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Re: course of terror WP

Posted: Wed Jul 27, 2011 3:10 am
by rock5
I've been testing this slightly tweeked version for a few days with no problems.

Changes (from you posted version):
  • - Added room number check like in version 1.3
    - Removed unnecessary "if numshells == nil"
    - Speeded things up a bit by ignoring last seal and reducing a few lengthy pauses.
    - Removed necessity of moving the character before clicking the seal. It shouldn't move now.
    - Stopped the scripped from erroring just because it can write to the log file.
    - Renamed the log file "shells.log".

Re: course of terror WP

Posted: Wed Jul 27, 2011 3:26 am
by lisa
nice work =)

replaced file on first post with that 1.

Re: course of terror WP

Posted: Wed Jul 27, 2011 1:30 pm
by mschmitd

The version 1.4 works perfect for me :D

I have see you have also change the High from 80 to 75

The problem with the data client error is gone :)

good Work


Re: course of terror WP

Posted: Thu Jul 28, 2011 4:31 am
by lisa
Slight hickup and fix. If you die while trying to go through gate, which is pretty much only time you will die. It just sits there waiting for the distance to change. I added in a check for HP

Code: Select all

	function gate()
			dist = distance(player.X, player.Z, 4081, 3335)
			keyboardHold( settings.hotkeys.MOVE_FORWARD.key );
		until 100 > dist or 10 > player.HP
		printf("Distance checked and continuing.\n")
		currentshells = inventory:getItemCount(240181)
--=== note the currentshells aswell ===--
So bot should now realise the character is dead as it won't be stuck in loop anymore. Reason I did this is because I use a specific profile for CoT and it has code in ondeath event.

Code: Select all


	local filename = getExecutionPath() .. "/logs/shells.log";
	local file, err =, "a+");
	if file then
	file:write(" Character name: " ..player.Name.. "   \tDate: " .. .. "   \tShells gained: "..currentshells - numshells..
	"\tTotal shells: "..currentshells.. "\n")


I also changed the log file, just for me so it will work with the on death event to still record number of shells.
and for log file part I did this to use currentshells

Code: Select all

		if file then
			file:write(" Character name: " ..player.Name.. "   \tDate: " .. .. "   \tShells gained: "..currentshells - numshells..
			"\tTotal shells: "..currentshells.. "\n")
So basically even if I die I log shells and also log into next character and keep doing cot.

Re: course of terror WP

Posted: Thu Jul 28, 2011 4:50 am
by lisa
I finally had a character die, took 19 characters before 1 died lol, needed to test the ondeath event =)

Code: Select all

Player Teleported to X: 4080    Z: 3914 Y: 75
Moving to waypoint #4, (4081, 3990)
Distance checked and continuing.
Saved a screenshot to: C:/micromacro 609/scripts/rom620/profiles/XXXXX.bmp
and this in log file

Code: Select all

 Character name: XXXXX   	Date: 07/28/11 19:44:49   	Shells gained: 10	Total shells: 60

Re: course of terror WP

Posted: Fri Jul 29, 2011 3:23 am
by lisa
Slight hitch in the coding.
If you get the agro bug where the game thinks you are in combat forever, happens every now and then you get this

Code: Select all

Aggro wait time out.
Moving to waypoint #3, (4081, 3600)
Player Teleported to X: 4069    Z: 3612 Y: 70
Player Teleported to X: 3947    Z: 3741 Y: 75
Player Teleported to X: 3948    Z: 3741 Y: 57
6:10pm - [string "..."]:23: attempt to index local 'clown' (a nil value)

Code: Select all

local clown = player:findEnemy(true)
Because there is no mob then it returns nil.

Re: course of terror WP

Posted: Fri Jul 29, 2011 3:32 am
by rock5
Hm... So how can it be "Battling" if there's no clown?

Re: course of terror WP

Posted: Fri Jul 29, 2011 4:41 am
by lisa
It's something I noticed when I was lvl 7 a loooong time ago. From time to time you get agro from a mob which is actually very very far away, it took me a couple weeks to work out what was actually going on.

So the game says you have agro from this mob, it is to far away from you to actually attack you, it is also far enough away that you can't even register it in memory, never mind see it physically and the agro stays with you until you log off, might drop if you change zones, can't remember for sure.

So end result is you are "in combat" and stay that way, also you can't see any mobs.

Re: course of terror WP

Posted: Fri Jul 29, 2011 8:13 am
by rock5
So it's a strange bug in the game that rarely happens? I've never seen it happen.

So if it happens and your unlucky enough for it to happen in the middle of a cot run, then it will cause problems.

Hardly seems worth the effort to work in a solution for it.

Re: course of terror WP

Posted: Fri Jul 29, 2011 8:22 am
by lisa
for my own use I just took out the combat sections of the WP. Only time a summoning barrier will be triggered is when you are going intot he gate, at that stage I would prefer to just ignore the mob and get through the gate.
Just my personal choice =)

Other way to deal with it is to just check clown ~= nil before doing the clown code.

Re: course of terror WP

Posted: Fri Jul 29, 2011 8:39 am
by rock5
Or maybe we could check the name or id of the agro mob. If it's a clown we attack it otherwise we ignore it. Of course you will still be "Battling" but it should still be faily quick.

Re: course of terror WP

Posted: Sat Jul 30, 2011 11:52 am
by botnewb
Alright guys (and girls) i'm having a problem and i was wondering if you could help me find a solution. Before the last patch and update i could run the cot_tele.xml perfect without a hitch and get my 50 shells (congrats on that script its wonderful btw) but now after the patch whether i try to run it on my desktop or laptop as soon as i get inside the double doors and it teleports for the first time i get a critical error and the game crashes. Any solutions? :!: :?:

Re: course of terror WP

Posted: Sat Jul 30, 2011 8:32 pm
by lisa ... =27&t=2765
try using the fly hack with timer, some have reported the version without timer has crashed them aswell. not sure why.

Re: course of terror WP

Posted: Sat Jul 30, 2011 11:07 pm
by rock5
It could also just be that he hasn't updated his swim hack so it's writing to the wrong addresses.

In either case, an update of the swim hack is what's needed.

Re: course of terror WP

Posted: Sat Jul 30, 2011 11:46 pm
by botnewb
Re downloaded the updated swim hack and it works perfectly thanks guys n girls your awesome ^.^

Re: course of terror WP

Posted: Thu Aug 04, 2011 9:51 am
by rock5
Seeing as the main purpose of this script is for getting Crimson stats, I thought I'd ask this question here.

Which equipment do you buy to get which stats? Or is it random? Is there a good web site that lists them?

I'm asking because I reached the 1000 limit today so I have to start buying.

Re: course of terror WP

Posted: Thu Aug 04, 2011 9:21 pm
by lisa
plate = stam/*
leather = dex/*
cloth = wis/* cant remember which cloth is which.
cloth = int/*
chain = str/* maybe



Re: course of terror WP

Posted: Thu Aug 04, 2011 10:30 pm
by rock5
Each merchant has 2 sets of gear. Did you notice any difference in which you buy? I read somewhere that a guy thought the ones without the crits had better odds of getting good stats. I think he was aiming for a particular second stat.

Re: course of terror WP

Posted: Thu Aug 04, 2011 11:07 pm
by lisa
no idea, i'd say its just random myself

Re: course of terror WP

Posted: Fri Aug 05, 2011 12:22 am
by rock5
Damn! I forgot and ran cot today before buying some. Oh well, I'll make sure I buy some now.