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Re: RoM bot

Posted: Sat Sep 19, 2009 1:41 pm
by Maroco
Hi, i thry but same problem, client crash. What tu du naw? thx for help
And did you follow the read here link?
I thry again and naw works fine, thx for help

Re: RoM bot

Posted: Sat Sep 19, 2009 3:12 pm
by clint
Hey guys,

Bot updates are shiny.. altough after the inventory update (marco check thingy) my mana potions arent consumed as they
should... after the potion count goes from 99 to 1 it doenst consume any potions no more and only wait till he gets enough mana to attack again... any suggestions?

i have over 600 potions in bag at that moment

Re: RoM bot

Posted: Sat Sep 19, 2009 3:31 pm
by d003232
clint wrote:Hey guys,

Bot updates are shiny.. altough after the inventory update (marco check thingy) my mana potions arent consumed as they
should... after the potion count goes from 99 to 1 it doenst consume any potions no more and only wait till he gets enough mana to attack again... any suggestions?

i have over 600 potions in bag at that moment
Be patient. Thats a know bug. Need some time. You could trigger manual a full update of your inventory with

Code: Select all

in your waypointfile. Every x fights or after a givem time. That could be a workaround ... but I'm not sure. Otherwise just wait a day or two.

Re: RoM bot

Posted: Sat Sep 19, 2009 4:14 pm
by clint
Ah ok :)

Ill be patient, thnx for your reply :)

Re: RoM bot

Posted: Sat Sep 19, 2009 5:21 pm
by Sparra
Ok so my scout walks from monster to monster but doesnt attack them i have the latest rombot and and this is my profile set up

Code: Select all

		<!-- Try the bot with a new char mage                   -->
		<!-- At the pioneer village. Use demo.xml waypoint file -->
		<option name="HP_LOW"        value="65" />
		<option name="MP_LOW_POTION" value="50" />
		<option name="HP_LOW_POTION" value="40" />

		<!-- Rest if HP or Mana is below that level -->
		<option name="HP_REST" value="15" />
		<option name="MP_REST" value="15" />

		<!-- Shopping options, how many of what do you want to keep in your inventory -->
		<option name="HEALING_POTION" value="99" />
		<option name="MANA_POTION" value="1" />
		<option name="ARROW_QUIVER" value="2" />
		<option name="THROWN_BAG" value="2" />

		<!-- Combat options -->
		<option name="COMBAT_TYPE"        value="" />	<!-- leave empty or choose ranged/melee if not using class default -->
		<option name="COMBAT_RANGED_PULL" value="true" /> <!-- only important for melees -->
		<option name="COMBAT_DISTANCE"    value="100" />
		<option name="MAX_FIGHT_TIME"     value="15" />	<!-- Max time without damage before break -->
		<option name="DOT_PERCENT"        value="90" />
		<option name="ANTI_KS"            value="false" />

		<!-- Attack monsters 3 levels above or 10 below your level -->
		<option name="TARGET_LEVELDIF_ABOVE" value="3" />
		<option name="TARGET_LEVELDIF_BELOW" value="10" />

		<!-- Waypoint and movement settings -->
		<option name="WAYPOINTS"		value="Lv3-7.xml" />  <!-- leave empty to show a list -->
		<option name="RETURNPATH"		value="" />
		<option name="PATH_TYPE"		value="waypoints" />	<!-- waypoints | wander -->
		<option name="WANDER_RADIUS"		value="500" />
		<option name="WAYPOINT_DEVIATION"	value="0" />
		<option name="QUICK_TURN" 		value="false" />

		<!-- Loot settings -->
		<option name="LOOT"               value="true" />
		<option name="LOOT_IN_COMBAT"     value="true" />
		<option name="LOOT_DISTANCE"      value="100" />
		<option name="LOOT_PAUSE_AFTER"   value="0" />		<!-- probability in % for a short rest -->

		<!-- Log out and resurrect settings -->
		<option name="LOGOUT_TIME" 			value="0" />	<!-- in minutes, 0 = timer disabled -->
		<option name="LOGOUT_SHUTDOWN"		value="false" />
		<option name="LOGOUT_WHEN_STUCK"	value="true" />
		<option name="RES_AUTOMATIC_AFTER_DEATH" value="true" />

		<!-- For more options and documentation see the RoM Bot Wiki:  -->
		<!--  -->


		<!-- names of friends we help fighting or enemys we don't want to attack -->
		<!-- for umlauts use \129 (ue),\132 (ae),\148 (oe) e.g. K\132fer         -->
		<friend name="Spirit of the Oak" />
		<friend name="MyOtherCharacter2" />
		<friend name="Elite_Mob_Name1" />
		<friend name="Elite_Mob_Name2" />

    	<!-- to communicate with the RoM API / define ingame dummy macro at place 1 -->
		<hotkey name="MACRO"        key="VK_0" />
		<hotkey name="ATTACK" key="VK_1" modifier="" />

	<!-- define your skills depending from your actual primary class -->
	<!-- see the example for a priest/mage                           -->
	<!-- delete skills you don't have or don't want to use.          -->
	<!-- For more skills to use see /database/skills.xml             -->
	<!-- demo skills for LvL 1 character for all classes             -->
		<skill name="SCOUT_WIND_ARROWS"	hotkey="VK_2" priority="105" />
		<skill name="SCOUT_VAMPIRE_ARROWS"	hotkey="VK_3" priority="90" />
		<skill name="WARDEN_CHARGED_CHOP"	hotkey="VK_5" priority="90" />
		<skill name="WARDEN_BRIAR_SHIELD"	hotkey="VK_6" priority="90" />
		<skill name="SCOUT_ARROW_OF_ESSENCE"	hotkey="VK_8" priority="90" />

		-- Additional Lua code to execute after loading the profile
		-- and before the bot starts. e.g. You could overwrite profile settings here
		-- like: changeProfileOption("HP_REST", 60);

		-- Additional Lua code to execute on death
		-- pauseOnDeath(); -- Stop the script

		-- Additional Lua code to execute after killing an enemy


		-- Additional Lua code to execute when casting a skill
		-- Note: arg1 contains the skill being used.
		-- i.e. arg1.Name will be the name of the skill being cast.

Re: RoM bot

Posted: Sun Sep 20, 2009 1:27 am
by d003232
clint wrote:Ah ok :)

Ill be patient, thnx for your reply :)
I suppose just an update will not work. The update have to be done after the stack of potions is empty. So be patient for the SVN update.

Re: RoM bot

Posted: Sun Sep 20, 2009 1:34 am
by d003232
Sparra wrote:Ok so my scout walks from monster to monster but doesnt attack them i have the latest rombot and and this is my profile set up

Code: Select all

<!-- Attack monsters 3 levels above or 10 below your level -->
<option name="TARGET_LEVELDIF_ABOVE" value="3" />
<option name="TARGET_LEVELDIF_BELOW" value="10" />
<hotkey name="ATTACK" key="VK_1" modifier="" />
You profile looks fine. You will attack mobs 3 lvl above and 10 level below of you. Know we should check your waypoint file. Perhaps you have a type of 'RUN' or 'TRAVEL'?

The ATTACK hotkey could be deleted. It is no longer useed.

Re: RoM bot

Posted: Sun Sep 20, 2009 2:12 am
by d003232
Sparra wrote:Ok so my scout walks from monster to monster but doesnt attack them i have the latest rombot and and this is my profile set up
Please update to SVN 295. There you can set a profile option:

Code: Select all

<option name="DEBUG_TARGET"	value="true" />
to display more informations about why not targeting a mob.

Re: RoM bot

Posted: Tue Sep 22, 2009 4:31 pm
by bezzhabernik
Greetings mates.
Sorry for the dumb question, but I didn't understand how to fix this.
I have the ".../scripts/rom/classes/pawn.lua:172: bad argument #1 to 'bitAnd' ((null))" problem. I've deleted my character folder in My Documents ,but I can't find what SVN is and how to update it.

Re: RoM bot

Posted: Tue Sep 22, 2009 4:48 pm
by copenhagen69

SVN - Always have the newest version:
Advanced: Simple:
  • First, I suggest you install Tortoise SVN. Once installed, you may need to reboot your machine. Now, locate your 'rom' folder (should be inside micromacro/scripts/) and right-click it. Select 'SVN Checkout'.

    Now, a window should open. Inside "URL of repository:", enter this url:

    Everything else can be left at default. Click OK and it should begin downloading and updating all of your files. Now that you've got it all setup, you can simply right click the 'rom' folder again and select SVN update. Typically, a red icon over the folder should indicate that there are updates to download.
Problems with file conflicts?
  • This typically happens if you've made any modifications to the scripts. To fix it, you should delete any files that have conflicts, and try to SVN update again.

Setup tutorial video - by Top115:
This covers all of the basics you will need and may aid you in setting up your bot.

Re: RoM bot

Posted: Tue Sep 22, 2009 5:50 pm
by bezzhabernik
Thanks mate. Tested it and it works like a charm :)

Re: RoM bot

Posted: Wed Sep 23, 2009 11:03 am
by GurdyMan
The bot doesn't ranged pull anymore. Settings are below. VK_9 is set to a macro which throws and then uses surprise attack. Works when I click it, so the bot isn't clicking it.

Code: Select all

		<!-- Combat options -->
		<option name="COMBAT_TYPE"       value="melee" />	<!-- leave empty or choose ranged/melee if not using class default -->
		<option name="COMBAT_DISTANCE" value="130" /> 
		<option name="COMBAT_RANGED_PULL" value="true" /> <!-- only important for melees -->

Code: Select all

<skill name="ROGUE_THROW"   hotkey="VK_9" priority="110" pullonly="true" maxuse = "1"/> throw then surprise/> -->
		<skill name="WARRIOR_SLASH"   hotkey="VK_2" priority="90" />
		<skill name="ROGUE_SHADOWSTAB"  hotkey="VK_1" priority="90" />
		<skill name="WARRIOR_SHOUT"   hotkey="VK_4" priority="70" />
		<skill name="WARRIOR_THUNDER"    hotkey="VK_5" priority="60" />
		<skill name="ROGUE_BLIND_STAB"    hotkey="VK_3" priority="100" maxuse = "2"/>
This is the window output:

Code: Select all

We begin the fight with ranged pulling.
Moving in | Suggested range: 130 | Distance: 190
Taking too long to damage target, breaking sequence...
Clearing target.
Current fight aborted.
No ingame errors. It doesn't even try to pull.

Re: RoM bot

Posted: Wed Sep 23, 2009 2:44 pm
by d003232
GurdyMan wrote:The bot doesn't ranged pull anymore. Settings are below. VK_9 is set to a macro which throws and then uses surprise attack. Works when I click it, so the bot isn't clicking it.

Code: Select all

<skill name="ROGUE_THROW"   hotkey="VK_9" priority="110" pullonly="true" maxuse = "1"/> throw then surprise/> -->
Perhaps it is just because of the comment line at the end, that is not opened/closed. And the additional blanks. Perhaps the XMP parsed get confused? Because it looks like the bot don't have a valid pull skill.

Should look more like:

Code: Select all

<skill name="ROGUE_THROW"   hotkey="VK_9" priority="110" pullonly="true" maxuse="1"/> <!-- throw then surprise -->

Found some changes

Posted: Thu Sep 24, 2009 10:17 am
by CrazyGuy
Was going through and found some problems in some XML files from the svn

Code: Select all

in consumables.xml under Mana Potions add

<potion type="mana" id="204890" name="Elemental Spirit Stone" level="51" />

Code: Select all

in skills.xml under Warden remove type ="buff"  and target ="self" for the below skill, this is a damage spell

<skill name="WARDEN_POWER_OF_THE_WOOD_SPIRIT" mana="15" range="50" type="damage" target="enemy" />
Also ive found out that casting spells/buffs while running on my mage will usually result in getting stuck and having to go through the player unsticking, Im going to move them all to inbattle and see what happens

Re: Found some changes

Posted: Thu Sep 24, 2009 10:39 am
by d003232
CrazyGuy wrote:Was going through and found some problems in some XML files from the svn
Changed in SVN 308. thx for your help.

Problem with aggro and "ignored mobs"

Posted: Thu Sep 24, 2009 11:08 am
by CrazyGuy
So i have a few mob names on my "friendly" list. The problem is that if the bot targets a "friendly" mob and i get aggro from another mob, it starts to attack the friendly mob instead of the mob that is attacking me, so i get two creatures on me instead of just the one. Any ideas?

Re: Problem with aggro and "ignored mobs"

Posted: Thu Sep 24, 2009 11:16 am
by d003232
CrazyGuy wrote:So i have a few mob names on my "friendly" list. The problem is that if the bot targets a "friendly" mob and i get aggro from another mob, it starts to attack the friendly mob instead of the mob that is attacking me, so i get two creatures on me instead of just the one. Any ideas?
I take a look at the coding.

Code: Select all

		-- Friends aren't enemies
		if( self:isFriend(target) ) then
			if( self.Battling == true  and         -- we have aggro, check if the 'friend' is targeting us
				target.TargetPtr ~= self.Address ) then   -- but not from that target
				debug_target("target is in friends, aggro, but not from that target")
				return false;         
from that it seems all to be ok. It the friend doen't targeting us, it is not a valid target for us? Perhaps you wrote someting wront in the friends section? You could activate

Code: Select all

<option name="DEBUG_TARGET" value="true" />
in the profile, to get more informations into your MM window.

Attacking friends

Posted: Thu Sep 24, 2009 3:11 pm
by CrazyGuy
Ok so this is what is happening again, and the output that RoM bot is displaying. I am walking around, i have "Friendly Mob" on my friends list. The bot selects "Friendly Mob" and since its on the friends it ignores it (but dosent clear it). Now "Hostile Mob" aggros me, and i run up and start attacking "Friendly Mob", instead of switching over and killing "Hostile Mob." Ive died about 8 times in the past few hours due to this happening.

Code: Select all

Moving to waypoint #3
Selecting new target "Hostile Mob" in distance 166
Stopping waypoint: Target acquired
Engaging enemy "Hostile Mob" in combat.
[Debug] 90434080 target is in friends
Fight finished. Killed X "Hostile Mob" (fight #2/ runtime 2 minutes)
Use MACRO: Looting target in distance 189
Clearing Target
Waiting on Aggressive enemies.
Engaging enemy "Friendly Mob" in combat

...... Combat......

Fight finished. Killed X "Friendly Mob" (fight #2/ runtime 2 minutes)
Use MACRO: Looting target in distance 32
Clearing Target
Waiting on Aggressive enemies.
Engaging enemy "Hostile Mob" in combat.

Re: Attacking friends

Posted: Thu Sep 24, 2009 4:17 pm
by d003232
CrazyGuy wrote:Ok so this is what is happening again, and the output that RoM bot is displaying. I am walking around, i have "Friendly Mob" on my friends list. The bot selects "Friendly Mob" and since its on the friends it ignores it (but dosent clear it). Now "Hostile Mob" aggros me, and i run up and start attacking "Friendly Mob", instead of switching over and killing "Hostile Mob." Ive died about 8 times in the past few hours due to this happening.
After you get aggro without attacking a mob, the bot waits for the client to get the target:

Code: Select all

Waiting on Aggressive enemies.
The client give the target in that case. Not the bot. And if the client give the 'friendly mob' as an target, then your character must also be the target of the 'friendly mob' (you can see that ingame). So the friendly mob is attacking you and by that is now a valid target. If we select a target by ourselfe, there is a tourqouis message in the protocoll.

You should not be confused by the yellow target circle around a mob. The yellow circle will not be deleted after targeting/clearing a mob, because we just switch the target in memory.

I didn't check it ingame, but that's the situation from the coding and what I read in the protocol. I suppose you also aggroed the friendly mob, perhaps by comig to close? I would need a little more time to look into that situation ingame. But I suppose there is no bug.

Re: RoM bot

Posted: Thu Sep 24, 2009 7:38 pm
by CrazyGuy
The client give the target in that case. Not the bot. And if the client give the 'friendly mob' as an target, then your character must also be the target of the 'friendly mob' (you can see that ingame). So the friendly mob is attacking you and by that is now a valid target. If we select a target by ourselfe, there is a tourqouis message in the protocoll.
Well the one thing that when i say a Friendly mob, besides being on the friends list (in this case)its a non-aggressive mob, so the only way the mob is going to be aggressive towards the bot is if the bot attacks the mob - what it is doing/shouldnt be, so my character wont ever be the target of the mob first. A non-aggressive mob on the friends list shouldnt ever attack, since the friends list says to ignore the mob, and the mob wont ever aggro you first. Im not using any AOE skills either.

Ok, maybe its something about non-agressive mobs, but usually when i target something, and get aggro before i attack it, i switch target to attack the mob that just attacked me.

Ive worked around it by just removing the mob off my friends list, but its just a way around it and not really a solution to the problem.