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Re: Shaiya bot

Posted: Sat May 23, 2009 8:38 pm
by basiclight
get this error when i try to exe shaiya.lua

Sat May 23 21:21:52 2009 : Executing script "shaiya.lua".

Sat May 23 21:22:04 2009 : findProcessByExe() returned 0. Process not found or other error occured.
Sat May 23 21:22:04 2009 : Error attempting to open process 0x0. Error code: 87 (The parameter is incorrect.).

stack traceback:
C:\Users\ll\Desktop\micromacro\lib\lib.lua:476: in function 'startMacro'
C:\Users\ll\Desktop\micromacro\scripts\shaiya.lua:357: in main chunk

----------TRACEBACK END----------

Sat May 23 21:22:04 2009 : C:\Users\ll\Desktop\micromacro\scripts\shaiya.lua:226: bad argument #1 to 'memoryReadIntPtr' ((null))
Sat May 23 21:22:04 2009 : Execution of shaiya.lua complete.
Sat May 23 21:22:04 2009 : Execution error: Runtime error
Sat May 23 21:22:04 2009 : Collecting garbage...
Sat May 23 21:22:04 2009 : 24KB freed.

Re: Shaiya bot

Posted: Sat May 23, 2009 8:58 pm
by Administrator
Looks like you haven't bypassed GameGuard. Fix it.

Re: Shaiya bot

Posted: Sat May 23, 2009 9:30 pm
by basiclight
your right, i was to fast on on the post sorry to wast your time.

I do one more for you if you got the time, everything working now But for some reason cant get it to use Hp pots have them on bar 1 and 2 slot 8 just like in the config but no luck any idea thanks

Re: Shaiya bot

Posted: Sat May 23, 2009 9:39 pm
by Administrator
The offsets probably changed. If I have some time later, I'll update the scripts.

Re: Shaiya bot

Posted: Sat May 23, 2009 9:40 pm
by basiclight
and again thanks

Re: Shaiya bot

Posted: Sun May 24, 2009 11:50 am
by basiclight
I see this been going on for some time now
Nasa210 wrote:my guy doesnt uise potions at all... is there something wrong?

Code: Select all

-- Title:           Shaiya Bot                                   --
-- Author:          Elverion                                     --
-- Date:            May 29, 2008                                 --
-- Requirements:    MicroMacro v0.97                             --
-- License:         Public Domain                                --
-- This script is public domain. You may use it in any way you   --
-- find appropriate without restriction. This includes, but is   --
-- not limited to, modification and distribution, whether it be  --
-- commercial or not.                                            --

startKey = key.VK_INSERT;
stopKey = key.VK_DELETE;

key_switchtarget = key.VK_TILDE;

key_attack  = key.VK_1;
key_pickup  = key.VK_2;

key_skill1  = key.VK_3;
key_skill2  = key.VK_4;
key_skill3  = key.VK_5;

key_buff1   = key.VK_6;
key_buff2   = key.VK_7;

key_hp_potion = key.VK_8;
key_mp_potion = key.VK_9;
key_sp_potion = key.VK_0;

key_sit       = key.VK_C;

-- Set to 0 if you don't want to use a skill
skill1_time = secondsToTimer(15);
skill2_time = secondsToTimer(18);
skill3_time = secondsToTimer(20);

-- Set a buff to 0 if you don't want to use it
buff1_time = minutesToTimer(5);
buff2_time = minutesToTimer(10);

-- All potion use values are specified in %
-- Set the values to 0 to not use that potion
HP_potion_use = 50;
MP_potion_use = 40;
SP_potion_use = 35;

-- All sitting values are specified in %
-- We will only sit while out of battle
-- Set the values to 0 to not use sitting
HP_sit = 90;
MP_sit = 20;
SP_sit = 10;


-- Memory addresses
playerptr_addr = 0x00825CB4;

HP_offset = 0x12C; 
MaxHP_offset = 0x130; -- 304
MP_offset = 0x134; --308;
MaxMP_offset = 0x138; --312;
SP_offset = 0x13C; --316;
MaxSP_offset = 0x140; --320;

targetid_addr = 0x006d0bc4; -- short, 65535 if none selected

sitcheck_addr = 0x006E5D40; -- byte, 0 = standing, 7 = sitting

-- Variable setup
HP = 10000;
MaxHP = HP;
MP = 10000;
MaxMP = MP;
SP = 10000;
MaxSP = SP;

skill1_ready = true;
skill2_ready = true;
skill3_ready = true;

buff1_ready = true;
buff2_ready = true;

sittingTempDisabled = false; -- don't change this. it's just temporary.

-- Functions

skill1_toggle = function () skill1_ready = true; end;
skill2_toggle = function () skill2_ready = true; end;
skill3_toggle = function () skill3_ready = true; end;

buff1_toggle = function () buff1_ready = true; end;
buff2_toggle = function () buff2_ready = true; end;

function use_hp_potion()
  printf("Using HP potion\n");

function use_mp_potion()
  printf("Using MP potion\n");

function use_sp_potion()
  printf("Using SP potion\n");

function tempDisableSitting()
  sittingTempDisabled = true;

  registerTimer("reenable_sitting", secondsToTimer(5),
    function () sittingTempDisabled = false unregisterTimer("reenable_sitting") end );

function sit()
  if( HP_sit == 0 ) then
    return; end


  local sitting = false;
  while( sitting == false ) do

    sitting = memoryReadByte(proc, sitcheck_addr) ~= 0;

  local lasthp = HP;

  while( true ) do
    if( HP == MaxHP and MP == MaxMP and SP == MaxSP ) then

    if( HP < (lasthp - 10) ) then
      printf("Exiting rest...under attack\n");
      tempDisableSitting(); -- so we don't end up sitting right away again
      lasthp = HP;


  sitting = true;
  while( sitting ) do

    sitting = memoryReadByte(proc, sitcheck_addr) ~= 0;

  printf("Standing... Resuming bot\n");

function pickup()
  if( key_pickup == 0 ) then return; end

  local i;
  for i = 0, 5 do


function update_vars()
  HP = memoryReadIntPtr(proc, playerptr_addr, HP_offset);
  MaxHP = memoryReadIntPtr(proc, playerptr_addr, MaxHP_offset);

  MP = memoryReadIntPtr(proc, playerptr_addr, MP_offset);
  MaxMP = memoryReadIntPtr(proc, playerptr_addr, MaxMP_offset);

  SP = memoryReadIntPtr(proc, playerptr_addr, SP_offset);
  MaxSP = memoryReadIntPtr(proc, playerptr_addr, MaxSP_offset);

function have_target()
  local readid = memoryReadShort(proc, targetid_addr);

  return ( readid ~= 0xFFFF );

function find_target()

function switch_target()

function fight()
  local beginTime = os.time();
  local attack_ready = true;

  local attack_toggle = function () attack_ready = true; end;
  registerTimer("attack_timer", secondsToTimer(3), attack_toggle); 

  local targetid = memoryReadByte(proc, targetid_addr);
  printf("TARGETID: %d\n", targetid);

  while( have_target() ) do
    local curtarget = memoryReadByte(proc, targetid_addr);
    if( targetid ~= curtarget ) then break; end;

    local currentTime = os.time();
    if( os.difftime(currentTime, beginTime) > 60 ) then -- more than 1 minute has passed
      break; -- exit combat

    if( skill1_ready  and skill1_time > 0 ) then
      keyboardPress(key_skill1); skill1_ready = false; yrest(1000);
      registerTimer("skill1_toggle", skill1_time, skill1_toggle);

    if( skill2_ready and skill2_time > 0) then
      keyboardPress(key_skill2); skill2_ready = false; yrest(1000);
      registerTimer("skill2_toggle", skill2_time, skill2_toggle);

    if( skill3_ready and skill3_time > 0) then
      keyboardPress(key_skill3); skill3_ready = false; yrest(1000);
      registerTimer("skill3_toggle", skill3_time, skill3_toggle);

    if( attack_ready ) then
      keyboardPress(key_attack); attack_ready = false; yrest(1000); end;

    if( (HP/MaxHP*100) < HP_potion_use and HP_potion_use > 0 ) then use_hp_potion(); end
    if( (MP/MaxMP*100) < MP_potion_use and MP_potion_use > 0 ) then use_mp_potion(); end
    if( (SP/MaxSP*100) < SP_potion_use and SP_potion_use > 0 ) then use_sp_potion(); end

    if( buff1_ready  and buff1_time > 0 ) then
      keyboardPress(key_buff1); buff1_ready = false; yrest(2000); end;
    if( buff2_ready  and buff2_time > 0 ) then
      keyboardPress(key_buff2); buff2_ready = false; yrest(2000); end;


  printf("Target lost.\n");



function main()
  proc = openProcess(findProcessByExe("game.exe"));
  win = findWindow("Shaiya");

  registerTimer("update_vars", 100, update_vars);

  if( skill1_time ) then registerTimer("skill1_toggle", skill1_time, skill1_toggle); end
  if( skill2_time ) then registerTimer("skill2_toggle", skill2_time, skill2_toggle); end
  if( skill3_time ) then registerTimer("skill3_toggle", skill3_time, skill3_toggle); end

  if( buff1_time ) then registerTimer("buff1_toggle", buff1_time, buff1_toggle); end;
  if( buff2_time ) then registerTimer("buff2_toggle", buff2_time, buff2_toggle); end;

  while( true ) do


    if( have_target() ) then

    if( buff1_ready  and buff1_time > 0 ) then
      keyboardPress(key_buff1); buff1_ready = false; yrest(2000); end;
    if( buff2_ready  and buff2_time > 0 ) then
      keyboardPress(key_buff2); buff2_ready = false; yrest(2000); end;

    if( (HP/MaxHP*100) < HP_potion_use and HP_potion_use > 50 ) then use_hp_potion(); end
    if( (MP/MaxMP*100) < MP_potion_use and MP_potion_use > 50 ) then use_mp_potion(); end
    if( (SP/MaxSP*100) < SP_potion_use and SP_potion_use > 50 ) then use_sp_potion(); end

    if( not sittingTempDisabled ) then
      if( (HP/MaxHP*100) < HP_sit and (HP_sit > 0) ) then sit(); end
      if( (MP/MaxMP*100) < MP_sit and (MP_sit > 0) ) then sit(); end
      if( (SP/MaxSP*100) < SP_sit and (SP_sit > 0) ) then sit(); end


Re: Shaiya bot

Posted: Sun May 24, 2009 3:26 pm
by vvayinsane
guys you need to update the bot. Open it up and replace with im going to give you bellow
playerptr_addr = 0x0083DDF4;

HP_offset = 12c;
MaxHP_offset = 130;
MP_offset = 134;
MaxMP_offset = 138;
SP_offset = 13c;
MaxSP_offset = 140;

targetid_addr = 0x002ABFF0; -- short, 65536 if none selected

sitcheck_addr = 0x006FDE90; -- byte, 0 = standing, 7 =

Re: Shaiya bot

Posted: Sun May 24, 2009 4:45 pm
by basiclight
Fixed just replace this line playerptr_addr = 0x0083DDF4; not all the other works for me

This came up in yellow

Sun May 24 17:32:41 2009 : C:\Users\ll\Desktop\micromacro\scripts\shaiya.lua:93: malformed number near '12c'
Sun May 24 17:32:41 2009 : Execution of shaiya.lua complete.
Sun May 24 17:32:41 2009 : Execution error: Syntax error
Sun May 24 17:32:41 2009 : Collecting garbage...
Sun May 24 17:32:41 2009 : 32KB freed.

Re: Shaiya bot

Posted: Sun May 24, 2009 5:05 pm
by vvayinsane
sorry thats my bad..
for the offsets make sure the have 0x so
HP_offset = 0x12c;
MaxHP_offset = 0x130;
MP_offset = 0x134;
MaxMP_offset = 0x138;
SP_offset = 0x13c;
MaxSP_offset = 0x140;

Re: Shaiya bot

Posted: Sun May 24, 2009 6:15 pm
by vvayinsane
I saw someone wanted more hp spots so i decited to add them for you.

UPDATED shaiya.lua

Re: Shaiya bot

Posted: Sun May 24, 2009 7:51 pm
by Administrator
I went ahead and attached your fix to the original post. I just hope it all works, because I didn't bother to test it.

Re: Shaiya bot

Posted: Sun May 24, 2009 9:58 pm
by basiclight
works fine just need to change the % when to use hp mp sp pots other then that works nice
Administrator wrote:I went ahead and attached your fix to the original post. I just hope it all works, because I didn't bother to test it.

Re: Shaiya bot

Posted: Mon May 25, 2009 4:29 am
by shakey
Works great until it goes to sit. If it's attacked or otherwise it stands and sits, repeatedly. Otherwise it's fine...Pots well and all that.

Re: Shaiya bot

Posted: Mon May 25, 2009 5:09 am
by vvayinsane
That is my bad..the only thing i didnt check..

sitcheck_addr = 0x0083DDF4

Re: Shaiya bot

Posted: Mon May 25, 2009 11:04 am
by sadow
i got the script working fine and so, but if i have the sit function enabled it attacks the mobs for a while and then starts pressing c c c c and doesnt attack anymore, i tried to set mp sp to 0 so it wouldnt sit when they ran out and hp to 500 but even with 700 hp it starts sitting after a while, when i have sit function disabled it works fine execpt the looting aint perfect either, sometimes it takes some loot but half of the loot stays there, how to make it pickup loot more frequently ?

Re: Shaiya bot

Posted: Tue May 26, 2009 11:12 am
by Administrator
sadow wrote:i got the script working fine and so, but if i have the sit function enabled it attacks the mobs for a while and then starts pressing c c c c and doesnt attack anymore, i tried to set mp sp to 0 so it wouldnt sit when they ran out and hp to 500 but even with 700 hp it starts sitting after a while, when i have sit function disabled it works fine execpt the looting aint perfect either, sometimes it takes some loot but half of the loot stays there, how to make it pickup loot more frequently ?

Code: Select all

function pickup()
  if( key_pickup == 0 ) then return; end

  local i;
  for i = 0, 5 do

Find that code in shaiya.lua. Change the 5 to something higher to pick up more items.
I'm not sure what the problem with sitting is. I'll check it later.

Re: Shaiya bot

Posted: Tue May 26, 2009 12:21 pm
by sadow
well this bot works pretty fine exect the sitting part, it uses all my buffs and attacks skills well but problem is i will die if i keep the bot up too long, if it would sit to gain full hp and then startover it would run smootly ;P

Re: Shaiya bot

Posted: Tue May 26, 2009 1:36 pm
by Stevon
Hey all :D , thought id help out the community, the sitting problem you all are having is pretty easy to fix, open up shaiya.lua look for the line of code THERE ARE 2 LINES WITH THIS CODE IN THE FILE:

Code: Select all

sitting = memoryReadByte(proc, sitcheck_addr) ~= 0;
and just change it too

Code: Select all

sitting = memoryReadBytePtr(proc, sitcheck_addr, 0xdc) ~= 0;
i am not sure if that is the "proper" way to fix it but works for me. If you are still confuesed about the offsets and whatnot

Code: Select all

playerptr_addr = 0x83DDF4;
HP_offset = 0x12C; 
MaxHP_offset = 0x130; -- 304
MP_offset = 0x134; --308;
MaxMP_offset = 0x138; --312;
SP_offset = 0x13C; --316;
MaxSP_offset = 0x140; --320;

targetid_addr = 0x6E8BE0; -- short, 65535 if none selected

sitcheck_addr = 0x83DDF4; -- byte, 0 = standing, 7 = sitting
these are mine and my bot runs near enough perfectly while i sleep.


Re: Shaiya bot

Posted: Tue May 26, 2009 10:43 pm
by Administrator
Good work, Steve. I have found that changing your sitcheck_addr to 0x6FDE80 also seems to work right without the need of changing any other code.

Re: Shaiya bot

Posted: Wed May 27, 2009 9:19 am
by sadow
for i = 0, 5 do <--- that 5 to 10 or 15... can u explain me what i means, is 5 to pickup loot every 5 sec or what -_-