bans on the miller's ranch

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bans on the miller's ranch

#1 Post by nerf » Wed Feb 23, 2011 1:34 pm

recently many people have been banned for using the bot on the farm of the miller, the ban is not permanent and only lasts a few days, my question is, is there any way to not detect my main account when Ban accounts using bot?
Sorry for my English

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Re: bans on the miller's ranch

#2 Post by S3v3n11 » Thu Feb 24, 2011 8:26 am

The short answer is no.

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Re: bans on the miller's ranch

#3 Post by Auto Pilot » Tue Mar 01, 2011 3:47 am

Not sure if I understood correctly the question, but if you want Frogster to not be able to link your bot accounts with your clean main you need :
- A different IP for main char & bots for the obvious part (it's not hard for them to find all accounts running on the IPs used by the bots they spot)
- Depending on the kind of information gathered by the game, maybe a different computer (or virtual machine)
- Depending on the transaction tracking, some intermediary accounts to transfer the money between bots & main, preferably on a 3rd IP

Short version: if you need to ask, Frogster can probably easily link your accounts ;) (and you should focus more on not getting detected at all)

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Re: bans on the miller's ranch

#4 Post by top1 » Sat Mar 12, 2011 4:04 am

when I bot with a different IP as with my mainaccount (disconnect ect.) how could they find out that the bot account and my mainaccount are related? are there certain ip-ranges when I reconnect? or do they gather those information from my client/pc somehow?

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Re: bans on the miller's ranch

#5 Post by Auto Pilot » Sat Mar 12, 2011 5:48 pm

For the IP change, if you're referring to the new IP you get with some ISP when you reboot the modem, then it can only be used to idenfity you as a client of XXXX ISP (and maybe, depending on ISP) that live in a certain area. Certainly not enough to establish that both account belong to the same person.

Well of course, if there are 50 bots and just 2 clean accounts from ISP XXX in city YYY, then they might decide to ban the 2 clean accounts too and assume they own the 50 bots.

For the "sure" stuff :
- You might have created the accounts on the same IP
- If you entered personnal informations, they might be the same
- You might have connected both account on the same IP at some point
- You might have transferred enough gold/items between the accounts to make it look like one is an alt account
- If both accounts are botting in the same place, watching one of them will certainly lead to them noticing the 2nd one

For the "maybe but probably not" stuff :
- RoM client might record your MAC address or anything else that can be used to identify your computer
- If both accounts are botting in different places, they might both get spotted by Frogster and banned at the same time as 2 separate botters would

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Re: bans on the miller's ranch

#6 Post by lisa » Sat Mar 12, 2011 9:26 pm

Auto Pilot wrote: For the "maybe but probably not" stuff :
- RoM client might record your MAC address or anything else that can be used to identify your computer
This has been confirmed, they deffinately use MAC address aswell as IP.

At the end of the day if you use a bot then chances are if your bot accounts get banned so will your other accounts regardless of if you have ever botted on them.

Something to keep in mind, they don't charge you a fee to play. If you tried to dispute a banning the best outcome would be money back and since they don't charge you then they have nothing to lose.
They could easily bann everyone and the only repurcusion would be bad publicity and loss of income from people who buy diamonds. If you tried to take them to court you wouldn't have a leg to stand on.
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Re: bans on the miller's ranch

#7 Post by MiesterMan » Mon Apr 11, 2011 1:27 pm

I don't understand this though. I've only ever been banned once and that was with one account while I was botting from the same IP on my laptop (which was not caught or banned).

Chances are then that they do use mac-address information. For that the question is what avenue they are collecting it from.

While it didn't appear to be IP driven the other difference was that my other bot was grinding instead of collecting. So I'd say if you had like 10 bots on the same computer farming miller's ranch then the chances of all of them being cause is a lot higher than botting on different computers doing different things.

I hope this helps but there's no real guarantee.

Edit: About the IP, the computers were obviously on a router that does NAT so my computers had generic IPs. I doubt the client is designed to disect packets to find your ip route and I'm still really suspicous of how they would get MAC address information.

What this means is, if they got the IP they couldn't attach it to any particular account as there are thousands if not millions using the same generic IPs.

Edit 2: And for the record, I botted 8 clients from the same machine in millers ranch for 3 weeks straight without being so much as warned once. I really don't know how you were being targeted unless you were selling the eggs from the accounts you were harvesting on (which people will report you as a botter for as their own guilty pleasure).

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Re: bans on the miller's ranch

#8 Post by Questionmark » Mon Apr 11, 2011 1:36 pm

How big is the chance to get caught botting (at Miller's Farm)? When I bot at Miller's Farm it's just for few hours a week and I use the (few) eggs en quest rewards for my own pets. I don't sell the golden eggs.

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Re: bans on the miller's ranch

#9 Post by Giram » Tue Apr 12, 2011 7:00 am

I have been farming every night and sometimes days since rock5 did that waypoint. I did sold eggs at first when those were good profit (15-50k ea) but now i have been farming for my self. Now those are like 8k ea. I have usually 1-2 bots running. Never had any warnings or bans. Imo they focus more on egg sellers than farmers who don't sell those on ah.

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Re: bans on the miller's ranch

#10 Post by Germangold » Tue Apr 12, 2011 2:51 pm

eggs on german server muinin sell less then 8.000 gold or on weekends even worse like 6.200 gold each

most of the players i know already maxed out 2 (!!) of their pets: one for main other for secondclass

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