micromacro eats CPU

Runes of Magic/Radiant Arcana (http://www.runesofmagic.com)
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micromacro eats CPU

#1 Post by notknowingguy » Thu Aug 31, 2017 7:58 am

Hello all i hope someone could help me with this and im to lazy to try figure it out my self at this point.

im currently running a i7 4770 with 20 gb of ram and r9 270X and windows 10 ( also tryed windows 7) i can load 14 + clients no problem keeping a steady fps of 50 on each client
but loading 6 clients and 6 diffrent micromacro scripts cpu goes to 100% and freeze all clients and have to shut down with the button. is this normal

i can also add on my previous pc Xeon with 12 gig of ram i could run 9 clients 9 micromacro with script and do what ever i want while they were doing their thing.

so if anyone got any ideas on this im all ears. i might have F**** somethin up but i dont think this is normal.

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Re: micromacro eats CPU

#2 Post by Administrator » Thu Aug 31, 2017 12:49 pm

No, that doesn't sound normal. Unfortunately I don't know what is causing it. As I would not be able to reproduce it, it would be nearly impossible for me to discern what the problem could be.

Could you try tracking the CPU usage per client and instance of MicroMacro? Is it normal until you start the 6th instance? My best guess is it could have something to do with IPC and a race condition somewhere. Might even be set off by some sort of anti-virus or something. Have you tried disabling all AV, including Windows defender?

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Re: micromacro eats CPU

#3 Post by notknowingguy » Thu Aug 31, 2017 1:39 pm

just to give an example running 2 rom clients one is standing at AH in morland " spelling " and on at daily in elephant graveyard both clients togheter consume around avrage 10-15% cpu on single core when starting micromacro and executing script it first looks cpu on 3.6ghz max boost is 3.9 and then it it starts use about 20-25 single core preformance .

when using 6 rom clients and 5 executed scripts cpu goes 100% on all cores stays there and start to throttle cpu frequenzy backwards from 3.9 to 3.4 locks it there and 6th client is slightly movable BUT with 0.1 fps, 4 executed scripts works like a charm. and then it do not mather how many clients i run.

been testing without any AV of any sort,
i can se if i can take some screens tomorrow when i do dialys. and i can also try get some more accurate data to post

Edit: im also considering if this might be some sort of buffer overload so gonna check in bios to se if i have enabled or disabled

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Re: micromacro eats CPU

#4 Post by notknowingguy » Thu Aug 31, 2017 11:34 pm

I have no idea if this will help solve the problem. but lets hope it gives an idea
Here is a few screen shots from when im about to do dailys
in my daily raid its 8 clients total 7 Micro running and standing still and take and deliver on complete
and 1 client that i normaly control my self sence it can get stuck

i have turned off Eist, and enable turbo boost and also level and two prefetch
are set in bios

Using Micromacro 1.05.207 with rombot 3.29

1 client 1 mm window

15 clients

15 clints 2

Daily before clients before MM

Cpu start to spike 8 cleints 7 MM windows

Stable to be able to do something 8 clients 5 mm windows

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Re: micromacro eats CPU

#5 Post by beanybabe » Sun Sep 03, 2017 5:00 am

I have had some problem with more than 2 clients for a long time over 3 years or more, also the order you start things affects it.
If I am going to run more than 2 clients say six times what I have to do is start rombot that many time first, then I would start the runes client 6 times.
Then go to each bot console window and manually start them.
I have the least problems this way.
There is something the bot does to memory that makes things crash if you start it after the clients. Soon as you start 3 clients and then start 3 bots it messes up memory in i and the game will crash eventually soon after if you use portals to travel town to town much.

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Re: micromacro eats CPU

#6 Post by notknowingguy » Sun Sep 03, 2017 11:37 pm

Thats interesting to hear. but i have never had that sort issue. at the moment i have been playing with Execute bit support and Cstates and the Hardware Prefetcher and Adjacent Cache Line, and funny thing is if i turn oft the buffer overload on cpu i gain like 1 extra client 1 extra rombot preformance when it should not be that.

i sadly is still a noob on lookin for ceartain stuff inside windows. im more of a hardware guy. but running 20 gig of ram memory and it is a decent cpu i got also it might be something equal to a memory leak or a buffer overload or something. in one aspect i hope it can be solved beacouse rombot and micromacro is awsome programs.

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Re: micromacro eats CPU

#7 Post by beanybabe » Wed Sep 06, 2017 12:07 am

my system is nearly same i have 16 gig i can run 11 clients if they all just set still 9 i can run around on 1 each seems to take near 1.6 gig ram and os takes it 1 gig or so. There was a limit on ports open for a while on some vers wndows it is 10 on the pro versions i think it is 50 i see it listed on the wiki for windows but forget where now. So if you are not running pro you may be hitting a port limit problem.

there are a lot of tweaks if you got more than 8 gig ram to make things better you would have to look on some gaming windows tweak sites for them. Running a ssd drive and keeping the games on it helps. Sadly windows is better off on a regular drive for the amount of writes it does. I used a hybrid ssd/hdd for drive c.

Runes of magic just has problem period and they never fix them. You can prove it for your self just run 1 client and port from varanas to akr to dalanas to akr to stronghold to varanas. If you do that very many times the game will crash. it is affected by the events running also.

I run Cleammem and have it set to flush memory every minute that works pretty good and can get you a hour or 2 before the game crashes.

If you do a party and keep them all in same area you may be able to run 3 or 4 so for hours with cleanmem but more than that it crash a lot time. i have heard of people using 10 but id have to see it to believe it.
At one time I disabled the swap drive but then later I turned it back on as windows 10 needs it for some thing.

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Re: micromacro eats CPU

#8 Post by notknowingguy » Wed Sep 06, 2017 10:46 am

Hmm never read about this with port limitations but that might be the solution to this problem. but im gonna look in to some tweaks and se if i can get some more preformance out of it .
im using a old school regular drive but with 15k rpm so its a little faster

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Re: micromacro eats CPU

#9 Post by beanybabe » Fri Sep 08, 2017 1:02 am

You might want to get one of these if you plan to run so many clients the speed on the drive is 4 or 5 times faster than regular hard drive.
Intel Solid-State Drive 750 Series pci express ssd

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Re: micromacro eats CPU

#10 Post by notknowingguy » Fri Sep 08, 2017 5:58 am

Well ssd or m.2 or nvme wont effect how many clients you can run. and load up. i can load 15 clients with no problem and i doubt ssd will help with the fact that 6 clients + bots and pc is about to die. and to be honest nvme m.2 or ssd would only effect load time on game or we can put it this way SSD is faster in boot and load time and input-output operations per/s but 15k enterprise drivers even without the scsi raid cards ( wich i also have ) can preform equal or even faster in sequential reads compard to a an ssd and what i payed for them for me to get that amount of storage in ssd would not been economical . Anyway you spoke about port limitations. what sorts of ports are you talking about .

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Re: micromacro eats CPU

#11 Post by Administrator » Fri Sep 08, 2017 12:11 pm

My best guess is that it can be blamed on the design of the RoM bot code. I originally just started slapping code together as I was trying to push the limits of what MicroMacro could do, and never expected the script to become what it has today. Years of just tacking things on without forethought hasn't helped. The whole issue stems from the fact that it is just a set of locking while loops that try to execute as fast as they can, with poor pseudo-threading to give the impression that it is handling everything at once. Rather, everything is fighting over control, the code is difficult to follow and is scattered everywhere, and it eats your resources. I take full blame for this poor design, though this is what guided me to rewrite MicroMacro for the 2.0 version to avoid these exact issues.

In short, each instance of the RoM bot is attempting to constantly access its paired client's data and make decisions based on that. Each call to access the client memory has overhead because of the Windows API. That is likely choking our your system. It's not an issue of something being wrong with your computer, but rather that because of how the bot is designed it just causes things to block each other and tie up all resources until something breaks.

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Re: micromacro eats CPU

#12 Post by notknowingguy » Fri Sep 08, 2017 9:11 pm

Dont take the blame for that. because it might be the rom bot but it does not feel like it. sence my old Xeon machine can handle way more clients + micromacros at the same time.

but i found a way to deal with this issue for now i sure miss doing all my dailys in 5 min, but if its not possible then im fine with it ^^

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Re: micromacro eats CPU

#13 Post by beanybabe » Sat Sep 09, 2017 12:52 am

I forgot to explain why I suggested the ssd. runes of magic uses same way many games does for networking in that they send lots of data in bursts and assume it will arrive ok. if the clients hard drive gets a bit slow and cannot load the data fast enough some can get lost creating memory errors.
You can read about it here.


What I do to help with this is to disable nagles in windows. You can do that with regedit
this site has some info on it.
https://www.back2gaming.com/guides/how- ... or-gaming/

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Re: micromacro eats CPU

#14 Post by notknowingguy » Sat Sep 09, 2017 9:05 pm

Okej been looking in to that with Nagle and stuff and i think do not have an that big of an impact on micromacro it self when running it. if you run games like blackdessert or league of legends or dota it might have more of an inpact on the preformance on the pc.
And how could i say that . applyed that yesterday. nothing changed. and also alot of those settings were already set on my machine after latest updates of windows 10 so that struck my head a little.

But anyway. that link you had to back2gaming, he is showing 0.50 increase in pfs on firestrike wich will stress your pc . 0.50 is not noticble in gaming at all.

but what i think might be the problem is runes of magic is a single core game, the I7 and all of those " normal " processors is made for those games. but when you add some thing like micromacro that might take advantage of multicore preformance the cpu will fill up fast sence the i7 do not have enought L2 and L3 cache to handle the amount that is swapped a round. And the i7 only got 25 something in memory bandwith while the much older xeon has 32 somthing. wich also will help in this Then moving on Xeon also got QPI an higher buslinks, but might be me just talkin shit also.

so in short term. you using a single core optimized game add something that want to use all cores wich then makes the cpu choke. it might be longshot but i got nothing more to go on

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Re: micromacro eats CPU

#15 Post by beanybabe » Sun Sep 10, 2017 2:18 am

That is one of the problems there is a thread on the forum on timing of the cpu were we talk on some of that. The way timing used to be done had to be changed with the multicore cpus as these newer cpus will vary what they do to save on heat and conserve power. This was patched in the bot about year ago as best as it can be.

The main problem i notice is some code that was added to the bot back 3 or 4 years or so ago that does a check when the bot starts. I suspect it is corrupting memory when multiple clients are running. I think it was added to try to correct some problems that have been fixed now but that code was never removed. It would take some investigating to look through the patch logs and find it.

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Re: micromacro eats CPU

#16 Post by notknowingguy » Sun Sep 10, 2017 9:00 pm

Yea i have seen that thread. it was a good read .
I have also noticed something else if you lock down you processor and dont use Eist ( intel speed step technoligy) and you also turn off turbo mode ( allows cpu to go in to higher mhz if cool enough and has power) micromacro preformance is much better and also runes of magic. i have no idea why sence it should be opposit but it might be one of those great mysteries.

EDIT: Was on Xeon machine today 6 cores 12 threads 12 gig ram.

9 clients 9 micromacros cpu 100% ram 6gb used out of 12, game was running at like 30 fps so still playable

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Re: micromacro eats CPU

#17 Post by beanybabe » Tue Sep 12, 2017 9:24 pm

I played with eist but leave it at default. What I ended up doing was disabling the energy saver features for the Ethernet and USB ports so they run full speed. That helped but after a bit i set them back to default. Windows 10 the creators version seems to handle all that really well now. I think they released that as a public upgrade in the last week or so.

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