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Re: Aion Bot

Posted: Sun Jan 06, 2013 5:33 pm
by nightclaw
this may help its basic bot 4 game it works to a point maybe it helps some also here ... s-exploits
that i got from and so the offsets are there maybe you find something there that help
i keep looking on info thou
i know the move is wasd and mouse movements not arrows and the fly is page up page down and space bar x2 to glide
please dont give up though i help you much as i can
also it looks like the under Version is even thou its 3.7 and server is same ya just launch the lancher and then right click the aion name go properties and it tell you there ..

and thax all :)

Re: Aion Bot

Posted: Sun Jan 06, 2013 10:33 pm
by rock5
Administrator wrote:It's not that they are being blocked, it is that they are not being used. There's two basic types of input detection: querying the hardware and polling queues.
So Aion uses both, "querying the hardware" for movement and "polling queues" for other keypresses. I take it there is no way to use the "hardware query" method unless the window is the active window? Also, is there anyway to use both the attached and unattached methods together without having to attach and unattach all the time?

Re: Aion Bot

Posted: Sun Jan 06, 2013 10:37 pm
by rock5
nightclaw wrote:this may help its basic bot 4 game it works to a point maybe it helps some also here
Looks like all it does it target and attack nearby mobs. I'm pretty sure I could do that. I think I even saw a post where Administrator attached a bot that does exactly that. I want to make a proper bot that can move around and follow waypoints.

Re: Aion Bot

Posted: Mon Jan 07, 2013 12:23 am
by Administrator
rock5 wrote:So Aion uses both, "querying the hardware" for movement and "polling queues" for other keypresses.
Maybe. It is somewhat common to see goofy little things like this in some games. Ever seen a game intercept CTRL/SHIFT/ALT globally while it only accepts other input that is meant for that specific window? RoM does this, if I remember correctly.
I take it there is no way to use the "hardware query" method unless the window is the active window?
That's not up to you. That is just how the software is programmed.
Also, is there anyway to use both the attached and unattached methods together without having to attach and unattach all the time?
Theoretically, yes. However, it isn't a good idea. It is likely to cause issues with some software and normally only one or the other should be used.

At one time, MicroMacro's key presses did actually attempt to use both methods at the same time. Sometimes this would cause double inputs to be sent, sometimes it would cause confusion in the target program and result in nothing being received, and it meant that you couldn't really ever get background botting to work, among other problems.

Re: Aion Bot

Posted: Mon Jan 07, 2013 2:49 am
by rock5
So if I want to do things like fighting and targeting npcs I need to attach first? Then if I want to move I have to detach, bring he window to the front and press the move key? I have a working moveTo that does just that. Question, does it matter if I do lots of attaches in a row while moving, or detaches for that matter? Or should I attach only once? Is there a way to tell if you are attached?

Next I'm working on targeting. I discovered how to target an npc. To change your target you need to change
Game.dll+FB1086 - 2 bytes

If you have nothing targeted it will equal 0x0000. If you have yourself targeted it will be 0xFFFF. If you target something else it will be something like 0xFFE4. If you change this value it will change your target. It took me awhile to figure out how that is associated with pawn tables in memory but I figured it out. Each pawn address + offset 0x13C holds this handle value (I'm calling it the pawns handle). So if we ever manage to be able to search objects in memory then we will be able to target it by using this handle.

Major stumbling block is MM can't read values above 0x80000000 where most of the object data is. Administrator do you have any solutions for this?

Re: Aion Bot

Posted: Mon Jan 07, 2013 3:36 am
by rock5
Cool you can target a target by name using the /select command. Maybe I should work on a macro function next.

I can't think of any way to select options in a dialog except maybe mouse clicks. That's a bit crude for me.

Re: Aion Bot

Posted: Mon Jan 07, 2013 4:57 am
by botje
i think you also have a /select nearest function

Re: Aion Bot

Posted: Mon Jan 07, 2013 9:57 am
by rock5
LoL. I got a helpful tip when starting the game, you know those little comments that appear at the bottom of the page as you are loading up. It said NumLock toggles autorun. I tried it and it works when the game window is not active. So that means I should be able to make it move without the window active after all. :)

I don't think there is a proper way to deal with dialogs. I think the best we can hope for is mouse clicks that will require the window to be active (although I haven't tested this yet).

Re: Aion Bot

Posted: Mon Jan 07, 2013 10:05 am
by botje
tried enter? i recall enter working on some dialogs, not sure though xd

Re: Aion Bot

Posted: Mon Jan 07, 2013 12:55 pm
by nightclaw
also you do virables in macro ingame each time you log out and back in you have reset them up i make a working attack but by using it alone the so maybe you use it in combine with MM to get done what you need it can select targets by name in serton radiuse of you but if there a hill just lump it cant see them witch hard seeing the ground in this game is wavey ...

here what i type in to put my varables in
/Variable 1 fess
/Variable 2 8
/Variable 4 Lumesia
/Variable 2 8
/Variable 3 Wiki
/Variable 2 8

on 1 where fess is is name of target fess is plant i farm on varib 2 the 8 stand for wait time so i farm serton plaenst in bot with taht now this to add variables in game to use the them i use this macro

/Delay [Variable2]
/Select [Variable1]
/Delay [Variable2]
/Select [Variable1]
/Delay [Variable2]
/Select [Variable1]
/Delay [Variable2]
/Select [Variable1]

works great but have re click it after serton time

thet cool thing is there alot you do with this and ways to automate so maybe using it to input what you want may help

Re: Aion Bot

Posted: Mon Jan 07, 2013 1:11 pm
by botje
i made a craft bot in autoit for aion, those macros are very easy for it :P

Re: Aion Bot

Posted: Mon Jan 07, 2013 1:25 pm
by Administrator
rock5 wrote:So if I want to do things like fighting and targeting npcs I need to attach first? Then if I want to move I have to detach, bring he window to the front and press the move key? I have a working moveTo that does just that.
You can. Doing stuff via memory would obviously be better.
Question, does it matter if I do lots of attaches in a row while moving, or detaches for that matter? Or should I attach only once? Is there a way to tell if you are attached?
That's fine. You can attach/detech often if you need to. If getAttachedHwnd() is non-zero, you are attached.
Major stumbling block is MM can't read values above 0x80000000 where most of the object data is. Administrator do you have any solutions for this?
Not off the top of my head. Read this: ... 85%29.aspx

Re: Aion Bot

Posted: Mon Jan 07, 2013 2:30 pm
by rock5
It says the 0x80000000 and above is used by the system so why are there so many result addresses in the 0xFxxxxxxx range?

Re: Aion Bot

Posted: Mon Jan 07, 2013 4:38 pm
by nightclaw
botje wrote:i made a craft bot in autoit for aion, those macros are very easy for it :P
ya i use it farming mats and killing guys for DP points witch is most needed in game so far

Re: Aion Bot

Posted: Mon Jan 07, 2013 5:36 pm
by Administrator
rock5 wrote:It says the 0x80000000 and above is used by the system so why are there so many result addresses in the 0xFxxxxxxx range?
I don't know. I can only make guesses without knowing all the details. All I can really say is that it is memory that is owned by the system, either directly or indirectly. That can include system libraries or any memory owned by those libraries.

Re: Aion Bot

Posted: Tue Jan 08, 2013 12:33 am
by rock5
I found a way to trigger the numlock movement via CE but it's a Exxxxxxx range address. Grrrr. I guess I'll gave to use a keyboardPress.

Re: Aion Bot

Posted: Tue Jan 08, 2013 3:17 am
by rock5
Major set back. I spent most of yesterday getting the address for the macro but today, after deleting and then recreating the macro, the pointer changed. At this point I'm thinking it's not going possible to do macros which is seriously going to limit the control we have.

Re: Aion Bot

Posted: Tue Jan 08, 2013 3:51 am
by nightclaw
the varables go away after you log out but macros well work and the ingame command work there alot hiding ones like targeting and target npcs and find and even a cords 1 that tell where you are on a map...way to many for me even find list but there are fully working bots that work like Roms with way points and all but you have pay monthly fee to keep it going so it can be done just finding out how the thing i would like see a target kill loot ( with some time loot filter ) and heal and kill and farming 1 or even a carfting 1 that let you target npc get the quests step back few steps and craft and also buy the items from vender there needed to do the craft quest so can level i know there a macro that does it vary nicly but you have have window set up just right for the clicks to work ... rubot.html
and ... cense.html
my bud tested them and they did work and the RUbot even has a trial to test from 1 to level 10

hope that helps

Re: Aion Bot

Posted: Tue Jan 08, 2013 5:47 am
by rock5
Nightclaw, use a little punctuation, please. Just a few few full stops is all I ask for. I really struggled to understand what you were saying. :?

Those bots don't really help as it's not like I can see their code.


Administrator, I noticed something strange. MM can read high addresses as long as it's not directly. eg.

Code: Select all

gamebase = 0x30070000
targetptr = memoryReadUInt(getProc(),gamebase + 0xB40E6C) = 0xFFD7F600

Code: Select all

targetX = memoryReadFloat(getProc(), targetptr + 0x38)
Doesn't work, but this

Code: Select all

targetX = memoryReadFloatPtr(getProc(),getGameBase()+0xB40E6C,0x38)

It seems like there is an unnecessary limitation being placed on the 'address' part of the memory function.

Re: Aion Bot

Posted: Tue Jan 08, 2013 7:00 am
by lisa
Interesting, so you are saying it works if it is a Pointer but not if trying to read the address directly.

I did have something working earlier today but then it just suddenly failed to read even the first address, couldn't explain it. So I put it to bed for the night, might play around again tomorrow.

I can confirm the direction address you have can turn the player (camera), you can then use forward keypress to go that direction. So turning is easy enough, the actual movement forward will be the pain, I haven't been able to find an address for movement just yet. MM not being able to deal with address 0x8000000 + kind of put me off, even if we manage to get something working if the addresses needed are in that region then we are toast.

Ohh yeah I found the static that gives us the value of "Game.dll", I'll post it tomorrow from work.