World of Warcraft cheat scripts.

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World of Warcraft cheat scripts.

#1 Post by Administrator » Sun Aug 17, 2008 12:22 pm

Ok, this one is a bit different than most of the scripts here. It is NOT used for botting; it provides several different hacks to give you a slight unfair advantage, or just make your life easier. This is for private servers only.

It requires MicroMacro 0.98 to run properly (which was just uploaded to the downloads section of this website). Unzip the package into your micromacro/scripts folder, and run wow/hacks.lua to start the script. Now bring up the WoW window you want to focus on and press INSERT. You'll see that the MicroMacro window switches into hotkey mode.

What it can do:
Track other players and NPCs (very configurable)
Teleport you anywhere within the same map (ie. anywhere within Kalimdor if you're in Kalimdor, or from Silvermoon to anywhere in Outlands)
Teleport you back to where you died
"blink" through walls and across maps
Allow you to fly through the air anywhere without a flying mount

Why not just use WEH?
These scripts were originally designed weeks before the WEH 2.4.3 version came out. I've heard that currently the teleport hack for it does not work, and its flyhack is detected on most servers, so this script still has much use.

Suggestions are welcome. Please let me know if it works or not for you.

Here's a copy of the help file included.
How to:
1) Open micromacro.exe
2) Type wow/hacks.lua into the script prompt
3) Bring up your WoW window again, and press the INSERT key
4) MicroMacro is now ready to accept commands for that WoW window.

Hotkeys are reconfigurable by editing hacks.lua.

Defaults are:
~(Tilde): Bring up command prompt

F5: Toggle tracking on/off
F6: Teleport to corpse
F7: 'Blink' *See notes below
F8: Toggle fly-mode

Hotkey 'blinking' is different than the 'blink' command.
It allows you to also blink up or down.
Try it and you'll understand what I mean.


Gets your current x, y, and z coordinates and displays them to you.

savepos <name>
Saves your current location as <name> so that you can teleport to it later.
You may also save over old saved locations to update them.
Example: savepos orgrimmar

tele <x> <y> <z>
Teleports to the x, y, z position indicated.
Example: tele 1234 876 456

tele <name>
Teleports to a saved location. See: savepos
Example: tele orgrimmar

tracking <type1> <type2> <typen>
Turns on/off tracking for whatever you want.
Supply multiple types (separated by spaces) if you want to track more than 1.

Do *NOT* supply the same type twice! This will cause problems.
This means that tracking "beast beast" will NOT track beasts!
Same goes for tracking all, and tracking humanoid/beast.

Example: tracking on
tracking humanoid

Type should be one of the following:
on: track humanoids & beasts (for Feral druids)
off: track nothing

beast: animals & shapeshifted druids
dragonkin: self explanatory
elemental: self expalantory
giant: self explanatory
undead: undead, NOT players! (undead players are humanoid)
humanoid: humanoids & players
misc: an assortment of junk (critters)
all: track everything (listed above)

cloud: tracking gas clouds

blink <distance>
Teleports <distance> yards forward, like mage blink spell.
If <distance> is not specified, then it assumes 10 yards.

Your vertical direction is *NOT* taken into account. You only blink
across the x,y plane with this command. Use the blink hotkey
for a different effect.

Be careful with this! You could fall through the ground!
If you find yourself under the ground, you can rotate your character,
and blink back, but do NOT try to walk or you will fall to your death.

setblink <distance>
This command allows you to set the default blink distance for both
the blink command and blink hotkey.

Teleport yourself to your corpse.
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Re: World of Warcraft cheat scripts.

#2 Post by carpinslerk] » Sat Aug 29, 2009 4:59 am

ok so i need help i have WoW open, i open micromacro, type in wow/hacks.lua , press enter (which goes down to the new script entry line), go into my WoW window press insert (nothing happens), i go to micromacro press F8 in the new script line and it comes up hacks.lua, i go to wow and nothing has changed.

sooo.... am i meant to enter the commands into WoW or micromacro? and when you say that entering the tilde key brings up the command prompt what do you mean because i have pressed it in WoW and in micromacro and nothing happens

please help

P.S. what is your attachment for?
P.P.S. i tried it again and it said it could not open wow/hacks.lua cause it wasnt there and it isnt so where do i get that from?

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Re: World of Warcraft cheat scripts.

#3 Post by Administrator » Sat Aug 29, 2009 5:09 am

The script is over a year old, so it is fair to say that it isn't going to work anymore (unless you play on an old [2.4.3] private server).

First, what client version are you using? You will have to look up the addresses for each of the functions to get the script to work again (and these are specific to your client version so I might not be able to help you). First, to get teleportation and "blinking" to work, you'll need to find the addresses (float) for the character's X, Y, or Z location using Cheat Engine.

Once you've got that, look up the pointer to it using this tutorial. The address you find will replace base_address and the offset will replace xcoord_offset/ycoord_offset/zcoord_offset in hacks.lua. Now you should be able to teleport or blink. Let me know if you get this much to work.

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