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Re: GM detection and banning chance reduction

Posted: Thu Mar 01, 2012 9:51 pm
by abron1
i did test it and MM said sound the alarm but i still hear no sound the bot stops and the gives the message to do the alarm but maybe i have something set up wrong... i have all the functions you put in that topic and i see the volume to 10 is there another setting i am supose to change?

Re: GM detection and banning chance reduction

Posted: Thu Mar 01, 2012 10:00 pm
by Administrator
Maybe you don't have OpenAL installed? Or maybe you just need to update MicroMacro.

Re: GM detection and banning chance reduction

Posted: Thu Mar 01, 2012 10:02 pm
by abron1
ah ok ill try to update it and see what happens do i use the update in at the start of MM or do a svn update on the folders?

Re: GM detection and banning chance reduction

Posted: Thu Mar 01, 2012 10:11 pm
by Administrator
abron1 wrote:ah ok ill try to update it and see what happens do i use the update in at the start of MM or do a svn update on the folders? ... micromacro

Re: GM detection and banning chance reduction

Posted: Thu Mar 01, 2012 10:31 pm
by abron1
thanks ill update it

edit just updated now going to check the gm function.. but no more yellow writhing...

Re: GM detection and banning chance reduction

Posted: Fri Mar 02, 2012 5:44 am
by pman
hi, I have a problem with this userfunction:

Code: Select all

GM detected! Name: , Class IDs: 12124344/12320955
The problem is the name: , I thought the code checks if there are only valid chars in the name.

best regards, pman

Re: GM detection and banning chance reduction

Posted: Fri Mar 02, 2012 6:39 am
by lisa
the comma is just part of the string and not the actual name, it is saying the name is " " so basically a space.

Code: Select all

printf("GM detected! Name: %s, Class IDs: %d/%d\n", tostring(pawn.Name), pawn.Class1, pawn.Class2);
Memory addresses change constantly in RoM and it may happen from time to time.

Re: GM detection and banning chance reduction

Posted: Fri Mar 02, 2012 6:50 am
by pman
no, it says thet the name is "", so its basically empty.

so i added this code at the beginning of the local function valid_name(name)

Code: Select all

-- check name length
	if(#name == 0) then 
		return false;
hope this will do it

EDIT: looks like it works now

Re: GM detection and banning chance reduction

Posted: Fri Mar 23, 2012 9:08 am
by rock5
This has happened at least twice to me.

Code: Select all

Engaging enemy [XXXXXXX] in combat.
Use 1: SCOUT_AUTOSHOT      =>   XXXXXXX (34701/34701)
Use MACRO: SCOUT_SHOOT         pawn.Level
GM detected! Name: , Class IDs: 15794416/16056564

Did not find any crashed game clients.
11:45pm - ...scripts/645/userfunctions/userfunction_gmmonitor.lua:97: Logging out because GM detected.
So there does probably needs to be extra checks for valid pawns like what pman said.

Re: GM detection and banning chance reduction

Posted: Fri Apr 13, 2012 8:26 am
by pman
hi :) is there a possibility to do an extra check if class is game master? because everytime i saw a gm, he was lvl 70 (so lvl check is useless) and had 2 classes (gm and something else), as you can see on my screenshot.
have a nice day, pman

Re: GM detection and banning chance reduction

Posted: Fri Apr 13, 2012 6:29 pm
by lisa
the userfunction has always done a check for class, since they added in 2 new classes not sure if that is still working or not.

Code: Select all

pawn.Class1 == 0 or pawn.Class2 == 0
0 was GM class, it may have changed.

Re: GM detection and banning chance reduction

Posted: Wed Apr 18, 2012 2:28 pm
by trias
lisa wrote:the userfunction has always done a check for class, since they added in 2 new classes not sure if that is still working or not.
Looks like it's still working :D
GM detection just spotted a GM in KS when my bot was working.

Re: GM detection and banning chance reduction

Posted: Wed Apr 18, 2012 9:07 pm
by lisa
trias wrote:GM detection just spotted a GM in KS when my bot was working.
Looks like the userfunction saved your char, atleast for a little bit ;)

Re: GM detection and banning chance reduction

Posted: Thu Apr 19, 2012 7:22 pm
by whyme
I really like this addon. However, I would like it to detect any normal player that is in my area. Would I modify this line:

if( pawn.Class1 == 0 or pawn.Class2 == 0 or pawn.Level > 70 or pawn.Name == testcharname ) then

to maybe something like

if( pawn.Level < 70 ) then

I don't know where pawn.Class1, pawn.Level or pawn.Name are coming from so I can't follow all the code.

Also, is there a way to check if the person that whispered you is in your friends list. I have had a friend whisper me a few times and it whispered him back with one of the pre-programmed responses and logged out. He was then confused with my pre-programmed response.

Re: GM detection and banning chance reduction

Posted: Thu Apr 19, 2012 8:54 pm
by lisa
whyme wrote:Also, is there a way to check if the person that whispered you is in your friends list. I have had a friend whisper me a few times and it whispered him back with one of the pre-programmed responses and logged out. He was then confused with my pre-programmed response.
That would only happen if your friend is a GM lol
whyme wrote: I would like it to detect any normal player that is in my area.
You can just write your own userfunction to do what you want, this is specifically for detecting GM's. Doing what you want is much more simple then what this userfunction does.
whyme wrote: don't know where pawn.Class1, pawn.Level or pawn.Name are coming from so I can't follow all the code.
"pawn" is the name I gave to the table of information for the objects in the area as it checks every object.

So pawn.Name is the name of the object
pawn.Class1 is the first class of the object
pawn.Level is the level of first class of the object

So if all you want is to check for other players then you want.
pawn.Type == PT_PLAYER

I suspect what you want is to set up some sort of auto emote and replies to players. I suguest you start your own topic in the main "runes of magic" section of forum and see if others want to help you get it going.

For if name is on friend list the code you want goes like this

Code: Select all

for i=1, RoMScript("GetFriendCount('Friend')") do
if pawn.Name == RoMScript("GetFriendInfo('Friend', "..i..")") then
--some fancy code here
You can find the info for the in game function here

Re: GM detection and banning chance reduction

Posted: Mon Apr 23, 2012 2:01 pm
by trias
lisa wrote:Looks like the userfunction saved your char, atleast for a little bit ;)
It sure did, thank you for that ;)

Re: GM detection and banning chance reduction

Posted: Fri Apr 27, 2012 10:30 am
by whyme
My GMdetect activates whenever someone whispers me. This has happened with guildies (lvl 70) and now gold spammers (lvl 1). The gold spammer today, made my character do a recall also. I have never been whispered by a real GM, which is fine by me.

Re: GM detection and banning chance reduction

Posted: Fri Apr 27, 2012 6:27 pm
by lisa
whyme wrote:My GMdetect activates whenever someone whispers me. This has happened with guildies (lvl 70) and now gold spammers (lvl 1). The gold spammer today, made my character do a recall also. I have never been whispered by a real GM, which is fine by me.
Are you on an old server?
Have you got multiple versions of the userfunction?

I just don't see how that can happen with current userfunction and current bot.

Re: GM detection and banning chance reduction

Posted: Fri Apr 27, 2012 10:25 pm
by whyme
I have version 2.4 of GMdetect and RoM Bot is 3.29 revision 708. I am on a regular server, not private.

I ran GMdetect on one character and whispered him on another of my accounts. After the first whisper, the character stopped and started counting down for 300 seconds. I whispered him over 10 times during the 300 seconds and nothing else happened. At the end of 300 seconds, the character responded back with one of the canned responses and logged out.

RoM Bot says "Logging out because GM whispered, used recall." However, it did not use recall. It just logged out.

Here are my profile options for GMdetect:

<!-- GM detection options -->
<option name="GMDETECT" value="true" /> -- enables the GM detection userfunction
<option name="GMnearbylogout" value="true" /> -- If a GM is close to the character it will log out.
<option name="PAUSEONGM" value="300" /> -- Pauses when GM whispers for value in seconds. ie 300 = 5 minutes
<option name="RECALL" value="false" /> -- if in combat while pausing it will use recall and whisper/logout

Re: GM detection and banning chance reduction

Posted: Sat Apr 28, 2012 1:41 am
by lisa
it should have done a count down with 10 second intervals
and so on

unless you are in combat and then it should say
We got aggro, skipping pause and logging out.
whyme wrote:RoM Bot says "Logging out because GM whispered, used recall." However, it did not use recall. It just logged out.
Yep seems I copy pasted the error message so it says it used recall but didn't.

It still shouldn't think everyone is a GM, Like I did say earlier though there are 2 new classes and maybe it has messed with the userfunction, since I don't even play RoM anymore I haven't tested it.