Page 21 of 22

Re: Allmost foolproof KS run

Posted: Thu Aug 02, 2012 1:00 am
by gloover
use this before you mounting:

Code: Select all

	if inventory:itemTotalCount(207204) > 0 then


Re: Allmost foolproof KS run

Posted: Sat Aug 11, 2012 5:35 am
by thuia
thank you very much! Althought, I have already solved this like this:

Code: Select all

if (player:hasBuff("506687")) then
Your way is probably better so I will test it out soon:) Thanks again.

Re: Allmost foolproof KS run

Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2012 5:34 am
by hasper
Not sure if it is the right section for my question, but it has to do with my KS bot.
The question has to do with looting option when having magic perfume. When char has magic perfume I have to change the loot options from true to false, in order for the pet doing the job and not the char. But I need the char to look for the buffs because some times I only want to use 1 magic perfume (6 hours), but I might not be in front of the pc, so the char would be able to farm without this buff.
My profile is :
<!-- Loot settings -->
<option name="LOOT" value="true" />
<option name="LOOT_ALL" value="true" /> <!-- Loot all nearby dead mobs after combat -->
<option name="LOOT_IN_COMBAT" value="false" />
<option name="LOOT_DISTANCE" value="200" />
<option name="LOOT_PAUSE_AFTER" value="0" /> <!-- probability in % for a short rest -->
<option name="LOOT_AGAIN" value="20000" />

And in the KS waypoints I have:
In wp1 (entrance of the KS)
if (player:hasBuff("503479")) then
changeProfileOption("LOOT", "false")
changeProfileOption("LOOT_ALL", "false")

At the resurrection point (exit of KS)
changeProfileOption("LOOT", "true")
changeProfileOption("LOOT_ALL", "true")

The problem arises not when magic perfume on (where the pet is doing the job), but when I don’t have the buff. The char won’t loot even when I see in the bot log that the option “LOOT=true” and “LOOT_ALL=true” too.
Is something mistake am I doing?
I tried also this code, but didn’t worked also:
if (not player:hasBuff("503479")) then
changeProfileOption("LOOT", "true")
changeProfileOption("LOOT_ALL", "true")

(and the opposite at the exit)
I believe that the buff id is right, but even it was wrong, the bot should be able to loot?

Re: Allmost foolproof KS run

Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2012 5:37 am
by hasper
I also have an another question. It is about onLeaveCombat options in my profile. There I have the following code:

if (not player:hasBuff("506687")) then

if (not player:hasBuff("506686")) then

if (not player:hasBuff("506684")) then

I want to erase this code from my profile, because sometimes i am doing something else (like delivering daylies etc) and I want to activate the same in my waypoints onload section. I was wondering what code should I add in the onload section to change the onleavecombat section.
Hope y understand what I am trying to say, because I got confused too :D

Re: Allmost foolproof KS run

Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2012 5:43 am
by lisa
I would just pop it in profile onleavecombat, the buff is gotten from memory and so shouldn't slow you down.

Code: Select all

if not player:hasBuff(503479) then
	if inventory:findItem(204514) then-- pet perfume 30 days
	elseif profile.options.LOOT ~= true then
		changeProfileOption("LOOT", "true") 
		changeProfileOption("LOOT_ALL", "true")
to change onleavecombat is your WP check this topic. ... 001#p38001

Re: Allmost foolproof KS run

Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2012 6:04 am
by hasper
Thanks Lisa, but could you explain what this do: elseif profile.options.LOOT ~= true then ?
meaning <>? I couldnt find this expression.

Asking because i want to be able to understand the code for future needs.

Re: Allmost foolproof KS run

Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2012 6:23 am
by lisa
I added in the indentation, it might help.

Basically if you don't have the buff then it does the rest of the code

It will check if you have pet perfume in inventory (30 day version) and if you do then it will use it.
If you don't have the item then it will check your profile loot setting and if it isn't true then it will make it true and also lootall true aswell.

Re: Allmost foolproof KS run

Posted: Sat Sep 01, 2012 12:59 pm
by hasper
Hi again Lisa, i tried today the code, but unfortunately i get an error and crashes the bot. It seems that the problem arises from "elseif profile.options.LOOT ~= true then" line, since when erased that line the bot didnt crash (but offcourse didnt loot anything either :D )
There is no problem when i have the buff, the problem arises when i dont have the buff (and dont have to use perfume)

I am not sure if there is a problem in the bot generaly (doesnt recognize particular buffs). For example i saw that the bot doesnt recognize the :
if not player.Buffs["506841"] then -- honor party buff --

and tries to use teaching certificate.
Edit: I found a mistake, the "s" at the end of the the word buff shouldnt exist, therefore pls ignore the problem with the honor party. On the other hand the problem with the perfume code, still exist

(My problem isnt the later, but i am mentioning a possible problem about buff recognition)

Re: Allmost foolproof KS run

Posted: Sat Sep 01, 2012 1:29 pm
by rock5

Code: Select all

      changeProfileOption("LOOT", true) 
      changeProfileOption("LOOT_ALL", true)

Re: Allmost foolproof KS run

Posted: Sat Sep 01, 2012 1:56 pm
by hasper
Thank a lot rock5, tried that and worked (I also changed the number to the buff name if not player:hasBuff("Magic Perfume") then.. ))
I realy dont know what of these 2 worked, but it worked thx again.
PS while waiting was reading the YAKSS - Yet Another KS Script, which has a function solution for magic perfume that also worked (nice job BillDoorNZ), but I preffer that one in the profile, because is more generic, thus it could be used everywhere and in all times.

Re: Allmost foolproof KS run

Posted: Fri Nov 30, 2012 11:44 pm
by BlubBlab
I have a question simpel and yes I used the search funktion.
Please ignore the crazy stuff I did my only question is why can't I shoot manuel B4 in KS with the <onSkillCast> Option?

Code: Select all

		-- Additional Lua code to execute on death
		-- pauseOnDeath(); -- Stop the script
		-- player:logout();	-- logout

	if(RoMScript( "GetCurrentWorldMapID();" )~= 6)then
		if inventory:itemTotalCount(0) == 0 then

		-- Additional Lua code to execute after having a levelup
		-- and levelup the skills for a new character (mage or priest recommended)
		-- e.g. sendMacro("SetSpellPoint(_tabnr, _skillnr);"); would levelup a skill

		-- Additional Lua code to execute when casting a skill
		-- Note: arg1 contains the skill being used.
		-- i.e. arg1.Name will be the name of the skill being cast
		-- e.g.:
		--if( 15 > player.HP/player.MaxHP*100 ) then
		--    player:cast("PRIEST_SOUL_SOURCE");
		--elseif( 25 > player.HP/player.MaxHP*100 ) then
		--    player:cast("PRIEST_HOLY_AURA");
		--    player:cast("PRIEST_URGENT_HEAL");
		--    player:cast("PRIEST_URGENT_HEAL");
	 local target = player:getTarget();
	 local name = target.Name;
	 if(name == "Adept der G\195\182ttin der K\195\188nste")then
		if(target:distanceToTarget() > 60)then

		-- Lua code to execute when MAX_UNSTICK_TRIALS is reached.
	]]> if(RoMScript( "GetCurrentWorldMapID();" )~= 6)then
			player.Unstick_counter = 0;
By the way has anybody a remove spell effekt for the Wall after b3?

Re: Allmost foolproof KS run

Posted: Sat Dec 01, 2012 12:10 am
by rock5
BlubBlab wrote:Please ignore the crazy stuff I did my only question is why can't I shoot manuel B4 in KS with the <onSkillCast> Option?
First you need to know whether it recognized the name you typed. After the 'if' statement add a print message to make sure the 'if' statement worked.

Code: Select all

    if(name == "Adept der G\195\182ttin der K\195\188nste")then
        print("Name matched") 
If it doesn't print then the name didn't match.
BlubBlab wrote:By the way has anybody a remove spell effekt for the Wall after b3?
Are you talking about the door that only opens if you kill the boss? You can fly over it. You can fly through the wall above the door.

Re: Allmost foolproof KS run

Posted: Sat Dec 01, 2012 6:43 am
by BlubBlab
Yes the door it only open when the client isn't minimized and the boss is dead through I dont trust romeos hack so much I thought some one has the name of the model file :roll:

I will see what I can do by myself, possible after the advent event.

Re: Allmost foolproof KS run

Posted: Sat Dec 01, 2012 7:02 am
by lisa
BlubBlab wrote: I dont trust romeos hack
you don't need to use romeos ... =27&t=2765

Re: Allmost foolproof KS run

Posted: Sun Dec 02, 2012 10:35 am
by BlubBlab
Thx all works fine now.
Only some a suggestions the bot "thinks" too much what he will do next after he killed a mop or loot.
I wrote a battel bot add-on in the past for rom with much extras like how much are there out ? What can I loot? Have I enough HP? Have I agro? and It was much much much faster my suggest is lets Rom make the dissucion.

Secondly you have already waypoint devation, there is something else in the robotik world what is similear in german it is called: Überschleifkugel, my translations is guessed: subsequent grinding ball
I found picture of it in google books :Industrieroboter: Methoden der Steuerung und Regelung
Page 96 - 100 I hope the math dont fry some brains^^

Re: Allmost foolproof KS run

Posted: Fri Dec 07, 2012 2:24 pm
by miesermetzler

so many people do SoK farming an my Server. So far, so bad because of this 1 of 10 people here are a real player and 9 are bots. Some Day a GM will be called and kick us off -.- So i´ve tried to make a Citadel of Cylops WP and it works half fine. The first Boss (Podag) is always on the move. I tried the player:target( player:findNearestNameOrId(101346) ) command, but if he finds no target/ Podag he will run into the boss chamber and get attacked by the guards and the Podag comes nearby and will stun and punch my char down. Best solution were he waits until Podag comes and cast Flame on him and after a few seconds when the guards come to help their master, cast purgatory fire to erase them. I tried to do so but it works only 50%. The rest is no problem, no bosses on my ways i can safe some time that i spend later on my way to the merchant. I think its a good alternate way to earn some money. If a netcop or gm appear near sok on my server we´re all busted.

The WP

Code: Select all

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><waypoints>
function unStick6()
if getZoneId() == 6 then


	<!-- #  1 --><waypoint x="-32689" z="-14572" y="669" tag="rerun">
	SlashCommand("ILG destroy");
   	SlashCommand("ILG inv");
   	SlashCommand("ILG inv")
	<!-- #  2 --><waypoint x="-33065" z="-14366" y="697" type="TRAVEL">	</waypoint>
	<!-- #  3 --><waypoint x="-33301" z="-14176" y="696" type="TRAVEL">	</waypoint>
	<!-- #  4 --><waypoint x="-33700" z="-14424" y="701" type="TRAVEL">	</waypoint>
	<!-- #  5 --><waypoint x="-33680" z="-14713" y="714" type="TRAVEL">	</waypoint>
	<!-- #  6 --><waypoint x="-33306" z="-15117" y="753" type="TRAVEL">	</waypoint>
	<!-- #  7 --><waypoint x="-33483" z="-15382" y="748" type="TRAVEL">	</waypoint>
	<!-- #  8 --><waypoint x="-33374" z="-15520" y="733" type="TRAVEL">	</waypoint>
	<!-- #  9 --><waypoint x="-33028" z="-15395" y="626" type="TRAVEL">	</waypoint>
	<!-- # 10 --><waypoint x="-32692" z="-15657" y="545" type="TRAVEL">	</waypoint>
	<!-- # 11 --><waypoint x="-32582" z="-15726" y="552" type="TRAVEL">	</waypoint>
	<!-- # 12 --><waypoint x="-32757" z="-16127" y="416" type="TRAVEL">	</waypoint>
	<!-- # 13 --><waypoint x="-32956" z="-16213" y="411" type="TRAVEL">	</waypoint>
	<!-- # 14 --><waypoint x="-33239" z="-16223" y="417" type="TRAVEL">	</waypoint>
	<!-- # 15 --><waypoint x="-33365" z="-16202" y="415">		player:merchant("Carey Delis");
	<!-- # 17 --><waypoint x="-33266" z="-16239" y="418" type="TRAVEL">	</waypoint>
	<!-- # 18 --><waypoint x="-32847" z="-16193" y="407" type="TRAVEL">	</waypoint>
	<!-- # 19 --><waypoint x="-32712" z="-16049" y="420" type="TRAVEL">	</waypoint>
	<!-- # 20 --><waypoint x="-32577" z="-15755" y="551" type="TRAVEL">	</waypoint>
	<!-- # 21 --><waypoint x="-32768" z="-15582" y="546" type="TRAVEL">	</waypoint>
	<!-- # 22 --><waypoint x="-33062" z="-15382" y="631" type="TRAVEL">	</waypoint>
	<!-- # 23 --><waypoint x="-33391" z="-15520" y="738" type="TRAVEL">	</waypoint>
	<!-- # 24 --><waypoint x="-33470" z="-15307" y="753" type="TRAVEL">	</waypoint>
	<!-- # 25 --><waypoint x="-33311" z="-15105" y="751" type="TRAVEL">	</waypoint>
	<!-- # 26 --><waypoint x="-33460" z="-14918" y="714" type="TRAVEL">	</waypoint>
	<!-- # 27 --><waypoint x="-33679" z="-14741" y="714" type="TRAVEL">	</waypoint>
	<!-- # 28 --><waypoint x="-33609" z="-14509" y="717" type="TRAVEL">	</waypoint>
	<!-- # 29 --><waypoint x="-33533" z="-14330" y="698" type="TRAVEL">	</waypoint>
	<!-- # 30 --><waypoint x="-33255" z="-14166" y="695" type="TRAVEL">	</waypoint>
	<!-- # 31 --><waypoint x="-32771" z="-14652" y="690" type="TRAVEL">	</waypoint>
	<!-- # 32 --><waypoint x="-32650" z="-14713" y="690" type="TRAVEL">		
	<!-- # 35 --><waypoint x="-38122" z="-9369" y="1061" type="TRAVEL">	</waypoint>
	<!-- # 36 --><waypoint x="-38138" z="-9342" y="1061" type="TRAVEL">
	keyboardHold( key.VK_W );
	keyboardPress( key.VK_SPACE );
	<!-- # 37 --><waypoint x="1923" z="1080" y="47">
	changeProfileSkill("MAGE_PURGATORY_FIRE","InBattle", true,"Autouse", true)
	changeProfileSkill("MAGE_FLAME","InBattle", false,"Autouse", false)
	changeProfileOption("QUICK_TURN", true);
	if not player:hasBuff("Grenzenloser Enthusiasmus") then
	if not player:hasBuff(506687) then
	if not player:hasBuff("Klarer Gedanke") then
	changeProfileOption("LOOT", true);
	changeProfileOption("LOOT_ALL", true);
	<!-- # 38 --><waypoint x="1976" z="1083" y="47" type="TRAVEL">	</waypoint>
	<!-- # 39 --><waypoint x="2069" z="1332" y="47" type="TRAVEL">	</waypoint>
	<!-- # 40 --><waypoint x="1990" z="1424" y="47" type="TRAVEL">	</waypoint>
	<!-- # 41 --><waypoint x="2008" z="1589" y="47" type="TRAVEL">	</waypoint>
	<!-- # 42 --><waypoint x="2184" z="1554" y="47" type="TRAVEL">	</waypoint>
	<!-- # 43 --><waypoint x="2203" z="1732" y="47" type="TRAVEL">	</waypoint>
	<!-- # 44 --><waypoint x="2372" z="1614" y="47">
	<!-- # 45 --><waypoint x="2544" z="1625" y="47" type="TRAVEL">	</waypoint>
	<!-- # 46 --><waypoint x="2595" z="1487" y="47" type="TRAVEL">	</waypoint>
	<!-- # 47 --><waypoint x="2688" z="1485" y="47" type="TRAVEL">	</waypoint>
	<!-- # 48 --><waypoint x="2749" z="1605" y="47" type="TRAVEL">	</waypoint>
	<!-- # 49 --><waypoint x="2906" z="1657" y="47" type="TRAVEL">	</waypoint>
	<!-- # 50 --><waypoint x="2850" z="1725" y="47" type="TRAVEL">	</waypoint>
	<!-- # 51 --><waypoint x="2707" z="1748" y="47" type="TRAVEL">	</waypoint>
	<!-- # 52 --><waypoint x="2652" z="1826" y="47">
	<!-- # 53 --><waypoint x="2656" z="1980" y="47" type="TRAVEL">	</waypoint>
	<!-- # 54 --><waypoint x="2579" z="2122" y="47" type="TRAVEL">	</waypoint>
	<!-- # 55 --><waypoint x="3017" z="2112" y="47" type="TRAVEL">	</waypoint>
	<!-- # 56 --><waypoint x="2890" z="2374" y="47">
	<!-- # 57 --><waypoint x="2890" z="2374" y="47">
	<!-- # 58 --><waypoint x="2978" z="2594" y="47" type="TRAVEL">	</waypoint>
	<!-- # 59 --><waypoint x="3107" z="2507" y="47" type="TRAVEL">	</waypoint>
	<!-- # 60 --><waypoint x="3223" z="2587" y="47">
	<!-- # 61 --><waypoint x="3128" z="2705" y="47" type="TRAVEL">	</waypoint>
	<!-- # 62 --><waypoint x="3271" z="2769" y="47" type="TRAVEL">	</waypoint>
	<!-- # 63 --><waypoint x="3401" z="2693" y="47">
	<!-- # 64 --><waypoint x="3465" z="2700" y="47" type="TRAVEL">	</waypoint>
	<!-- # 65 --><waypoint x="3533" z="2694" y="47" type="TRAVEL">	</waypoint>
	<!-- # 66 --><waypoint x="3580" z="2596" y="47" type="TRAVEL">	</waypoint>
	<!-- # 67 --><waypoint x="3630" z="2776" y="47">
 	changeProfileSkill("MAGE_DISCHARGE","InBattle", false,"Autouse", false)
	changeProfileSkill("MAGE_FLAME","InBattle", true,"Autouse", true)
	<!-- # 68 --><waypoint x="3641" z="2710" y="47">
	changeProfileSkill("MAGE_DISCHARGE","InBattle", false,"Autouse", false) <--- to avoid a stun, podag will e angry :o 
	changeProfileSkill("MAGE_FLAME","InBattle", true,"Autouse", true)
	changeProfileOption("AUTO_ELITE_FACTOR", 2500);
	changeProfileOption("MAX_TARGET_DIST", 225);
	player:target( player:findNearestNameOrId(101346) )<---the critical point, which command to insert here for the prob
	keyboardPress( key.VK_7 );
	keyboardPress( key.VK_4 );
	keyboardPress( key.VK_5 );
	<!-- # 69 --><waypoint x="3979" z="2711" y="47">	</waypoint>
	<!-- # 70 --><waypoint x="4053" z="2709" y="47">
	changeProfileSkill("MAGE_PURGATORY_FIRE","InBattle", true,"Autouse", true)
	changeProfileSkill("MAGE_DISCHARGE","InBattle", true,"Autouse", true)
	changeProfileSkill("MAGE_FLAME","InBattle", false,"Autouse", false)
	changeProfileOption("MAX_TARGET_DIST", 50);
	<!-- # 71 --><waypoint x="4175" z="2713" y="47" type="TRAVEL">	</waypoint>
	<!-- # 72 --><waypoint x="4359" z="2664" y="47" type="TRAVEL">	</waypoint>
	<!-- # 73 --><waypoint x="4264" z="2559" y="47" type="TRAVEL">	</waypoint>
	<!-- # 74 --><waypoint x="4373" z="2491" y="47" type="TRAVEL">	</waypoint>
	<!-- # 75 --><waypoint x="4343" z="2390" y="47">	</waypoint>
	<!-- # 76 --><waypoint x="4449" z="2359" y="47" type="TRAVEL">	</waypoint>
	<!-- # 77 --><waypoint x="4378" z="2163" y="47" type="TRAVEL">	</waypoint>
	<!-- # 78 --><waypoint x="4630" z="2044" y="47" type="TRAVEL">	</waypoint>
	<!-- # 79 --><waypoint x="4750" z="2054" y="47">	</waypoint>
	<!-- # 80 --><waypoint x="4988" z="2137" y="47" type="TRAVEL">	</waypoint>
	<!-- # 81 --><waypoint x="5012" z="2266" y="47" type="TRAVEL">	</waypoint>
	<!-- # 82 --><waypoint x="5029" z="2375" y="47" type="TRAVEL">	</waypoint>
	<!-- # 83 --><waypoint x="4837" z="2548" y="47">	</waypoint>
	<!-- # 84 --><waypoint x="4834" z="2676" y="47" type="TRAVEL">	</waypoint>
	<!-- # 85 --><waypoint x="4768" z="3000" y="47" type="TRAVEL">	</waypoint>
	<!-- # 86 --><waypoint x="4844" z="3090" y="47">	</waypoint>
	<!-- # 87 --><waypoint x="4847" z="3093" y="47" type="TRAVEL">	</waypoint>
	<!-- # 88 --><waypoint x="5164" z="3153" y="47">	</waypoint>
	<!-- # 89 --><waypoint x="5022" z="3267" y="47" type="TRAVEL">	</waypoint>
	<!-- # 90 --><waypoint x="5041" z="3623" y="47" type="TRAVEL">	</waypoint>
	<!-- # 91 --><waypoint x="4901" z="3602" y="47" type="TRAVEL">	</waypoint>
	<!-- # 92 --><waypoint x="4865" z="3723" y="47" type="TRAVEL">	</waypoint>
	<!-- # 93 --><waypoint x="4720" z="3630" y="47" type="TRAVEL">	</waypoint>
	<!-- # 94 --><waypoint x="4606" z="3706" y="47">	</waypoint>
	<!-- # 95 --><waypoint x="4606" z="3517" y="47" type="TRAVEL">	</waypoint>
	<!-- # 96 --><waypoint x="4497" z="3511" y="47" type="TRAVEL">	</waypoint>
	<!-- # 97 --><waypoint x="4539" z="3311" y="47" type="TRAVEL">	</waypoint>
	<!-- # 98 --><waypoint x="4408" z="3355" y="47" type="TRAVEL">	</waypoint>
	<!-- # 99 --><waypoint x="4374" z="3250" y="47">	</waypoint>
	<!-- #100 --><waypoint x="4199" z="3278" y="47" type="TRAVEL">	</waypoint>
	<!-- #101 --><waypoint x="4064" z="3353" y="47">	</waypoint>
	<!-- #102 --><waypoint x="4030" z="3414" y="47" type="TRAVEL">	</waypoint>
	<!-- #103 --><waypoint x="4138" z="3490" y="47" type="TRAVEL">	</waypoint>
	<!-- #104 --><waypoint x="4094" z="3610" y="47" type="TRAVEL">	</waypoint>
	<!-- #105 --><waypoint x="3837" z="3623" y="47">	</waypoint>
	<!-- #106 --><waypoint x="3925" z="3613" y="47" type="TRAVEL">	</waypoint>
	<!-- #107 --><waypoint x="4080" z="3869" y="47" type="TRAVEL">	</waypoint>
	<!-- #108 --><waypoint x="4115" z="4103" y="47" type="TRAVEL">	</waypoint>
	<!-- #109 --><waypoint x="4047" z="4159" y="47" type="TRAVEL">	</waypoint>
	<!-- #110 --><waypoint x="3880" z="4229" y="47">	</waypoint>
	<!-- #111 --><waypoint x="3725" z="4340" y="47" type="TRAVEL">	</waypoint>
	<!-- #112 --><waypoint x="3733" z="4609" y="47">
	<!-- #113 --><waypoint x="3914" z="4640" y="47" type="TRAVEL">	</waypoint>
	<!-- #114 --><waypoint x="3925" z="4913" y="47">
	<!-- #115 --><waypoint x="4043" z="4904" y="47" type="TRAVEL">	</waypoint>
	<!-- #116 --><waypoint x="4135" z="4772" y="47" type="TRAVEL">	</waypoint>
	<!-- #117 --><waypoint x="4217" z="4933" y="47" type="TRAVEL">	</waypoint>
	<!-- #118 --><waypoint x="4319" z="4855" y="47">	</waypoint>
	<!-- #119 --><waypoint x="4352" z="4863" y="47">
	changeProfileOption("QUICK_TURN", true);
	SlashCommand("ILG destroy");

Re: Allmost foolproof KS run

Posted: Sun Dec 16, 2012 2:03 pm
by toxicytears
Small problem at way point 171-174 character keep getting stuck on the wall then after failed 10 attempts for fix the problem bot will shut down client. working on fixing right now if someone gets it before I do please let me know.

Also I didn't notice this till now but does not have an auto sell all function. I copyed the one that is in the forum to my script. still not working here is the script, what is wrong?

Code: Select all

	<!-- # 211 --><waypoint x="-15764" z="11358" type="RUN" tag="Pancer1">	</waypoint>
	<!-- # 212 --><waypoint x="-15967" z="11304" type="RUN">	</waypoint>
	<!-- # 213 --><waypoint x="-16078" z="11312" type="RUN">	</waypoint>
	<!-- # 214 --><waypoint x="-16249" z="11327" type="RUN">	</waypoint>
	<!-- # 215 --><waypoint x="-16450" z="11350" type="RUN">	</waypoint>
	<!-- # 216 --><waypoint x="-16607" z="11365" type="RUN">	</waypoint>
	<!-- # 217 --><waypoint x="-16618" z="11352" type="RUN"> changeProfileOption("HARVEST_DISTANCE", 200);  
   if player:openStore("Pancer") then -- opens the store, then continues if it opened.
       for i, item in pairs(inventory.BagSlot) do
         if (item.Worth > 222) then
            item:use() -- sells it to the store
	ToPancer = 2
Also Also, what is the purple ? next to the script mean? I've not seen it before.

Re: Allmost foolproof KS run

Posted: Mon Jun 30, 2014 6:33 pm
by Ahead
Looting potion sigils are giving me critical error, any suggestion?


Re: Allmost foolproof KS run

Posted: Tue Jul 01, 2014 7:47 am
by Ego95
Ahead wrote:Looting potion sigils are giving me critical error, any suggestion?

Maybe you are using an old version of this? ... ltra+model

Re: Allmost foolproof KS run

Posted: Tue Jul 01, 2014 8:26 am
by Ahead
Ego95 wrote:
Ahead wrote:Looting potion sigils are giving me critical error, any suggestion?

Maybe you are using an old version of this? ... ltra+model
I'm using the last one, v1.3.2. And it keeps giving me critical when i loot (no intentional) regeneration sigils (the yellow potion sigil, the potion which heals a lot in a row is working fine).