send item t6

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send item t6

#1 Post by Supergala » Wed Aug 23, 2023 7:22 pm

hi all, I took a look at the rocks mail function and I understood something but I didn't find what interests me. I would like to send specific players some t6 items, mainly from level 99 to 100, there are no specific items, each one will give me a t6 for fusion. in a rocks post I figured out which string is of interest, but the thing is that I don't know how to compose the xml.
this is a string i think:
"UMM_SendAdvanced(_recipient, _itemTable, _quality, _reqlevel, _worth, _objtype, _statNo, _dura, _amount, _stacksize, _fusedtier)"
how can i select all t6 items from level 99 and up? it would also be advisable to be able to send, for example, only 10 for each player I have, I already know how to use the "nametable" function but I have some problems regarding the number of t6 in the part where i send how do i compile this thing? an example? Thank you
i use it for fusion :
UMM_SendByNameOrId(nameTable[counter],202999, 55);
where 55 is the number of items

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Re: send item t6

#2 Post by Administrator » Thu Aug 24, 2023 11:08 am

How is a T6 item denoted?

I imagine that's what the _fusedtier argument refers to, but I'm not sure. A comment does state:
-- Check fused tier. That is what tier level mana stone the item would make.

Maybe something like this:

Code: Select all

UMM_SendAdvanced("my other character", nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, 6)

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Re: send item t6

#3 Post by Supergala » Fri Aug 25, 2023 6:34 am

they are high-level objects that become t6 when used with a fusion stone. In the meantime, thanks for the reply, may I know how to add this string inside the xml, also adding a quantity to send? as you saw in private I already have an xml with some elements but I don't know how to add the rest. thank you
i have it for fusion stone and probably i will have a problem where i need to cancel readed mail and cancel for re-open mailbox........
while inventory:itemTotalCount(202928) >0 do

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Re: send item t6

#4 Post by Administrator » Fri Aug 25, 2023 11:03 am

I looked over the script that you sent to me in PM.

Here's the section you are using to send fusion stones to your other character:

Code: Select all

            local t = os.clock()
               player:target_NPC(110793) -- Mailbox
            until RoMScript("MailFrame:IsVisible()") or os.clock()-t > 5 -- relog after 5 seconds
            if RoMScript("MailFrame:IsVisible()") then
            t = os.clock() -- reset timer
         until false
         UMM_SendByNameOrId(nameTable[counter],202999, 55);
         counter = counter  + 1;
         if counter > #nameTable then
            error("Last name reached. No more names.")

I guess you have two choices here:
1. Only want to send your T6 items, and no fusion stones
2. Send fusion stones, then send all T6 items

For #1, change that section to this:

Code: Select all

            local t = os.clock()
               player:target_NPC(110793) -- Mailbox
            until RoMScript("MailFrame:IsVisible()") or os.clock()-t > 5 -- relog after 5 seconds
            if RoMScript("MailFrame:IsVisible()") then
            t = os.clock() -- reset timer
         until false
         UMM_SendAdvanced(nameTable[counter], nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, 6); -- Will send all T6 items it finds
If you want to send your fusion stones, and then send your T6 items (option #2 from above), keep that block exactly the same as it is and only add the last line (UMM_SendAdvanced line) at the end, like this:

Code: Select all

            local t = os.clock()
               player:target_NPC(110793) -- Mailbox
            until RoMScript("MailFrame:IsVisible()") or os.clock()-t > 5 -- relog after 5 seconds
            if RoMScript("MailFrame:IsVisible()") then
            t = os.clock() -- reset timer
         until false
         UMM_SendByNameOrId(nameTable[counter],202999, 55);
         counter = counter  + 1;
         if counter > #nameTable then
            error("Last name reached. No more names.")
         UMM_SendAdvanced(nameTable[counter], nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, 6); -- Will send all T6 items it finds

If you want to limit the number of T6 items to send, that is controlled by the 9th parameter (3rd to last). For example, to only send 10 T6 items, this should work:

Code: Select all

         UMM_SendAdvanced(nameTable[counter], nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, 10, nil, 6); -- Will send all T6 items it finds

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Re: send item t6

#5 Post by Supergala » Fri Aug 25, 2023 6:50 pm

sorry but i don't have permission for write here macro with quote....program said me this :
2023-08-26 02:12:42 - C:/Program Files/micromacro/scripts/rom/functions.lua:3057: bad argument #1 to 'match' (string expected, got nil
anyway, after send stacks of 30( this is my idea about item number) i wanna enter in my house for refresh zone and after continue to send all t6 items till i want .ty

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Re: send item t6

#6 Post by Supergala » Mon Aug 28, 2023 2:58 pm

player still have a problem to send. macro said "no items to send" but i chane t6 in t5 at the end of ummadvanced.

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Re: send item t6

#7 Post by Administrator » Wed Aug 30, 2023 1:25 pm

I PMd you something to test. Please try it out and report your findings.

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