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Rock5's Rocks!

Posted: Thu Nov 18, 2010 3:58 pm
by jduartedj
HI I was thinking as you(rock5) have already published some user functions of yours then why not create an organized db of user functions that are well coded/commented and/or documented so that it can be easily available to all?

And Why not start with a collection of Rock5's very good user function?
This could be organized in1 bid sticky or something...

Also why not promote a db of well coded/commented and/or documented waypoint files! Just imagine the work this might save to a lot of people, having the a list of waypoint files and just choosing!
ofc it would have to be well picked out to avoid publishing erroneous files but I may be able to dispense some time on this.

Re: Rock5's Rocks!

Posted: Thu Nov 18, 2010 4:48 pm
by swietlowka
i had an idea to implement the how u said well coded user function ora scripts to the rombot itself. but the idea didnt go through

Re: Rock5's Rocks!

Posted: Thu Nov 18, 2010 6:57 pm
by jduartedj
swietlowka wrote:i had an idea to implement the how u said well coded user function ora scripts to the rombot itself. but the idea didnt go through
No, I think using Rom-bot's SVN for that purpose wouldn't be beneficial!
At most we could have a rom-bot-archive dedicated svn or something but I was thinking more on the lines of having the information organized and easy of access!

Re: Rock5's Rocks!

Posted: Thu Nov 18, 2010 10:46 pm
by rock5
When the userfunctions file was first implemented I created a post with a few choice functions with the intention that it could be a storehouse of functions but not many commented and it's long gone.

Maybe it would be a good idea to have a sticky with a list of useful functions. Instead of having all the functions in that post I think it would be better to have short descriptions and links to the relevant post. That way each function can still have it's own dedicated post. So as a function gets developed and there are calls to add it to the sticky, it gets added.

What do you think?

Re: Rock5's Rocks!

Posted: Thu Nov 18, 2010 11:46 pm
by jduartedj
rock5 wrote:When the userfunctions file was first implemented I created a post with a few choice functions with the intention that it could be a storehouse of functions but not many commented and it's long gone.

Maybe it would be a good idea to have a sticky with a list of useful functions. Instead of having all the functions in that post I think it would be better to have short descriptions and links to the relevant post. That way each function can still have it's own dedicated post. So as a function gets developed and there are calls to add it to the sticky, it gets added.

What do you think?
That was pretty much what I had in mind plus a few things! Very well organised!
What is your take in doing the same with *proper* waypoint files?

Re: Rock5's Rocks!

Posted: Fri Nov 19, 2010 12:25 am
by rock5
jduartedj wrote:What is your take in doing the same with *proper* waypoint files?
People have brought this up before and it's never taken off. Mainly because if you work hard to create a really top-notch waypoint file you don't want a flood of people running the same waypoint file while you are.

I'm fine sharing my Miller's Ranch scripts because you are the only one in there. If I did instances I would probably share them too.

So I don't think you will get many contributions.

Re: Rock5's Rocks!

Posted: Fri Nov 19, 2010 4:31 am
by botje
yeah, i have to agree with rock, not only would'nt i want others to use my hours of work, but imagine we all would use the same waypoint...

would be weird seeying 20 bots running the exact path now would it not?

that would be a massive ban spree on frogsters side xd


Re: Rock5's Rocks!

Posted: Fri Nov 19, 2010 4:48 am
by swietlowka
i shared some of my open world scripts, but not before i stopped using them, maybe it was a mistake?

Re: Rock5's Rocks!

Posted: Fri Nov 19, 2010 11:11 am
by jduartedj
swietlowka wrote:i shared some of my open world scripts, but not before i stopped using them, maybe it was a mistake?
good point! Well I'm gonna compile a gigantic db on waypoint files, personal or shared.
This is for my ultimate-bot project which I have started to structure and already have a small demo of RF done (need to smooth a few edges though)

The thing is this project is going to connect all waypoint files so it is automatically managed whatever the level, but these have to be rock solid (maybe 'rock5' solid even?) because connecting so many paths greatly increases the chance for errors, sticks, etc...

Re: Rock5's Rocks!

Posted: Sat Nov 20, 2010 3:16 am
by barbarossa
my idea wars to make for all 1000 quests waypoinds so my bot run and doing self quest from beginning to end maps?
or more that 1000 quest? dont no!

Re: Rock5's Rocks!

Posted: Sat Nov 20, 2010 8:22 am
by jduartedj
Markus: There are more than 1000 quests in the game, just check the ranking! My idea is similar, would you like to work in my project?

Re: Rock5's Rocks!

Posted: Sat Nov 20, 2010 1:08 pm
by barbarossa
jduartedj wrote:Markus: There are more than 1000 quests in the game, just check the ranking! My idea is similar, would you like to work in my project?
is your projekt a life or just a idea?
will be nice too work on waypoints!

Re: Rock5's Rocks!

Posted: Sat Nov 20, 2010 1:13 pm
by jduartedj
markusbab wrote:
jduartedj wrote:Markus: There are more than 1000 quests in the game, just check the ranking! My idea is similar, would you like to work in my project?
is your projekt a life or just a idea?
will be nice too work on waypoints!
did you mean "alive" as in: currently in progress? then yes, but slowly as it is a Huge project and I have little help!

I have loads of work on waypoints that must be done, I already have a demo that is almost ready only need to tune it up.

If you want to work w/ me you can start right away. PM me