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Re: RoM bot

Posted: Sat Aug 08, 2009 2:03 am
by d003232
Crador wrote:I'v seen this problem in few topics already, but it seems everyone else except me have it solved already:

Current game version:
Current SVN rev. (on MM\scripts\rom): 139

Attempt to execute "rom\update.lua" leads to message: "Unable to find static base pointer in module."
Attempt to execute "rom\bot.lua update" leads to message: "scripts\rom\bot.lua:31: Unable to find static base pointer in module."

Only thing i can do - wait for next revision, or i made some obvious, but critical mistake? :)
What kind of language has the server, you are playing on?

Re: RoM bot

Posted: Sat Aug 08, 2009 4:17 am
by xxxtacticxxx
when i try to start the bot i get this problem.

scripts\rom\bot.lua:238: attempt to call global 'load_paths' <a nil value>

any help would be great thanks

Re: RoM bot

Posted: Sat Aug 08, 2009 4:18 am
by Crador
2 d003232
"Current game version:"
Region - Europe, Language - English (eneu).

Well, same result was at Russian servers, but latest version there is, so i moved to EU servers. To find out that MM's ROMbot is't working here too.

As far as i understood, main point in my problem is at lines 11-16 of update.lua:

Code: Select all

	local pattern = string.char(0xB4,0xFF,0x3D,0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,0x00,0xFF,0xFF,0x3D,0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,0x01);
	local found = findPatternInProcess(getProc(), pattern, "x?x????x??x????x", 0x00840000, 0x000A0000);
	if( found == 0 ) then
		error("Unable to find static base pointer in module.", 0);
	staticbase = found + 0xC;
Seems like script is unable to pinpoint some ROM process variables (Character attributes?), which has been moved/changed with the last official patch. Though, that could be just nub-programmer gibberish :)

2 xxxtacticxxx I have bot scripts version 2.26 and there are only 152 lines o.0 Maybe i just have wrong (old) version? Or it's just LUA's "include("database.lua");" works same with PhP's "include();" increasing result HTML code size...

Re: RoM bot

Posted: Sat Aug 08, 2009 4:24 am
by d003232
Crador wrote:2 d003232
"Current game version:"
Region - Europe, Language - English (eneu).

Well, same result was at Russian servers, but latest version there is, so i moved to EU servers. To find out that MM's ROMbot is't working here too.

As far as i understood, main point in my problem is at lines 11-16 of update.lua:

Code: Select all

	local pattern = string.char(0xB4,0xFF,0x3D,0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,0x00,0xFF,0xFF,0x3D,0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,0x01);
	local found = findPatternInProcess(getProc(), pattern, "x?x????x??x????x", 0x00840000, 0x000A0000);
	if( found == 0 ) then
		error("Unable to find static base pointer in module.", 0);
	staticbase = found + 0xC;
Seems like script is unable to pinpoint some ROM process variables, which has been moved/changed with the last official patch. Though, that could be just nub-programmer gibberish :)

2 xxxtacticxxx I have bot scripts version 2.26 and there are only 152 lines o.0 Maybe i just have wrong (old) version?
Everything on the EU servers is working fine. I'm really sure! Perhaps there is something mixed up in your BOT installation. So please delete all content from your '/rom' folder except the folders 'profiles' and 'waypoints' and make a SVN update to load all files again.

I could also suppose, that your installation of RoM itselfe is different? Means becaus you installed a russian version with different addresses instead of the 'normal' EU version?

Re: RoM bot

Posted: Sat Aug 08, 2009 4:33 am
by Crador
d003232 wrote:]Everything on the EU servers is working fine. I'm really sure! Perhaps there is something mixed up in your BOT installation. So please delete all content from your '/rom' folder except the folders 'profiles' and 'waypoints' and make a SVN update to load all files again.
I could also suppose, that your installation of RoM itselfe is different? Means becaus you installed a russian version with different addresses instead of the 'normal' EU version?
No, that's not that case. I have 2 different downloaded "clients" - Russian and English. Currently i have only 'normal', official, original English client clearly installed after full uninstallation of RU ROM, patched to final EU server version. Yes, those clients are different, absolutely (RU one sucks by version, translation and fonts).

Though... Maybe i have missed something in uninstallation, will check it in few hours. Are there any other folders, where ROM contains anything except 'root' folder C:\Program Files\Runes of Magic?

Re: RoM bot

Posted: Sat Aug 08, 2009 4:51 am
by Crador
Found it. Thank you, d003232 for all your help. I'v made full reinstall of EU client again, including deleting "Runes oif Magic" folder from C:\Documents and Settings\<profile name>\My Documents, reinstalled MM and ROM scripts, then done SVN "clean" update ("So please delete all content from your '/rom' folder except the folders 'profiles' and 'waypoints' and make a SVN update to load all files again.") and now it works just fine. Time to explore this forum for LUA wisdom =)

Re: RoM bot

Posted: Sun Aug 09, 2009 3:50 pm
by akira2102
Administrator wrote: No, but you need to give the exact error messages you are receiving or we cannot help you.
Here we go.. this is the error message I get trying to use

Code: Select all

I also tried

Code: Select all

EDIT: Thank u very much! ;)
EDIT2: I'm such an... -.- Thanks again

Re: RoM bot

Posted: Sun Aug 09, 2009 3:56 pm
by d003232
akira2102 wrote:Here we go.. this is the error message I get trying to use
You should delete your characters name from your screenshot!

Re: RoM bot

Posted: Sun Aug 09, 2009 4:09 pm
by d003232
Again, the name is still in the screenshot! :?:

Re: RoM bot

Posted: Sun Aug 09, 2009 4:46 pm
by d003232
akira2102 wrote:
Administrator wrote: No, but you need to give the exact error messages you are receiving or we cannot help you.
Here we go.. this is the error message I get trying to use

Code: Select all

I also tried

Code: Select all

I don't now, why you get that error. Perhaps admin knows. Nevertheless it would not help to change the type within the header of the waypointlist. Because all single waypoints have their own type. Either set in the waypoint file or copied from the header while loading the file.

So the question is, what do you want to do exactly? If you would change the type manual within the waypoint file, how long should that type be valid? Until you load a new waypoint file?

Re: RoM bot

Posted: Sun Aug 09, 2009 4:56 pm
by akira2102
Well I want to change the type of the waypoint-list if a certain level is reached to avoid killing every mob that runs around. I know there is the option that I can avoid battling mobs that are x Level under mine. But thats not what I want. Sometimes it is necessary to kill these mobs but when I'm just "traveling" from waypoint file to waypoint file then it should switch the waypoint-list type to travel when my bot has a level that is higher.
I dont know if I explained it the right way but I programmed a botstarter that starts the game again when it's closed by the bot and transports me back to logar. And then from there the bot should travel through the waypoint-lists until it reaches the actual one.
I know it sounds wired but it is absoloutly necessary to switch the type to save a lot of time.

Re: RoM bot

Posted: Sun Aug 09, 2009 5:00 pm
by d003232
akira2102 wrote:I dont know if I explained it the right way but I programmed a botstarter that starts the game again when it's closed by the bot and transports me back to logar. And then from there the bot should travel through the waypoint-lists until it reaches the actual one.
I know it sounds wired but it is absoloutly necessary to switch the type to save a lot of time.
I'm just testing a solution to do that.

And I'm asking myselfe, it I wouldn't be better, just to start at the place, where your character is standing?

Re: RoM bot

Posted: Sun Aug 09, 2009 5:10 pm
by akira2102
d003232 wrote:
And I'm asking myselfe, it I wouldn't be better, just to start at the place, where your character is standing?
The bot closes the process CLient.exe when it stucks so when I start where I am there is no chance of getting away there....

Thanks for your help.

Re: RoM bot

Posted: Sun Aug 09, 2009 5:48 pm
by d003232
akira2102 wrote:Well I want to change the type of the waypoint-list if a certain level is reached to avoid killing every mob that runs around. I know there is the option that I can avoid battling mobs that are x Level under mine. But thats not what I want. Sometimes it is necessary to kill these mobs but when I'm just "traveling" from waypoint file to waypoint file then it should switch the waypoint-list type to travel when my bot has a level that is higher.
I dont know if I explained it the right way but I programmed a botstarter that starts the game again when it's closed by the bot and transports me back to logar. And then from there the bot should travel through the waypoint-lists until it reaches the actual one.
I know it sounds wired but it is absoloutly necessary to switch the type to save a lot of time.
There is a new function in SVN 143:

Code: Select all

__WPL:setForcedWaypointType("NORMAL" | "TRAVEL" | "RUN");
You can set one of the three available types. The forced type will be set back after loading a new waypoint file. So you have to force set the type again at the begin of each waypoint file. And by that if could happen, that the bot will use the type of the waypoint file itselfe, until he reach the wp with the function. Hope thats ok?

Re: RoM bot

Posted: Sun Aug 09, 2009 6:03 pm
by akira2102
d003232 wrote:There is a new function in SVN 143:

Code: Select all

__WPL:setForcedWaypointType("NORMAL" | "TRAVEL" | "RUN");
You can set one of the three available types. The forced type will be set back after loading a new waypoint file. So you have to force set the type again at the begin of each waypoint file. And by that if could happen, that the bot will use the type of the waypoint file itselfe, until he reach the wp with the function. Hope thats ok?

That would be fine but I get the same error message like before :((
I reinstalled the whole bot but the error message comes again. It seems that it don't recognizes the functions..

Re: RoM bot

Posted: Sun Aug 09, 2009 6:11 pm
by d003232
akira2102 wrote:
d003232 wrote:There is a new function in SVN 143:

Code: Select all

__WPL:setForcedWaypointType("NORMAL" | "TRAVEL" | "RUN");
You can set one of the three available types. The forced type will be set back after loading a new waypoint file. So you have to force set the type again at the begin of each waypoint file. And by that if could happen, that the bot will use the type of the waypoint file itselfe, until he reach the wp with the function. Hope thats ok?

That would be fine but I get the same error message like before :((
I reinstalled the whole bot but the error message comes again. It seems that it don't recognizes the functions..
I just tested it without problems

Code: Select all

	<!-- # 6 --><waypoint x="-2462" z="-9625">__WPL:setForcedWaypointType("TRAVEL")</waypoint>
	<!-- # 7 --><waypoint x="-2391" z="-9639">__WPL:setForcedWaypointType()	</waypoint>
	<!-- # 8 --><waypoint x="-2144" z="-9585">__WPL:setForcedWaypointType("RUN")</waypoint>
	<!-- # 9 --><waypoint x="-2044" z="-9320">__WPL:setForcedWaypointType(0)</waypoint>
	<!-- #10 --><waypoint x="-2014" z="-9426">__WPL:setForcedWaypointType("TRAVEL")</waypoint>
	<!-- #11 --><waypoint x="-1779" z="-9606">__WPL:setForcedWaypointType("")</waypoint>
So I suppose a typo. Or post your WP file. You did a SVN update?

Re: RoM bot

Posted: Sun Aug 09, 2009 6:14 pm
by eacable
ok I think I am blind and or just plain dumb... I cannot figure out how to stop my character from attacking mobs... I want to turn combat off 100% please... how do I do this?

Re: RoM bot

Posted: Sun Aug 09, 2009 6:17 pm
by d003232
eacable wrote:ok I think I am blind and or just plain dumb... I cannot figure out how to stop my character from attacking mobs... I want to turn combat off 100% please... how do I do this?
Different ways. Set in your profile:

Code: Select all

<option name="TARGET_LEVELDIF_BELOW"  value="-1" />
<option name="TARGET_LEVELDIF_ABOVE"  value="-1" />
or use in your waypoint files type 'RUN':

Code: Select all

<waypoints type="RUN" >
	<!-- # 1 --><waypoint x="-2206" z="-9648"></waypoint>
Only type = "RUN" will also avoid to fight back if you get aggro.

Re: RoM bot

Posted: Sun Aug 09, 2009 6:20 pm
by akira2102
d003232 wrote:

That would be fine but I get the same error message like before :((
I reinstalled the whole bot but the error message comes again. It seems that it don't recognizes the functions..I just tested it without problems

Code: Select all

	<!-- # 6 --><waypoint x="-2462" z="-9625">__WPL:setForcedWaypointType("TRAVEL")</waypoint>
	<!-- # 7 --><waypoint x="-2391" z="-9639">__WPL:setForcedWaypointType()	</waypoint>
	<!-- # 8 --><waypoint x="-2144" z="-9585">__WPL:setForcedWaypointType("RUN")</waypoint>
	<!-- # 9 --><waypoint x="-2044" z="-9320">__WPL:setForcedWaypointType(0)</waypoint>
	<!-- #10 --><waypoint x="-2014" z="-9426">__WPL:setForcedWaypointType("TRAVEL")</waypoint>
	<!-- #11 --><waypoint x="-1779" z="-9606">__WPL:setForcedWaypointType("")</waypoint>
So I suppose a typo. Or post your WP file. You did a SVN update?
I figured out why its aborting! When I get rid of the If query then it works. So I think I have a failure in the right format.

Code: Select all

<!-- # 7 --><waypoint x="-2124" z="-8323">if( player.Level > 10 ) then
But I dunno whats wrong -.-

Re: RoM bot

Posted: Sun Aug 09, 2009 6:28 pm
by d003232
akira2102 wrote:

Code: Select all

<!-- # 7 --><waypoint x="-2124" z="-8323">if( player.Level > 10 ) then
But I dunno whats wrong -.-
Missing a 'end'?