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621, inclusion of phirius potions

Posted: Mon Jul 25, 2011 4:38 am
by lisa
--=== Please update to rev 622, had to fix party.lua ===--

I managed to get the usage of phirius potions to where I am very happy with it so I commited the changes.

If you have the option set to true in profile
it will first check you health % and then check to use phirius health potion, if none then it will try to use the phirius for both mana and health.
Then it will check your mana % and check if you have mana phirius and if not then check the phirius for both mana and health.

it will then check normal potions regardless of it used a phirius or not.

If you don't have the profile option set to true then it will check normal potions as it always did.

Check the new Default profile for options on how to include it into bot usage.

I did an update of default profile, added in autosell options, phirius potions options and added a lot more skills into the skills section.
With the major update to how skills are used we can now add the skills to profile even if the character doesn't know the skills yet because of lvl. When the character levels up it will automatically use the skills.

Added in a folder for keeping logs, it will make userfunctions that record data more compatible across the board and make it easier to keep track of information you may wish to keep.
Just need to adjust userfunctions to use that folder.

Re: 621, inclusion of phirius potions

Posted: Mon Jul 25, 2011 5:02 am
by lisa
If you want to test this without actually using the pots, head to your bank, open it up and keep it open.
Just run bot with wander and set wander to 0 in your profile, so you don't move anywhere.

Now switch your gear to secondary gear. Your max HP will probably drop, then switch back to main gear. you will have the same HP as before switching back but your max HP will be back to normal (much higher)

If you still have the bank open, the bot will try to use potions, which will just move the potions into your bank and not actually use the item.

Read the MM window and it will say what it is using. I would suguest having your bank full when doing this. You will just get a message your bank is full which is fine but the MM prints will actually say the name of the item and quantity where as if it moves the items to the bank it will just say <EMPTY> for the name and quantity of 0 because the items arn't in your bag anymore.

Re: 621, inclusion of phirius potions

Posted: Mon Jul 25, 2011 6:11 am
by rock5
I think the skills list in the default profile will probably need tweeking as time goes by. It's hard for 1 person to test for every classes optimal skill set. Althoug I guess you, Lisa, are the one to do it, with all the characters you've been leveling recently. :)

Why did you change the name for "RES_AFTER_DEATH"?

Why did you set the autosell slots to include only the first bag? Wouldn't the obvious default value be both bags?

Re: 621, inclusion of phirius potions

Posted: Mon Jul 25, 2011 7:20 am
by lisa
rock5 wrote:Why did you change the name for "RES_AFTER_DEATH"?
The long name was annoying me in profile, thats pretty much only reason. It is set for backward compatability so either still works.
rock5 wrote:Why did you set the autosell slots to include only the first bag? Wouldn't the obvious default value be both bags?
I guess making it 1 and 60 by default would be logical, me personally I have all the stuff in bag 2 I never want sold, if I only have 2 bags. So that way it will never accidently sell your rune catapult or the stacks of phirius pots when they don't all contain the word potion in name.
So instead of listing absolutely everything I dont want sold to the nosell option I just add it to a place that will never get sold.

I also forgot to add in the nosell option into default, I must remember that for next commit, or you can next commit you do =)

Re: 621, inclusion of phirius potions

Posted: Mon Jul 25, 2011 7:41 am
by lisa
Ohh just on a personal opinion for usage of phirius

I think best usage for this would be to keep profile set to false and in a WP do a changeprofile on it before bosses or if you have real issues with HP in an instance just set it to true in the onload of the WP.

That way you won't use your phirius while just normal botting and save them for when you really need them.

The great thing about phirius potions is it is % based of maximum. If your character has 50,000 HP the lvl 66 normal potion is what 2000? which is very little compared to your HP. Where as the phirius will do 40%(depending on which one) so you will be healed for 20,000 HP which is 10 times the normal crappy potions.

Re: 621, inclusion of phirius potions

Posted: Mon Jul 25, 2011 8:14 am
by rock5
lisa wrote:I guess making it 1 and 60 by default would be logical, me personally I have all the stuff in bag 2 I never want sold, if I only have 2 bags. So that way it will never accidently sell your rune catapult or the stacks of phirius pots when they don't all contain the word potion in name.
So instead of listing absolutely everything I dont want sold to the nosell option I just add it to a place that will never get sold.
I think in the end the default values should mostly cater to the newbies. They will mostly just have things that they looted in their inventory. They wont move things around manaully and they expect the bot to take care of everything. Later on they will create personal profiles, have items they don't want sold and adjust the slot range like you and me. If we leave it as 30 they may end up starting posts asking "why aren't any of my items in the second bag selling?" =)

lisa wrote:I also forgot to add in the nosell option into default, I must remember that for next commit, or you can next commit you do =)
How about the other options? Maybe we should add them all with the most obvious default values?

Re: 621, inclusion of phirius potions

Posted: Mon Jul 25, 2011 8:18 am
by botje
i want my second bag to sell too xd

not good to exclude that, it would be better to start selling from third row in first bag if you want that, i do it to, important stuff is in first 2 rows, rest is sold.


Re: 621, inclusion of phirius potions

Posted: Mon Jul 25, 2011 8:37 am
by lisa
Lol it's just the default profile to show how the code works, you are "supposed" to change it to suit your own needs =)

Re: 621, inclusion of phirius potions

Posted: Mon Jul 25, 2011 9:40 am
by botje
i know, just playing a noob :p


Re: 621, inclusion of phirius potions

Posted: Mon Jul 25, 2011 11:33 pm
by lisa
had to fix party.lua please update to rev 622