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Re: Shaiya Fighter Bot

Posted: Tue Jul 01, 2008 3:07 am
by deaznracer
Dnic wrote:Hmmm have you tried it on a 64 bit version of Vista though? Like I said it works perfectly fine on XP, just not my Vista system. I'll do some more testing tomorrow and see if I can't get it to work and see what I else I can find.

Haha on a side note I was wondering why my guy would never pot at the certain % and I commented out the code for taking pots for MP and SP even though I set em to 0. Don't ask me why I did that.
I don't have a 64 bit pc. Right now it is returning a null trying to read a memory. Meaning the address its looking for don't exist. Do you know how to use CheatEngine? If you search the static address of the character and change the script a little it should work. The offset should be different too if it is a 64 bit.

Re: Shaiya Fighter Bot

Posted: Tue Jul 01, 2008 2:00 pm
by drdelete
This is the shaiya script at teh top of this post I am trying to run and not sure what version of shaiya no GG i have but Ill keep looking for a new one.

normal windows not 64 btw

Re: Shaiya Fighter Bot

Posted: Tue Jul 01, 2008 5:18 pm
by deaznracer
drdelete wrote:This is the shaiya script at teh top of this post I am trying to run and not sure what version of shaiya no GG i have but Ill keep looking for a new one.

normal windows not 64 btw
post the script you are loading it shouldn't read the old address cause there is no such address in the script.

You are running it as fighter2.lua right? because the error look like your typing in zs_shaiya/main.lua or other scripts.

Re: Shaiya Fighter Bot

Posted: Tue Jul 01, 2008 9:09 pm
by Kabanos93
deaznracer wrote:
Kabanos93 wrote:hey guys, i have a problem with fighter.lua, i have warrior in shaiya and i can;t use this script, i have MicroMacro 0.97, i have error, help me all times i have problem with "sprintf " LOOK FOR THIS PICTURE :
go to line 455 and delete it, tell me what happens.
This is a line 455: logMessage(sprintf("target_status=%d", target_status));

That see all:

function cycle_target()
--printf("self.switched_targets: %d\n", self.switched_targets);
--printf("self.max_switch_targets: %d\n", self.max_switch_targets);

local target_status = status();
--printf("target_color: %d\n", target_color);
--printf("target_status=%d\n", target_status);
logMessage(sprintf("target_status=%d", target_status));

if (target_status == TARGET_FULL) then
local l_color = get_difficulty_color();
local l_color_min = target_difficulty_color_min;
local l_color_max = target_difficulty_color_max;
--printf("target_color_min: %s\n", l_color_min);
-- printf("target_color_max: %s\n", l_color_max);
printf("getting difficulty Color \n");
--printf("l_color: %s\n", l_color);

if (l_color >= l_color_min and l_color <= l_color_max) then
return true;
return false;

I dellete this and now still cheanges my sacrifice/monsters.

what's rong in this line ??

Re: Shaiya Fighter Bot

Posted: Wed Jul 02, 2008 1:23 am
by drdelete
ok so I was running the old one.

When running the fighter.lua I get the Sprintf error so I hosed line 455. It runs but only spins the screen in circles and targets itself and then mobs then itself again and never moves.

Re: Shaiya Fighter Bot

Posted: Wed Jul 02, 2008 2:03 am
by deaznracer
drdelete wrote:ok so I was running the old one.

When running the fighter.lua I get the Sprintf error so I hosed line 455. It runs but only spins the screen in circles and targets itself and then mobs then itself again and never moves.
1) are you targeting what color mob ? it has to match what you choose. If the setting allow you to only target white to blue mob and your hunting in an orange mob then go into the file and change it. I added comment lines

2) Did you open your shaiya config.ini and set all
interface to

Code: Select all

3)did you drag your mob's target information bar to the top left corner?

it is spinning around in circle cause again, its not detecting the right color for those reason i mention above.

1)open the file in notepad
2) look through the code and edit these only if you are not familiar with writing scripts

Code: Select all

-- Modify your Fighter's Setting

how_many_scanTarget = 4;    --how many target you want to scan for Full HP mobs. Default is 4

how_many_seconds    = 30;   --how many seconds you want to keep targeting the mob before the hp is damaged. Default 15

how_many_pickup     = 3;    --how many pickups after mob dies. Default is 4

-- Modify what color Mob you want to kill
-- EX: min=4 max =4 kill green mob only

target_difficulty_color_min= 1;
target_difficulty_color_max= 6; 

--white  = 1
--cyan   = 2
--blue   = 3
--green  = 4
--yellow = 5
--orange = 6
--red    = 7
--purple = 8
--grey   = 9

-- Modify the Fighter's Skills information
-- If you enter No, the skill will switch between
-- skill 1 and skill 2 for each mob
-- EX: mob 1 skill 1 next Mob will use skill 2
-- Enter no if you don't want to use Skill.
-- Skill 1 = hot key 3
-- Skill 2 = hot key 4 

Use_both_skill      = no;   --put No or Yes to use both skills Hotkey 3 and 4

skill1_reuse_time   = yes;   

skill2_reuse_time   = yes;  

-- Enter the recharge Time and MP it needed to buff
-- Enter 0 if you don't want to buff.
-- Buff 1 = hot key 5
-- Buff 2 = hot key 6
-- buff 3 = hot key 7
-- Set MP = 1 if you are lazy to check(it wont be accurate)

buff1_reuse_time = 4;      -- measured by minutes
buff1_MP = 1;   
buff2_reuse_time = 4;      -- measured by minutes
buff2_MP = 1;

buff3_reuse_time = 9;      -- measured by minutes
buff3_MP = 55;

-- How many seconds do you want your fighter to
-- Pause before searching the next target
-- Enter 0 if you just want him to kill without
-- resting.

char_pausing = 0;

-- All potion use values are specified in %
-- Set the values to 0 to not use that potion
HP_potion_use = 50;
MP_potion_use = 50;
SP_potion_use = 25;

-- All sitting values are specified in %
-- We will only sit while out of battle
-- Set the values to 0 to not use sitting
HP_sit = 50;
MP_sit = 0;
SP_sit = 0;
1) open shaiya game
2) alt + tab
3) open micromacro
4) type fighter.lua
5) press enter
6) go back in game
7) drag target mob information bar to left hand corner
(if you don't understand that then your on your own)
8) don't put anything else near that area
9) press insert to start the program
10) tell me if it works.

Re: Shaiya Fighter Bot

Posted: Wed Jul 02, 2008 11:43 am
by Zack
Hiya, when i start the bot i goes and attack and pick up after it dies, but after that it just spins around and he dont attack anymore. And i have a Swedish keyboard i think thats the problem so the key_switchtarget = key.VK_TILDE; don't work. Do you have any ideas? ^^

Re: Shaiya Fighter Bot

Posted: Wed Jul 02, 2008 12:01 pm
by Dnic
So here is what happens on my vista 64. It buffs to start, finds the NPC and sends attack order. Right after that micromacro shows this:

Code: Select all

\micromacro\scripts\fighter3.lua:667: attempt to call global 'sprintf' (a nil value)
I went down to that line and not quite sure what to make of it as there is no value directly at that point.

Re: Shaiya Fighter Bot

Posted: Wed Jul 02, 2008 12:20 pm
by Administrator
That was my mistake. Open your lib/lib.lua file in notepad, and press CTRL+F. Search for "--sprintf" (without quotes). On the line that it finds, remove the -- then save and restart MicroMacro.

Re: Shaiya Fighter Bot

Posted: Wed Jul 02, 2008 3:34 pm
by Dnic
Did it for all of em now I'm getting the same message except its for line 431.

Re: Shaiya Fighter Bot

Posted: Wed Jul 02, 2008 5:36 pm
by Administrator
Wait, what? Both of them? There should only be one instance of "--sprintf = string.format;" in micromacro/lib/lib.lua. That is the one you need to remove the "--" from.

Re: Shaiya Fighter Bot

Posted: Wed Jul 02, 2008 7:56 pm
by Kabanos93
All worked... but I don know why, something broked ;/ with this line:

if( buff1_ready and buff1_time > 0 ) then

Who tell my what's happend ?? Please help !!

function main()
proc = openProcess(findProcessByExe("game.exe"));
win = findWindow("Shaiya");

registerTimer("update_vars", 100, update_vars);

if( skill1_time ) then registerTimer("skill1_toggle", skill1_time, skill1_toggle); end
if( skill2_time ) then registerTimer("skill2_toggle", skill2_time, skill2_toggle); end
if( skill3_time ) then registerTimer("skill3_toggle", skill3_time, skill3_toggle); end

if( buff1_time ) then registerTimer("buff1_toggle", buff1_time, buff1_toggle); end;
if( buff2_time ) then registerTimer("buff2_toggle", buff2_time, buff2_toggle); end;

local reAttack = 0;

while( macro_running ) do
if( buff1_ready and buff1_time > 0 ) then
keyboardPress(key_buff1); buff1_ready = false; yrest(2000); end;
if( buff2_ready and buff2_time > 0 ) then
keyboardPress(key_buff2); buff2_ready = false; yrest(2000); end;

if(cycle_target()) then
if(do_jump == 1) then
do_jump = 0;
reAttack = 0;
reAttack = 1 + reAttack;
if ( reAttack == how_many_scanTarget ) then
reAttack = 0;

Re: Shaiya Fighter Bot

Posted: Wed Jul 02, 2008 8:36 pm
by Administrator
You tell me. What's the error message?

Re: Shaiya Fighter Bot

Posted: Wed Jul 02, 2008 8:42 pm
by Kabanos93
Kabanos93 wrote:All worked... but I don know why, something broked ;/ with this line:

if( buff1_ready and buff1_time > 0 ) then

Who tell my what's happend ?? Please help !!

function main()
proc = openProcess(findProcessByExe("game.exe"));
win = findWindow("Shaiya");

registerTimer("update_vars", 100, update_vars);

if( skill1_time ) then registerTimer("skill1_toggle", skill1_time, skill1_toggle); end
if( skill2_time ) then registerTimer("skill2_toggle", skill2_time, skill2_toggle); end
if( skill3_time ) then registerTimer("skill3_toggle", skill3_time, skill3_toggle); end

if( buff1_time ) then registerTimer("buff1_toggle", buff1_time, buff1_toggle); end;
if( buff2_time ) then registerTimer("buff2_toggle", buff2_time, buff2_toggle); end;

local reAttack = 0;

while( macro_running ) do
if( buff1_ready and buff1_time > 0 ) then
keyboardPress(key_buff1); buff1_ready = false; yrest(2000); end;
if( buff2_ready and buff2_time > 0 ) then
keyboardPress(key_buff2); buff2_ready = false; yrest(2000); end;

if(cycle_target()) then
if(do_jump == 1) then
do_jump = 0;
reAttack = 0;
reAttack = 1 + reAttack;
if ( reAttack == how_many_scanTarget ) then
reAttack = 0;

OK all worked now ;-)

char_pausing = 1; cheange to char_pausing = 0;

and is OK ;)

Re: Shaiya Fighter Bot

Posted: Thu Jul 03, 2008 7:15 am
by Dnic
elverion wrote:Wait, what? Both of them? There should only be one instance of "--sprintf = string.format;" in micromacro/lib/lib.lua. That is the one you need to remove the "--" from.

Ok, my bad I misread what you said. I changed it on what you said now. I also re-replaced fighter2.lua from the my working XP machine and it seems to be working, even though it seems to be a hit and miss when it does. Sometimes it will just stand there not buff, etc.

Also I'm a bit confused on using the skills section. I though if you put yes on Use_both_skill its supposed to use both of them per NPC? However it uses only 1 per NPC, I've tried yes/no combination's to play with it but still no success. I'm going to add it to use a 3rd skill once that works fine.

Re: Shaiya Fighter Bot

Posted: Thu Jul 03, 2008 10:46 am
by deaznracer
Dnic wrote:
elverion wrote:Wait, what? Both of them? There should only be one instance of "--sprintf = string.format;" in micromacro/lib/lib.lua. That is the one you need to remove the "--" from.

Ok, my bad I misread what you said. I changed it on what you said now. I also re-replaced fighter2.lua from the my working XP machine and it seems to be working, even though it seems to be a hit and miss when it does. Sometimes it will just stand there not buff, etc.

Also I'm a bit confused on using the skills section. I though if you put yes on Use_both_skill its supposed to use both of them per NPC? However it uses only 1 per NPC, I've tried yes/no combination's to play with it but still no success. I'm going to add it to use a 3rd skill once that works fine.
find this

Code: Select all

      if(skill_switch == 1 or Use_both_skill == 1)then
then change it to this

Code: Select all

      if(skill_switch == 1 or Use_both_skill == 1)then
               if(skill_swtich == 2 or use_both_skill == 1) then
it was a mistake on my part.

right now i am working on spamming skills.

Re: Shaiya Fighter Bot

Posted: Sat Jul 05, 2008 4:29 pm
by sez
is there something i can do to make the bot shutdown after it dies?

Re: Shaiya Fighter Bot

Posted: Sat Jul 05, 2008 8:14 pm
by Administrator

Code: Select all

  if( HP <= 0 ) then     -- if you're dead
    keyboardHold(key.VK_LALT); -- hold ALT
    keyboardPress(key.VK_F4); -- press F4
    keyboardRelease(key.VK_LALT); -- release

Re: Shaiya Fighter Bot

Posted: Thu Jul 10, 2008 6:37 pm
by jim151222
hey is it possible to implement an auto-item switch...e.g. when durability is getting low on armors and weapon the bot runs a process which swaps them for spares set up in inventory?
or is that not possible?

Re: Shaiya Fighter Bot

Posted: Fri Jul 11, 2008 3:21 am
by deaznracer
jim151222 wrote:hey is it possible to implement an auto-item switch...e.g. when durability is getting low on armors and weapon the bot runs a process which swaps them for spares set up in inventory?
or is that not possible?
it's possible