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Re: Rock5's Ancient Treasure

Posted: Thu Jul 12, 2012 1:34 pm
by rock5
_hirondelle wrote:Does anyone try to don't give the 30 tokens for play this mini game ?

(Like for the goblin's game on this thread)
We have been able to go inside and look around without paying the tokens but nothing spawns; no mobs, no candles to click and no chests.

Re: Rock5's Ancient Treasure

Posted: Thu Jul 12, 2012 2:50 pm
by _hirondelle
If you fly over goblin wall from the left (really near from the wall), you will not start the chrono... not pop mobs and chest...

May be there is a point to find. I'll try this tomorrow

Re: Rock5's Ancient Treasure

Posted: Thu Jul 12, 2012 8:44 pm
by rock5
_hirondelle wrote:If you fly over goblin wall from the left (really near from the wall), you will not start the chrono
Well, that's the thing. In Goblins the chrono starts when you reach a certain point. With AT (and survival and cot) the chrono starts when you pay the npc.

So I don't think there is any way to avoid it.

Re: Rock5's Ancient Treasure

Posted: Fri Jul 13, 2012 10:35 am
by _hirondelle
That's what I found this morning... else if I'm not 100% sure

why this difference between goblin's game and other ?
Maybe cause of the teleportation...

Re: Rock5's Ancient Treasure

Posted: Fri Jul 13, 2012 6:37 pm
by lisa
More than likely because goblins was created back in chapter 2 and the others were made in like chapter 4?

Re: Rock5's Ancient Treasure

Posted: Sat Aug 11, 2012 5:00 am
by _hirondelle
Adding guildDonate userfunction, I have this :
11:59am - scripts\rom\bot.lua:473: onLoad error: Error in function call GuildDon
ate(_type, _quality, _lesser), check "_type"!

Re: Rock5's Ancient Treasure

Posted: Sat Aug 11, 2012 6:09 am
by rock5
_hirondelle wrote:Adding guildDonate userfunction, I have this :
11:59am - scripts\rom\bot.lua:473: onLoad error: Error in function call GuildDon
ate(_type, _quality, _lesser), check "_type"!
Why didn't you post this in the Guild Donate topic?

Re: Rock5's Ancient Treasure

Posted: Sat Aug 11, 2012 2:53 pm
by _hirondelle
Hum... Cause guildDonate is called in AT script.

It's when using guildDonate (by the option) that I have the error.
I haven't test the function in an other case.

Re: Rock5's Ancient Treasure

Posted: Sat Aug 11, 2012 8:31 pm
by rock5
_hirondelle wrote:Hum... Cause guildDonate is called in AT script.

It's when using guildDonate (by the option) that I have the error.
I haven't test the function in an other case.
Oh yeah, of course. I wasn't thinking.

I think GuildDonate must have been changed at some point to require the first argument. So in AT change

Code: Select all


Code: Select all

I'll might update it at some stage.

Re: Rock5's Ancient Treasure

Posted: Thu Aug 16, 2012 5:51 am
by Jandrana
I have a small improvement for the AT script. Currently it collects all Stone Totem Fragments, but the quest is completed the next day, so one backpack slot is being blocked. It would be better to complete the quest at the end of the AT game.

As I'm chaining scripts, with the current script you need to go to Sascilia steppes to trade for rewards. I added an extra option to trade Team Medals for backpack tickets, as soon as enough medals are collected.
If you like different rewards change the ChoiceOption(7) to a different index.

I'm only posting the essential stuff. I moved the code for trading totem fragments from the main script to checkRelog. If you do not chain scripts and just do a relog, maybe one should move the code for trading at the beginning of checkRelog.

Code: Select all

---=== User Options ===--
    ExchangeForBackback    = true   -- If you want to exchange Team Medals for backpack tickets 

	function checkRelog()
		-- Log result
		local filename = getExecutionPath() .. "/logs/at.log";
		local file, err =, "a+");
		if file then
			file:write("Account: "..RoMScript("GetAccountName()").."\tName: " ..string.format("%-10s",player.Name ).." \tDate: " .. ..
			"\tCoins:"..inventory:itemTotalCount(203038).." \tShells gained/total: "..inventory:getItemCount(240181) - numshells.."/".. inventory:getItemCount(240181).. "\t" ..logentry .. "\n")
		if When_Finished == "relog" then
		elseif When_Finished == "charlist" then
		elseif When_Finished == "end" then
			error("Ending script",2)

			-- Leave before loading next waypoint file.
			if ExitBeforeNextFile == true then
				if player:target_Object(tran) then
					RoMScript("StaticPopup_OnClick(StaticPopup1, 1);")

			if ExchangeFragments and player.Level > 20 then
				while inventory:itemTotalCount(frag) > 4 do
			if ExchangeForBackback and inventory:itemTotalCount(GetIdName(206423)) > 4 then 

			if not string.find(When_Finished,".", 1, true) then
				When_Finished = When_Finished .. ".xml"
			loadProfile() -- Because we messed with the skills

			local filename = getExecutionPath() .. "/waypoints/" .. When_Finished
			local file, err =, "r");
			if file then
				error("'When_Finished' option is invalid",0)

Re: Rock5's Ancient Treasure

Posted: Thu Aug 16, 2012 6:04 am
by lisa
I could be wrong but I think rock did the quest when you start WP so that you don't have to leave the instance just for the quest hand in.

Less loading screens the better when it comes to people who run through many characters one after the other. In most cases you will get 10-15 character changes before RoM crashes, the less loading screens per run increases the number of characters you can use before the crash.

So yes by leaving instance you would get the quest handed in 1 day earlier but it might mean you can only do 11 chars before crash instead of 15.

Re: Rock5's Ancient Treasure

Posted: Thu Aug 16, 2012 6:45 am
by Jandrana
Good point Lisa. In my case this does not apply as I'm running several scripts in sequence for the same char, so I must leave the instance. We simply could trade in the token at the start AND at the end. This way both kinds of using this script can be satisfied.

Re: Rock5's Ancient Treasure

Posted: Thu Aug 16, 2012 6:54 am
by rock5
What you could do is if ExitBeforeNextFile = true then when it exits it checks ExchangeFragments. If it's true then it can exchanges the fragments.

Re: Rock5's Ancient Treasure

Posted: Mon Aug 20, 2012 11:09 pm
by xrozhija
Anyone who could share what level a character must be to enter this minigame?

Re: Rock5's Ancient Treasure

Posted: Mon Aug 20, 2012 11:32 pm
by rock5
The quest of the npc that teleports you requires level 21. To get Phirius Shells you need to be level 50. Otherwise there is no other requirement I think. The file avoids getting aggro.

Re: Rock5's Ancient Treasure

Posted: Tue Aug 21, 2012 11:03 am
by xrozhija
Have there been some changes in todays patch concerning the teleport/fly hack usage in AT?
Yesterday, and the days before that, I was using the bot fine for going through AT, but today, it didn't work very well.
After the first 2 stone fragments, it teleported up high, and got stuck there, couldnt move anywhere.

screenshots of the micromacto movements up to the time it got stuck, and a screen of where my char got stuck attatched

Re: Rock5's Ancient Treasure

Posted: Tue Aug 21, 2012 1:42 pm
by rock5
The script is not 100% fool proof. It should, hopefully, work most of the time but occasionally it might get stuck and/or collect aggro.

Re: Rock5's Ancient Treasure

Posted: Tue Aug 21, 2012 3:28 pm
by xrozhija
Ah, ok, just the first 4 times i used it, i watched it do it, and no problems at all, then the first time i leave it unattended, it gets stuck.

Re: Rock5's Ancient Treasure

Posted: Tue Aug 21, 2012 8:06 pm
by apple
Well you could try to put the stone collection off if you dont need the items, getting less stuck then ( or atleast i do now) . Btw sometimes when i was afk and i came back i was dead in sascilia steps but really high up,correct me if iam wrong but think that is caused if you get stuck and after 10 minutes you get teleported and could i be that the script keeps running then ( was afk those times so iam not sure)

But its workng pretty good now, thanks for this rock

Regards apple

Re: Rock5's Ancient Treasure

Posted: Sat Aug 25, 2012 8:21 am
by xrozhija
I just went and tried to do the minigame with a lvl 12 char, and couldnt sign up for it, so I guess that there is a level requirement for it. (most likely 21 like the quest for it)