Version progress

Runes of Magic/Radiant Arcana (
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Re: Version progress

#281 Post by Ego95 » Wed Mar 11, 2020 2:57 pm

Admin, I think a huge problem for many users are also the tons of adresses that are missing but were used in old scripts.

When we try to run scripts we used before there a several functions in these which are not available.

For example a few days ago I tried to use my old dungeon of dalanis script to farm some mementos. At first it errored because of missing charClassInfoBase and currencyBase_offset. I just copied these two entries from the old adresses list into the new one and now it works. Currencys are not getting counted and keep printing 0 because of a wrong adress but the script runs.

An other example: Last week I wanted to run a script where it needs to accept a quest. questGroup_offset was missing so it errored. Copying that offset from the old adresses list into the new one did it. Quests are getting accepted correctly like before.

I think not every adress has changed but we need to figure out which ones are and which ones are not.

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Re: Version progress

#282 Post by Andre235 » Wed Mar 11, 2020 4:00 pm

Ego95 wrote: Wed Mar 11, 2020 2:57 pm Admin, I think a huge problem for many users are also the tons of adresses that are missing but were used in old scripts.

When we try to run scripts we used before there a several functions in these which are not available.

For example a few days ago I tried to use my old dungeon of dalanis script to farm some mementos. At first it errored because of missing charClassInfoBase and currencyBase_offset. I just copied these two entries from the old adresses list into the new one and now it works. Currencys are not getting counted and keep printing 0 because of a wrong adress but the script runs.

An other example: Last week I wanted to run a script where it needs to accept a quest. questGroup_offset was missing so it errored. Copying that offset from the old adresses list into the new one did it. Quests are getting accepted correctly like before.

I think not every adress has changed but we need to figure out which ones are and which ones are not.
why do you need addresses in waypoint files? by the way: the most addresses are already updated in the addresses.lua. But they have a new name too...
an idea to solve this problem is a file with a "link" from the new address to the name of the old address. But this is very difficult in some cases...

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Re: Version progress

#283 Post by Ego95 » Wed Mar 11, 2020 8:13 pm

Andre235 wrote: Wed Mar 11, 2020 4:00 pm
why do you need addresses in waypoint files? by the way: the most addresses are already updated in the addresses.lua. But they have a new name too...
an idea to solve this problem is a file with a "link" from the new address to the name of the old address. But this is very difficult in some cases...
Just like I said because there are function which need those adresses. Checking currencies or accepting quests like I mentioned.

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Re: Version progress

#284 Post by Andre235 » Thu Mar 12, 2020 9:01 am

new patch - new addresses :evil:
that sucks :(

text addresses, memdatabase addresses as i know (there are sure some more);

Posts: 64
Joined: Thu Jun 11, 2015 6:10 pm

Re: Version progress

#285 Post by Onche » Thu Mar 12, 2020 9:21 am

Ok so I think this could help, not resolving the whole problem but I have an old MM that I modified (just deleted some functions) and it could update some addresses.
Here is the list of what was updated :

Code: Select all

Patched addresses.actualSpeed_offset     (value: 0x790, at: 0x5FD02C)
Patched addresses.bankOpenPtr    (value: 0xA61C64, at: 0x693602)
Patched addresses.boundStatusOffset      (value: 0x40, at: 0x866523)
Patched addresses.camDistanceSave_offset         (value: 0x490, at: 0x62F880)
Patched addresses.camDistance_offset1    (value: 0x454, at: 0x62F7E6)
Patched addresses.camDistance_offset2    (value: 0x244, at: 0x43DEE9)
Patched addresses.camPtr_offset  (value: 0x47C, at: 0x5EFC15)
Patched addresses.camXUVec_offset        (value: 0x128, at: 0x442D7B)
Patched addresses.camX_offset    (value: 0x104, at: 0x442C9E)
Patched addresses.castingBarPtr  (value: 0xA61D20, at: 0x63C1B1)
Patched addresses.charAlive_offset       (value: 0x228, at: 0x5EF86B)
Patched addresses.charBattle_offset      (value: 0x74A, at: 0x5F05D2)
Patched addresses.charClassInfoBase      (value: 0xA07B50, at: 0x5EE21D)
Patched addresses.charClassInfoSize      (value: 0x430, at: 0x6C047F)
Patched addresses.charPtrMounted_offset  (value: 0x7C, at: 0x883FB2)
Patched addresses.charPtr_offset         (value: 0x5A8, at: 0x5ED7A2)
Patched addresses.charStance_offset      (value: 0x7C4, at: 0x5EF8E5)
Patched addresses.coolDownOffset         (value: 0xE8, at: 0x6BD61C)
Patched addresses.currencyBase_offset    (value: 0x15AA0, at: 0x7A220D)
Patched addresses.cursorBase     (value: 0xA63314, at: 0x5F66BF)
Patched addresses.dailyCount_offset      (value: 0xF8AC, at: 0x6BF22F)
Patched addresses.durabilityOffset       (value: 0x18, at: 0x6B9DEB)
Patched addresses.editBoxHasFocus_address        (value: 0xA5F09C, at: 0x73DECD)
Patched addresses.eggPetMaxExpTablePtr   (value: 0xA5A5D4, at: 0x80B3C1)
Patched addresses.functionMousePatchAddr         (value: 0x3B486C7, at: 0x62FDB6)
Patched addresses.functionTargetPatchAddr        (value: 0xE8CD8B56, at: 0x5F324F)
Patched addresses.gameTimeAddress        (value: 0xA02F70, at: 0x60E627)
Patched addresses.getTEXT        (value: 0xA25B14, at: 0x60E6BC)
Patched addresses.guildBankOpen_offset   (value: 0xBC, at: 0x874970)
Patched addresses.high9sBase     (value: 0xA1F398, at: 0x687084)
Patched addresses.hotkeysKey_offset      (value: 0x54, at: 0x7E88CC)
Patched addresses.hotkeysPtr     (value: 0xA63338, at: 0x7710AA)
Patched addresses.hotkeys_offset         (value: 0x28, at: 0x7E93C4)
Patched addresses.idCardNPCOffset        (value: 0x368, at: 0x6A6BB7)
Patched addresses.idOffset       (value: 0xC, at: 0x84ECEC)
Patched addresses.inUseOffset    (value: 0x1C, at: 0x7956BB)
Patched addresses.isInGame       (value: 0xA25A44, at: 0x6465B5)
Patched addresses.itemCountOffset        (value: 0x10, at: 0x78CF52)
Patched addresses.loadingScreenPtr       (value: 0xA63448, at: 0x5F63A7)
Patched addresses.loadingScreen_offset   (value: 0xC, at: 0x7EAF5E)
Patched addresses.loginInfoPtr   (value: 0xA61B28, at: 0x778D42)
Patched addresses.macroBody_offset       (value: 0x118, at: 0x7F2CAF)
Patched addresses.maxDurabilityOffset    (value: 0x15, at: 0x6C5F61)
Patched addresses.mousePtr_offset        (value: 0x75C, at: 0x60C297)
Patched addresses.moveKeysPressed_offset         (value: 0xAAC, at: 0x5EDE58)
Patched addresses.nameOffset     (value: 0xC, at: 0x6A6C14)
Patched addresses.partyIconList_base     (value: 0xA63528, at: 0x667042)
Patched addresses.partyLeader_address    (value: 0xA27240, at: 0x662DC8)
Patched addresses.partyMemberList_address        (value: 0xA647B0, at: 0x5EF2DF)
Patched addresses.pawnCastingElapsed_offset      (value: 0x264, at: 0x890C0C)
Patched addresses.pawnCasting_offset     (value: 0x260, at: 0x890BE6)
Patched addresses.pawnClass1_offset      (value: 0x310, at: 0x5F0A7D)
Patched addresses.pawnClass2_offset      (value: 0x31C, at: 0x5F0A83)
Patched addresses.pawnDirXUVec_offset    (value: 0x34, at: 0x886A06)
Patched addresses.pawnDirZUVec_offset    (value: 0x3C, at: 0x886A11)
Patched addresses.pawnHarvesting_offset  (value: 0x164, at: 0x891735)
Patched addresses.pawnId_offset  (value: 0x14, at: 0x88331A)
Patched addresses.pawnIsPet_offset       (value: 0x280, at: 0x894C02)
Patched addresses.pawnLevel2_offset      (value: 0x320, at: 0x8911D1)
Patched addresses.pawnLevel_offset       (value: 0x314, at: 0x8911CB)
Patched addresses.pawnLootable_offset    (value: 0x3A0, at: 0x5EE1D5)
Patched addresses.pawnMP_offset  (value: 0x2E8, at: 0x89107D)
Patched addresses.pawnMaxMP_offset       (value: 0x2EC, at: 0x89108A)
Patched addresses.pawnName_offset        (value: 0x294, at: 0x890D22)
Patched addresses.pawnPetPtr_offset      (value: 0x284, at: 0x89A883)
Patched addresses.pawnRace_offset        (value: 0x328, at: 0x82232A)
Patched addresses.pawnTargetPtr_offset   (value: 0x278, at: 0x5FF23A)
Patched addresses.pawnType_offset        (value: 0x18, at: 0x89FE21)
Patched addresses.pawnX_offset   (value: 0x28, at: 0x8869E6)
Patched addresses.ping_offset    (value: 0x7C0, at: 0x60B24B)
Patched addresses.playerCraftLevelBase   (value: 0xA057B0, at: 0x5EEC27)
Patched addresses.playerCraftLevel_offset        (value: 0x152C, at: 0x6C76AA)
Patched addresses.psi    (value: 0xA07B18, at: 0x7C9BE4)
Patched addresses.qualityBaseOffset      (value: 0x40, at: 0x620A64)
Patched addresses.qualityTierOffset      (value: 0x16, at: 0x620A6A)
Patched addresses.questGroup_offset      (value: 0x4F0, at: 0x7875D5)
Patched addresses.realItemIdOffset       (value: 0x98, at: 0x6A4E29)
Patched addresses.requiredLevelOffset    (value: 0x58, at: 0x7AAFC1)
Patched addresses.skillsTableBase        (value: 0xA64868, at: 0x8342C3)
Patched addresses.staticCooldownsBase    (value: 0xA049A0, at: 0x640D20)
Patched addresses.staticEquipBase        (value: 0xA035F0, at: 0x602922)
Patched addresses.staticGuildBankBase    (value: 0xA64A2C, at: 0x5EE59E)
Patched addresses.staticTablePtr         (value: 0xA64DEC, at: 0x885E82)
Patched addresses.staticTableSize        (value: 0xA64DE8, at: 0x63AD6C)
Patched addresses.staticbase_char        (value: 0xA019B4, at: 0x5E6BE4)
Patched addresses.staticbase_macro       (value: 0xA6348C, at: 0x772FBD)
Patched addresses.swimAddress    (value: 0xB483C7, at: 0x44D519)
Patched addresses.tablesBase     (value: 0xA2A934, at: 0x6B47BD)
Patched addresses.valueOffset    (value: 0x34, at: 0x7D046F)
Patched addresses.zoneId         (value: 0xA5A268, at: 0x640452)

Assuming information for 'addresses.pawnMP2_offset'; now 0x2F0, was 0x2F0
Assuming information for 'addresses.pawnMaxMP2_offset'; now 0x2F4, was 0x2F4
Assuming information for 'addresses.pawnY_offset'; now 0x2C, was 0x2C
Assuming information for 'addresses.pawnZ_offset'; now 0x30, was 0x30
Assuming information for 'addresses.camYUVec_offset'; now 0x12C, was 0x12C
Assuming information for 'addresses.camZUVec_offset'; now 0x130, was 0x130
Assuming information for 'addresses.camY_offset'; now 0x108, was 0x108
Assuming information for 'addresses.camZ_offset'; now 0x10C, was 0x10C
Assuming information for 'addresses.eggPetBaseAddress'; now 0xA1F9A8, was 0xA1E998
Assuming information for 'addresses.inventoryBagIds'; now 0xA1C3C4, was 0xA1B3B4
Assuming information for 'addresses.itemSetSkillsBase'; now 0xA21560, was 0xA20550
Assuming information for 'addresses.moneyPtr'; now 0xA153FC, was 0xA143EC
Assuming information for 'addresses.rentBagBase'; now 0xA1CF6C, was 0xA1BF5C
Assuming information for 'addresses.rentBankBase'; now 0xA1CF94, was 0xA1BF84
Assuming information for 'addresses.rentEggSlotBase'; now 0xA1CFE4, was 0xA1BFD4
Assuming information for 'addresses.staticInventory'; now 0xA12428, was 0xA11418
Assuming information for 'addresses.staticBankbase'; now 0xA15404, was 0xA143F4
Assuming information for 'addresses.itemQueueCount'; now 0xA1F900, was 0xA1E8F0

Read bytes for functionTargetBytes at: 0x5F324F Bytes: 56 8B CD E8 79 41 2A 00
Read bytes for functionMouseX1Bytes at: 0x62FDB6 Bytes: C7 86 B4 03 00 00 00 00 00 00
Read bytes for functionMouseX2Bytes at: 0x62FDC9 Bytes: 89 86 B4 03 00 00
Read bytes for functionMouseX3Bytes at: 0x630594 Bytes: 89 8E B4 03 00 00
Read bytes for functionMouseY1Bytes at: 0x62FDD7 Bytes: C7 86 B8 03 00 00 00 00 00 00
Read bytes for functionMouseY2Bytes at: 0x62FDEA Bytes: 89 86 B8 03 00 00
Read bytes for functionMouseY3Bytes at: 0x63059A Bytes: 89 86 B8 03 00 00
Read bytes for swimAddressBytes at: 0x44D519 Bytes: C7 83 B4 00 00 00 03 00 00 00
NB : each "old address" you can see wasn't from the previous patch, is was older (around last december)

Posts: 156
Joined: Thu Oct 03, 2019 4:08 am

Re: Version progress

#286 Post by Andre235 » Thu Mar 12, 2020 9:39 am

Onche wrote: Thu Mar 12, 2020 9:21 am Ok so I think this could help, not resolving the whole problem but I have an old MM that I modified (just deleted some functions) and it could update some addresses.
Here is the list of what was updated :

Code: Select all

Patched addresses.actualSpeed_offset     (value: 0x790, at: 0x5FD02C)
Patched addresses.bankOpenPtr    (value: 0xA61C64, at: 0x693602)
Patched addresses.boundStatusOffset      (value: 0x40, at: 0x866523)
Patched addresses.camDistanceSave_offset         (value: 0x490, at: 0x62F880)
Patched addresses.camDistance_offset1    (value: 0x454, at: 0x62F7E6)
Patched addresses.camDistance_offset2    (value: 0x244, at: 0x43DEE9)
Patched addresses.camPtr_offset  (value: 0x47C, at: 0x5EFC15)
Patched addresses.camXUVec_offset        (value: 0x128, at: 0x442D7B)
Patched addresses.camX_offset    (value: 0x104, at: 0x442C9E)
Patched addresses.castingBarPtr  (value: 0xA61D20, at: 0x63C1B1)
Patched addresses.charAlive_offset       (value: 0x228, at: 0x5EF86B)
Patched addresses.charBattle_offset      (value: 0x74A, at: 0x5F05D2)
Patched addresses.charClassInfoBase      (value: 0xA07B50, at: 0x5EE21D)
Patched addresses.charClassInfoSize      (value: 0x430, at: 0x6C047F)
Patched addresses.charPtrMounted_offset  (value: 0x7C, at: 0x883FB2)
Patched addresses.charPtr_offset         (value: 0x5A8, at: 0x5ED7A2)
Patched addresses.charStance_offset      (value: 0x7C4, at: 0x5EF8E5)
Patched addresses.coolDownOffset         (value: 0xE8, at: 0x6BD61C)
Patched addresses.currencyBase_offset    (value: 0x15AA0, at: 0x7A220D)
Patched addresses.cursorBase     (value: 0xA63314, at: 0x5F66BF)
Patched addresses.dailyCount_offset      (value: 0xF8AC, at: 0x6BF22F)
Patched addresses.durabilityOffset       (value: 0x18, at: 0x6B9DEB)
Patched addresses.editBoxHasFocus_address        (value: 0xA5F09C, at: 0x73DECD)
Patched addresses.eggPetMaxExpTablePtr   (value: 0xA5A5D4, at: 0x80B3C1)
Patched addresses.functionMousePatchAddr         (value: 0x3B486C7, at: 0x62FDB6)
Patched addresses.functionTargetPatchAddr        (value: 0xE8CD8B56, at: 0x5F324F)
Patched addresses.gameTimeAddress        (value: 0xA02F70, at: 0x60E627)
Patched addresses.getTEXT        (value: 0xA25B14, at: 0x60E6BC)
Patched addresses.guildBankOpen_offset   (value: 0xBC, at: 0x874970)
Patched addresses.high9sBase     (value: 0xA1F398, at: 0x687084)
Patched addresses.hotkeysKey_offset      (value: 0x54, at: 0x7E88CC)
Patched addresses.hotkeysPtr     (value: 0xA63338, at: 0x7710AA)
Patched addresses.hotkeys_offset         (value: 0x28, at: 0x7E93C4)
Patched addresses.idCardNPCOffset        (value: 0x368, at: 0x6A6BB7)
Patched addresses.idOffset       (value: 0xC, at: 0x84ECEC)
Patched addresses.inUseOffset    (value: 0x1C, at: 0x7956BB)
Patched addresses.isInGame       (value: 0xA25A44, at: 0x6465B5)
Patched addresses.itemCountOffset        (value: 0x10, at: 0x78CF52)
Patched addresses.loadingScreenPtr       (value: 0xA63448, at: 0x5F63A7)
Patched addresses.loadingScreen_offset   (value: 0xC, at: 0x7EAF5E)
Patched addresses.loginInfoPtr   (value: 0xA61B28, at: 0x778D42)
Patched addresses.macroBody_offset       (value: 0x118, at: 0x7F2CAF)
Patched addresses.maxDurabilityOffset    (value: 0x15, at: 0x6C5F61)
Patched addresses.mousePtr_offset        (value: 0x75C, at: 0x60C297)
Patched addresses.moveKeysPressed_offset         (value: 0xAAC, at: 0x5EDE58)
Patched addresses.nameOffset     (value: 0xC, at: 0x6A6C14)
Patched addresses.partyIconList_base     (value: 0xA63528, at: 0x667042)
Patched addresses.partyLeader_address    (value: 0xA27240, at: 0x662DC8)
Patched addresses.partyMemberList_address        (value: 0xA647B0, at: 0x5EF2DF)
Patched addresses.pawnCastingElapsed_offset      (value: 0x264, at: 0x890C0C)
Patched addresses.pawnCasting_offset     (value: 0x260, at: 0x890BE6)
Patched addresses.pawnClass1_offset      (value: 0x310, at: 0x5F0A7D)
Patched addresses.pawnClass2_offset      (value: 0x31C, at: 0x5F0A83)
Patched addresses.pawnDirXUVec_offset    (value: 0x34, at: 0x886A06)
Patched addresses.pawnDirZUVec_offset    (value: 0x3C, at: 0x886A11)
Patched addresses.pawnHarvesting_offset  (value: 0x164, at: 0x891735)
Patched addresses.pawnId_offset  (value: 0x14, at: 0x88331A)
Patched addresses.pawnIsPet_offset       (value: 0x280, at: 0x894C02)
Patched addresses.pawnLevel2_offset      (value: 0x320, at: 0x8911D1)
Patched addresses.pawnLevel_offset       (value: 0x314, at: 0x8911CB)
Patched addresses.pawnLootable_offset    (value: 0x3A0, at: 0x5EE1D5)
Patched addresses.pawnMP_offset  (value: 0x2E8, at: 0x89107D)
Patched addresses.pawnMaxMP_offset       (value: 0x2EC, at: 0x89108A)
Patched addresses.pawnName_offset        (value: 0x294, at: 0x890D22)
Patched addresses.pawnPetPtr_offset      (value: 0x284, at: 0x89A883)
Patched addresses.pawnRace_offset        (value: 0x328, at: 0x82232A)
Patched addresses.pawnTargetPtr_offset   (value: 0x278, at: 0x5FF23A)
Patched addresses.pawnType_offset        (value: 0x18, at: 0x89FE21)
Patched addresses.pawnX_offset   (value: 0x28, at: 0x8869E6)
Patched addresses.ping_offset    (value: 0x7C0, at: 0x60B24B)
Patched addresses.playerCraftLevelBase   (value: 0xA057B0, at: 0x5EEC27)
Patched addresses.playerCraftLevel_offset        (value: 0x152C, at: 0x6C76AA)
Patched addresses.psi    (value: 0xA07B18, at: 0x7C9BE4)
Patched addresses.qualityBaseOffset      (value: 0x40, at: 0x620A64)
Patched addresses.qualityTierOffset      (value: 0x16, at: 0x620A6A)
Patched addresses.questGroup_offset      (value: 0x4F0, at: 0x7875D5)
Patched addresses.realItemIdOffset       (value: 0x98, at: 0x6A4E29)
Patched addresses.requiredLevelOffset    (value: 0x58, at: 0x7AAFC1)
Patched addresses.skillsTableBase        (value: 0xA64868, at: 0x8342C3)
Patched addresses.staticCooldownsBase    (value: 0xA049A0, at: 0x640D20)
Patched addresses.staticEquipBase        (value: 0xA035F0, at: 0x602922)
Patched addresses.staticGuildBankBase    (value: 0xA64A2C, at: 0x5EE59E)
Patched addresses.staticTablePtr         (value: 0xA64DEC, at: 0x885E82)
Patched addresses.staticTableSize        (value: 0xA64DE8, at: 0x63AD6C)
Patched addresses.staticbase_char        (value: 0xA019B4, at: 0x5E6BE4)
Patched addresses.staticbase_macro       (value: 0xA6348C, at: 0x772FBD)
Patched addresses.swimAddress    (value: 0xB483C7, at: 0x44D519)
Patched addresses.tablesBase     (value: 0xA2A934, at: 0x6B47BD)
Patched addresses.valueOffset    (value: 0x34, at: 0x7D046F)
Patched addresses.zoneId         (value: 0xA5A268, at: 0x640452)

Assuming information for 'addresses.pawnMP2_offset'; now 0x2F0, was 0x2F0
Assuming information for 'addresses.pawnMaxMP2_offset'; now 0x2F4, was 0x2F4
Assuming information for 'addresses.pawnY_offset'; now 0x2C, was 0x2C
Assuming information for 'addresses.pawnZ_offset'; now 0x30, was 0x30
Assuming information for 'addresses.camYUVec_offset'; now 0x12C, was 0x12C
Assuming information for 'addresses.camZUVec_offset'; now 0x130, was 0x130
Assuming information for 'addresses.camY_offset'; now 0x108, was 0x108
Assuming information for 'addresses.camZ_offset'; now 0x10C, was 0x10C
Assuming information for 'addresses.eggPetBaseAddress'; now 0xA1F9A8, was 0xA1E998
Assuming information for 'addresses.inventoryBagIds'; now 0xA1C3C4, was 0xA1B3B4
Assuming information for 'addresses.itemSetSkillsBase'; now 0xA21560, was 0xA20550
Assuming information for 'addresses.moneyPtr'; now 0xA153FC, was 0xA143EC
Assuming information for 'addresses.rentBagBase'; now 0xA1CF6C, was 0xA1BF5C
Assuming information for 'addresses.rentBankBase'; now 0xA1CF94, was 0xA1BF84
Assuming information for 'addresses.rentEggSlotBase'; now 0xA1CFE4, was 0xA1BFD4
Assuming information for 'addresses.staticInventory'; now 0xA12428, was 0xA11418
Assuming information for 'addresses.staticBankbase'; now 0xA15404, was 0xA143F4
Assuming information for 'addresses.itemQueueCount'; now 0xA1F900, was 0xA1E8F0

Read bytes for functionTargetBytes at: 0x5F324F Bytes: 56 8B CD E8 79 41 2A 00
Read bytes for functionMouseX1Bytes at: 0x62FDB6 Bytes: C7 86 B4 03 00 00 00 00 00 00
Read bytes for functionMouseX2Bytes at: 0x62FDC9 Bytes: 89 86 B4 03 00 00
Read bytes for functionMouseX3Bytes at: 0x630594 Bytes: 89 8E B4 03 00 00
Read bytes for functionMouseY1Bytes at: 0x62FDD7 Bytes: C7 86 B8 03 00 00 00 00 00 00
Read bytes for functionMouseY2Bytes at: 0x62FDEA Bytes: 89 86 B8 03 00 00
Read bytes for functionMouseY3Bytes at: 0x63059A Bytes: 89 86 B8 03 00 00
Read bytes for swimAddressBytes at: 0x44D519 Bytes: C7 83 B4 00 00 00 03 00 00 00
NB : each "old address" you can see wasn't from the previous patch, is was older (around last december)
do you have this list with the addresses from the previous patch?

Posts: 64
Joined: Thu Jun 11, 2015 6:10 pm

Re: Version progress

#287 Post by Onche » Thu Mar 12, 2020 9:48 am

Unfortunately no, since changing client_exe_module_start address to 0x400010 was enough.
In fact, every new address I get is updated from the old RoM/Bot, before Administrator made the huge work, so even if some addresses are updated, you need to check which one is the good one (as Administrator renamed some part of the code I guess)

Posts: 156
Joined: Thu Oct 03, 2019 4:08 am

Re: Version progress

#288 Post by Andre235 » Thu Mar 12, 2020 10:34 am

this is the new addresses.text.base:

Code: Select all

	text = {
		base = 0x625B14,
the problem is: the memdatabase is new after the admins workaround. i cant see the name of the old address and compare it to the new one, i think, we need some help from katherine :)

Posts: 156
Joined: Thu Oct 03, 2019 4:08 am

Re: Version progress

#289 Post by Andre235 » Fri Mar 13, 2020 2:08 am

here is a beta-version of the updated addresses.lua
(6.88 KiB) Downloaded 217 times
not all addresses are updated, but the bot starts and some basic function are working.

Posts: 28
Joined: Sun Mar 01, 2020 11:35 am

Re: Version progress

#290 Post by Franchesca » Fri Mar 13, 2020 6:27 am

can anyone know how to solve this problem with the launch of the fly hack?
\scripts\R5Hacks_Base/hacks.lua:100: Unable to find 'baseSpeedAddress' in module.

Posts: 156
Joined: Thu Oct 03, 2019 4:08 am

Re: Version progress

#291 Post by Andre235 » Fri Mar 13, 2020 8:41 am

Franchesca wrote: Fri Mar 13, 2020 6:27 am can anyone know how to solve this problem with the launch of the fly hack?
\scripts\R5Hacks_Base/hacks.lua:100: Unable to find 'baseSpeedAddress' in module.
flyhack and speedhack working fine for me. i have updated the addresses.lua in my last post a few times. try to download it again :)

edit: or do you mean an updated version of r5Hacks_Base/addresses.lua? if you want this: PM to me ;)

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Re: Version progress

#292 Post by saverombotplz » Fri Mar 13, 2020 10:17 am

Andre235 wrote: Fri Mar 13, 2020 2:08 am here is a beta-version of the updated addresses.lua


not all addresses are updated, but the bot starts and some basic function are working.
Thank you andre you are a lifesaver
can i bother you and ask you to look at scouts skills please only windarrows working for me and wind arrows are useless
if you could ?please.

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Re: Version progress

#293 Post by Andre235 » Fri Mar 13, 2020 10:30 am

My scout uses combo shot and shot with my updated addresses.lua. But I have to say: I don’t know why... yesterday I had the same problem like you with my scout... did you tried it yet?

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Re: Version progress

#294 Post by morc » Fri Mar 13, 2020 10:48 am

Andre235 wrote: Fri Mar 13, 2020 2:08 am here is a beta-version of the updated addresses.lua


not all addresses are updated, but the bot starts and some basic function are working.
instant crash with new addresses.lua (Quest Accept)

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Re: Version progress

#295 Post by Andre235 » Fri Mar 13, 2020 11:08 am

morc wrote: Fri Mar 13, 2020 10:48 am [quote=Andre235 post_id=67836 time=<a href="tel:1584083328">1584083328</a> user_id=20669]
here is a beta-version of the updated addresses.lua


not all addresses are updated, but the bot starts and some basic function are working.
instant crash with new addresses.lua (Quest Accept)

What is instant crash?
Maybe you must reload the texts.lua

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Re: Version progress

#296 Post by saverombotplz » Fri Mar 13, 2020 11:47 am

Andre235 wrote: Fri Mar 13, 2020 10:30 am My scout uses combo shot and shot with my updated addresses.lua. But I have to say: I don’t know why... yesterday I had the same problem like you with my scout... did you tried it yet?
yep it worked thx a lot

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Re: Version progress

#297 Post by saverombotplz » Fri Mar 13, 2020 12:24 pm

there is a lot of failed to cast on all classes.

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Re: Version progress

#298 Post by Andre235 » Fri Mar 13, 2020 1:05 pm

saverombotplz wrote: Fri Mar 13, 2020 12:24 pm there is a lot of failed to cast on all classes.

Thanks :) i've fixed this here:
(6.88 KiB) Downloaded 216 times

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Re: Version progress

#299 Post by Supergala » Sat Mar 14, 2020 7:00 am

still crash :
C:/Program Files/micromacro/scripts/rom/classes/player.lua:257: bad argument #1 to 'memoryReadFloatPtr' ((null))

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Re: Version progress

#300 Post by Andre235 » Sat Mar 14, 2020 7:19 am

Supergala wrote: Sat Mar 14, 2020 7:00 am still crash :
C:/Program Files/micromacro/scripts/rom/classes/player.lua:257: bad argument #1 to 'memoryReadFloatPtr' ((null))
this is no problem with the player addresses. but i still have trouble with the memdatabase and the codemod section :( this causes gameclient crashes and rom bot errors... i have actually no ideas how to fix this. At this point i need some professional help :oops:


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