what I was going to try, but I wanted to make sure that it would be enough, so I wouldn't crap stat my char and then just have wasted all that money.
What kind of weapon is enough? I was thinking of a Root of Nightmares... maybe +6, tier 7 or 8... so it doesn't cost that much :D
Or maybe an Aok Prayer +6, T7 or T8, because that's not much more expensive (but I'll have to get my char to 65 -.-)... just wondering if a Root of Nightmares is enough to solo the bosses?

And what do you mean by crapstatting exactly? :P
Do you mean using things like "Intellect X" and stuff like that? (if yes, how exactly would I go about doing so, I've never actually crapstatting anything like this :P)
Or do you mean using 3 good stats (my mainchar is good enough to get his hands on temple stats) with a crap fusionstone so I would have things like Int/Sta, Int/matk, matk/LP from temple together with 3 "I" stats that don't really do anything?^^

And what kind of skills are you using? I was thinking of either making my char only use flame, so that he one-hits everything and doesn't pull aggro. But that would be kind of slow... so then I thought of making him use Purgatory Fire and just run through everything, but then he would take damage and maybe die^^ So any feedback on what skills to use would be nice :D

And how do I make my char do the first boss Podag without dying? Since there's a lot of trash mobs around him that will get pulled if the boss is attacked (and they stun, so I'm pretty sure that I'll die), I want my char to kill the trash mobs first and run away when Podag comes, until all the trash is dead, so he can then fight Podag 1 on 1 :D. Any suggestions on how to do that?

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Re: Question about Cyclops Lair Bot

#4 Post by kanta » Tue Aug 09, 2011 6:51 pm

Just to give you an idea to start from, I'll show you the code I used to use before I could take the entire room with Boddosh (Podag). This is from a while ago (the code is quite ugly), the targeting methods have evolved in the bot a bit and I've since learned new ways to do things but maybe this will at least give you an idea.

Code: Select all

	<!-- # 19 --><waypoint x="3541" z="2695" y="47">
   changeProfileOption("MAX_TARGET_DIST", 400);
   local startwait = os.clock()
   while ( 120 > (os.clock() - startwait) ) do
      local target = player:getTarget();
      if(target.Name == "Boddosh") then
         player:restrnd(101, 8, 12);
I'll explain a little what the code does. First 2 lines are just targeting range and defining a "timer". Line 3: It waits up to 2 minutes until Boddosh comes within range. Lines 4 - 6: Once it has registered that Boddosh is in that range it begins an 8 to 12 second waiting period (Line 7) for Boddosh to move to the end of his path into the room then begin walking back to the hallway away from you. Once that time has elapsed the bot will then move to the next waypoint.

If someone (*waves at Rock*) would like to clean the code up with more recent commands, feel free. I would but I need to get to bed.
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Re: Question about Cyclops Lair Bot

#5 Post by rock5 » Wed Aug 10, 2011 8:08 am

The only outdated command is 'findTarget'. It could be changed to 'findNearestNameOrId' but, because it can detect at a greater distance, the 8-12 second timing probably wouldn't work. I say if it still works reliably just use it as it is.
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Re: Question about Cyclops Lair Bot

#6 Post by ichmagbotsyay » Wed Aug 10, 2011 8:45 pm

thanks for the reply^^ that findTarget command will come in usefull

but my other question has not yet been answered :(
if my char (lvl 65 mage / 40 priest) has around 12k hp and 10k matk and an aok prayer +6 t8 staff, will he be easily able to run through using purgatory fire? if yes, then is there a way to change his fighting behavior when he comes in contact with Podag/Boddosh so that he doesnt attack him with purgatory fire but with flame and fireball and all that stuff?^^

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