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Re: Allmost foolproof KS run

Posted: Sun May 22, 2011 3:04 pm
by kanta
OneofMany wrote: I dont think regin will be "easy" possible. because you dont normally fully buff up before each fight. and only use a few skills in combat. it will never go down as fast as it needs to be. And there will be too much deaths i think. (but thats my opinion)
Just an idea here, but you could have a buff option in the waypoint. It would just require a little work on the user end. Here's what I did so you can see as an example:
First I created a custom function - Userfunction_BossBuff.lua

Code: Select all

function BossBuff()
	 while not player:hasBuff(506451) do
	 while not player:hasBuff(500939) do
Then in onLoad

Code: Select all

include( "/userfunctions/Userfunction_BossBuff.lua");
And then at the waypoint before the boss

Code: Select all

	<!-- #126 --><waypoint x="2296" z="4909" y="340">
      player:findTarget("Goddess of Art's Disciple");
      local target = player:getTarget();
      if(target.Name == "Goddess of Art's Disciple") then
To make sure my buffs are available before entering the fight I use the following code (Thanks go to Rock5)

Code: Select all

	<!-- #125 --><waypoint x="2365" z="4909" y="340">
         local cooldown, remaining = RoMScript("GetSkillCooldown(4,1);")
            if remaining > 1 then
This checks if the desired skill is not on cooldown, and if it is not it will wait the remainder of the cooldown before continuing to the next waypoint.

Also, maybe you could add in another user input if a player wants to fight Yusalien or not? I know not everyone can fight him, but as a scout I can kill him in 5 - 10 seconds with my buffs active.

Yes, Rock5 and Lisa give us invaluable information when it comes to this scripting. I wouldn't have a lot of my waypoint files if not for them.

Re: Allmost foolproof KS run

Posted: Sun May 22, 2011 5:34 pm
by kanta
Germangold wrote:replacement for selling items to npc pancer

Code: Select all

	if player:openStore("Pancer") then -- opens the store, then continues if it opened.
	    for i, item in pairs(inventory.BagSlot) do
			if (item.Worth > 222) then
				item:use() -- sells it to the store
Is there a way to limit the bag slots that items are sold from with this function?

Re: Allmost foolproof KS run

Posted: Sun May 22, 2011 9:39 pm
by rock5
Try this. It will use the "fromslot" and "toslot" setup in your profile.

Code: Select all

	if player:openStore("Pancer") then -- opens the store, then continues if it opened.
		for i, item in pairs(inventory.BagSlot) do
			if item.SlotNumber >= settings.profile.options.INV_AUTOSELL_FROMSLOT and
			   settings.profile.options.INV_AUTOSELL_TOSLOT >= item.SlotNumber then
				if (item.Worth > 222) then
					item:use() -- sells it to the store

Re: Allmost foolproof KS run

Posted: Tue May 24, 2011 4:37 am
by OneofMany

Reporting in again, i seen all the requests. And will ofcourse try to implement it in the script.

About the buffing function. I defenitly will implement it in my own script. but as i know there are many ppl allready having trouble getting RoMbot to run, i dont think they can make their own userfunctions (no offense to ppl who think i am pointing too)

Yusalien will be implemented too.

I'm pretty busy atm programming for work now. So it will take a while.


Re: Allmost foolproof KS run

Posted: Tue May 24, 2011 1:25 pm
by Merlin
Please add this to the script:

Code: Select all

	<!-- # 183 --><waypoint x="-17668" z="10680" type="TRAVEL">	
It is for all the healer classes to make a stop after running from the cliff and caste the heals. If someone has a better way, please let me know.

Re: Allmost foolproof KS run

Posted: Tue May 24, 2011 2:32 pm
by Giram
This will heal you until your hp is more than 80%

Code: Select all

while (80 > player.HP/player.MaxHP*100) do

Code: Select all

while (80 > player.HP/player.MaxHP*100) do

or some other healing skill if you have priest or druid. Casting can be taken off if you don't have class that can heal but in while loop it won't attack mobs if someone attack you. I need to test if yrest really is not needed after cast.

Re: Allmost foolproof KS run

Posted: Tue May 24, 2011 5:05 pm
by kanta
Giram wrote: I need to test if yrest really is not needed after cast.

I'm pretty sure it isn't needed. I tried adding in the Pengo which increases healing rate. It constantly casts until you move to break the cast and the waypoint won't continue while it's in use.

Re: Allmost foolproof KS run

Posted: Tue May 24, 2011 8:26 pm
by lisa
Giram wrote:This will heal you until your hp is more than 80%

Code: Select all

while (80 > player.HP/player.MaxHP*100) do

Code: Select all

while (80 > player.HP/player.MaxHP*100) do

or some other healing skill if you have priest or druid. Casting can be taken off if you don't have class that can heal but in while loop it won't attack mobs if someone attack you. I need to test if yrest really is not needed after cast.
try this

Code: Select all

if player.Class1 == 5 or player.Class2 == 5 then -- priest
while (80 > player.HP/player.MaxHP*100) do
if player.Class1 == 8 or player.Class2 == 8 then -- druid
while (80 > player.HP/player.MaxHP*100) do
checks for either druid or priest class and uses heals that can be used if the healer class is secondary.

Re: Allmost foolproof KS run

Posted: Wed May 25, 2011 3:03 am
by OneofMany
rock5 wrote:Try this. It will use the "fromslot" and "toslot" setup in your profile.

Code: Select all

	if player:openStore("Pancer") then -- opens the store, then continues if it opened.
		for i, item in pairs(inventory.BagSlot) do
			if item.SlotNumber >= settings.profile.options.INV_AUTOSELL_FROMSLOT and
			   settings.profile.options.INV_AUTOSELL_TOSLOT >= item.SlotNumber then
				if (item.Worth > 222) then
					item:use() -- sells it to the store
I tried to implement this, and it started to try sell things from my itemshop backpack too?
Probably thats why "if (item.Worth > 222) then"
is in? can i put it at item.worth 1 too?

Just made the 2nd waypoint from ress point to pancer, testing it at the moment that it will take path1 next round path2 next round path1 etc etc...

Re: Allmost foolproof KS run

Posted: Wed May 25, 2011 3:22 am
by lisa
Hmm had a look and you are right, item.SlotNumber starts 1 at the shop bags. The normal bag space starts at 61.

Try this

Code: Select all

   if player:openStore("Pancer") then -- opens the store, then continues if it opened.
      for i, item in pairs(inventory.BagSlot) do
         if item.SlotNumber >= (settings.profile.options.INV_AUTOSELL_FROMSLOT + 60) and
            (settings.profile.options.INV_AUTOSELL_TOSLOT + 60) >= item.SlotNumber then
            if (item.Worth > 222) then
               item:use() -- sells it to the store

Re: Allmost foolproof KS run

Posted: Wed May 25, 2011 4:03 am
by OneofMany
lisa wrote:Hmm had a look and you are right, item.SlotNumber starts 1 at the shop bags. The normal bag space starts at 61.

Try this

Code: Select all

   if player:openStore("Pancer") then -- opens the store, then continues if it opened.
      for i, item in pairs(inventory.BagSlot) do
         if item.SlotNumber >= (settings.profile.options.INV_AUTOSELL_FROMSLOT + 60) and
            (settings.profile.options.INV_AUTOSELL_TOSLOT + 60) >= item.SlotNumber then
            if (item.Worth > 222) then
               item:use() -- sells it to the store
well, just had my chance to redo my talent points lol. used my reset stone haha.

Updated the script with healing after drop, and different waypoints to pancer

Re: Allmost foolproof KS run

Posted: Wed May 25, 2011 3:41 pm
by phxcityslick
Whats the lowest level character you can do KS on as I'm no where near rich and the reasoning for me doing this is that I need to get the money for Stats(main character not my KS running character) I have been stuck in a rut for 4 weeks trying to get tomb temple stats. I need to stat 14 items.

Re: Allmost foolproof KS run

Posted: Wed May 25, 2011 6:23 pm
by lisa
Lvl isn't so important as the actual stats of the character when it comes to soloing instances.
If you are just trying to get a character ready to solo KS then buy DoD stats, generally much much cheaper then tomb stats and still good enough for KS.

Re: Allmost foolproof KS run

Posted: Thu May 26, 2011 1:38 am
by OneofMany
But, if you start the bot, you wont stop anymore, even if you got all youre stats.

Re: Allmost foolproof KS run

Posted: Thu May 26, 2011 9:15 am
by phxcityslick
So a level 50 M/P with DOD stats can do KS? sweet....

Re: Allmost foolproof KS run

Posted: Thu May 26, 2011 10:11 am
by lisa
should be able to do trash for sure, I doubt you could solo bosses though. All the gold comes from trash anyway, most items sell for 4k+ gold

Re: Allmost foolproof KS run

Posted: Thu May 26, 2011 11:18 am
by phxcityslick
thanks i'll work on getting dod stats then..

Re: Allmost foolproof KS run

Posted: Thu May 26, 2011 11:23 am
by wil32
auto selling doesnt work for me... testing it.

Anything we can do about the drop that removes 80% of the HP?

What if i run out of pots?

Re: Allmost foolproof KS run

Posted: Thu May 26, 2011 7:12 pm
by lisa
wil32 wrote:auto selling doesnt work for me... testing it.

Anything we can do about the drop that removes 80% of the HP?

What if i run out of pots?
If you don't have a healer class then you need to make sure you have enough pots. Need to fix your autosell/buy

Re: Allmost foolproof KS run

Posted: Thu May 26, 2011 11:16 pm
by Giram
If i remember right Karzak Camp won't have npc that sells potions?

You could do path to get potions from obsidian stronghold or somewhere. And if we need to depend on potions then maybe do logout or stop bot if we don't have potions so it wouldn't die because of that?

I use this code for selling:

Code: Select all

I think there is more than one command so some function could be broken. Or maybe it's just problem in your player profile. You can change many selling options there.