check level of bot and unblock trasmutator

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check level of bot and unblock trasmutator

#1 Post by Sasuke » Sat Feb 08, 2014 1:24 pm

i check some post where some ppl post problem with level count..i explain what i need.....i'd like bot check if character is at level 10 and after go to varanas for unblock trasmutator..i have this string in my xml but not work .any suggestion?ty

Code: Select all

	if RoMScript("IsMagicBoxEnable()") then
	elseif player.lvl == 10 then load_paths("file.xml");
	elseif player.lvl ~= 10 then relog();

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Re: check level of bot and unblock trasmutator

#2 Post by lisa » Sat Feb 08, 2014 5:23 pm

player.Level is what you need, also I think if you did >= 10 it would work better for you.

Code: Select all

   if RoMScript("IsMagicBoxEnable()") then
   elseif player.Level >= 10 then loadPaths("file.xml");
   else relog();
Also pretty sure you need to use loadPaths and not what you had.
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Re: check level of bot and unblock trasmutator

#3 Post by Sasuke » Sat Feb 08, 2014 5:57 pm

ty lisa i try it

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Re: check level of bot and unblock trasmutator

#4 Post by Sasuke » Sat Feb 08, 2014 6:40 pm

ok work ty lisa...another question....if i buy some item from npc and i wanted send to other character how do i must set this string?
in account have first name called A and last character is Z how can i change this?ty

if nameTable[counter] == "<!--Last Characters Name-->" then <!--Insert last characters name in quotes on line 40 and 41 ex: if nameTable[counter] == "Bob" -->
UMM_SendByNameOrId("<!--Last Characters Name-->",202999); <!--Same as above-->
print("Done mailing.")

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Re: check level of bot and unblock trasmutator

#5 Post by lisa » Sat Feb 08, 2014 6:50 pm

rock will have to answer that question, i've never even looked at the mailing functions.
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Re: check level of bot and unblock trasmutator

#6 Post by noobbotter » Sat Feb 08, 2014 7:39 pm


I'm not exactly sure what you were asking, but here's an example of how I send my fusion stones to my bots. I will send 6 belts (or other high level equipment I find) to each bot in a different waypoint file, then I load this one to get fusion stones and send those to the bots. Maybe you can look at this one and figure out what you need.

Code: Select all

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><waypoints>
	<!-- This file will buy 6 random fusion stones for each of the characters in the friendsTable list and then mail them off to them. -->
	<!-- If using this, you need to make sure you have enough backpack space available because I didn't put a check in here for that. -->

	<!-- table list of my accounts to send to -->
	friendsTable =
	<!-- function to buy right amount of fusion stones: -->
	<!-- I send 6 to each character which will have them use 8 charges per day. -->
	<!-- And leaves them extra charges to make higher level stones when they have enough lower stones. -->
	function buyfusions()
		local numeach = 6 <!-- I set number to send to each character here and on line 44.-->
		local npcname = 110576 -- "Odeley Prole"
		local stonename = "Random Fusion Stone"
		local curstones = inventory:itemTotalCount(stonename,"bags")
		local stonestobuy = (table.maxn(friendsTable)*numeach)-curstones
		printf("Going to buy %s stones.\n",stonestobuy)
		inventory:storeBuyItem(stonename, stonestobuy)
	<!-- Function to send the stones to each character -->
	function mailstones()
		local numeach = 6  <!-- I set number to send to each character here -->
		local beltcount = 0
		for k,v in pairs(friendsTable) do
			UMM_SendByNameOrId(v,"Random Fusion Stone",numeach)
			beltcount = beltcount + numeach
			if beltcount >= 55 then
				beltcount = 0
		repeat RoMScript("MailFrame:Hide()") until not RoMScript ("MailFrame:IsVisible()")
	<!-- function to try relogging when sending too many items -->
	function doMyRelog()
		cprintf(,"Approaching 60 item limit... relogging...\n")
		repeat RoMScript("MailFrame:Hide()") until not RoMScript ("MailFrame:IsVisible()")
		waitForLoadingScreen() yrest(3000)
	<!-- START of waypoint actions -->
	<!-- Disable skills so I don't self buff like a bot -->
	for k,v in pairs(settings.profile.skills) do
		printf("skill %s disabled.\n",v.Name)
		v.AutoUse = false
	<!-- if near stone vendor go to proper waypoint. Otherwise, start at a teleporter. -->
	myitem = player:findNearestNameOrId("Odeley Prole")
	if myitem then
		if 220 > distance(myitem, player) then
	<!-- #  5 --><waypoint x="2908" z="-798" y="56">	</waypoint>
	<!-- #  6 --><waypoint x="2870" z="-865" y="55">	</waypoint>
	<!-- #  7 --><waypoint x="2711" z="-976" y="53">	</waypoint>
	<!-- #  8 --><waypoint x="2552" z="-1090" y="53">	</waypoint>
	<!-- #  9 --><waypoint x="2454" z="-1160" y="53">	</waypoint>
	<!-- # 10 --><waypoint x="2520" z="-1278" y="53">	</waypoint>
	<!-- # 11 --><waypoint x="2623" z="-1423" y="53">	</waypoint>
	<!-- # 12 --><waypoint x="2710" z="-1546" y="53">	</waypoint>
	<!-- # 13 --><waypoint x="2762" z="-1620" y="53">	</waypoint>
	<!-- # 14 --><waypoint x="2752" z="-1631" y="53" tag="at_shop">
	<!-- # 15 --><waypoint x="2478" z="-1242" y="53">	</waypoint>
	<!-- # 16 --><waypoint x="2475" z="-1153" y="53">	</waypoint>
	<!-- # 17 --><waypoint x="2897" z="-825" y="56">
	<!-- # 18 --><waypoint x="4592" z="-2040" y="103" tag="gotomail">	</waypoint>
	<!-- # 19 --><waypoint x="4557" z="-2169" y="103">	
		-- now run the function to mail the items
	<!-- # 20 --><waypoint x="4557" z="-2169" y="103">	</waypoint>
	<!-- # 21 --><waypoint x="4592" z="-2040" y="103">	

** Edit:

While I was at it, I figured I'd post the file I use for buying belts and sending those as well. I usually run this one (below) which once done, will then load the above file. One note on this that I have found, is that for some reason yet to be determined, the client commonly crashes while travelling from Sarlo Snoop to the belt vendor and I don't know why. This one below can be started either at any transporter, or right at the belt vendor. Just like the one above can be started at any teleporter or at the fusion vendor in West Varanas.

Code: Select all

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><waypoints type="TRAVEL">
	<!-- This file will buy 6 Recall Belts for each of the characters in the friendsTable list and then mail them off to them. -->
	<!-- If using this, you need to make sure you have enough backpack space available because I didn't put a check in here for that. -->

	<!--Insert each character you want to buy belts for for, separated by commas and inside quotes ex: "Bob","Jim",.... -->
	nameTable =
	<!-- Item to Buy -->
	itemName = "Recall Belt"; 
	<!-- count how many to buy taking into account how many items i currently have -->
	<!-- for this I make sure I don't have any high level items that would make a T4. -->
	<!-- I generally will keep lvl 78 or higher items to send out. -->
	equipmentcount = 0
	equipmentneeded = 0
	tobuy = 0
	function countequip()
		local numeach = 6 <!-- I set number to send to each character here and on line 72.-->
		equipmentcount = 0
		for slot = 61, 180 do
			local item = inventory.BagSlot[slot] 
			-- Note: Boundstatus is:  0 = bind on pick up, 1 = not bound, 2 = currently bound 3 = bind on equip
			-- I can send items that are 1 or 3.
			if (item:isType("Armor") or item:isType("Weapons")) and 3 > item.Quality and item.RequiredLvl > 77 and (item.BoundStatus == 1 or item.BoundStatus == 3) then
				equipmentcount = equipmentcount + 1
		equipmentneeded = table.maxn(nameTable)*numeach
		printf("Need total of %s equipment. We currenlty have %s.\n",equipmentneeded, equipmentcount)
		tobuy = equipmentneeded - equipmentcount
		printf("Need to purchase %s belts.\n",tobuy)
	<!-- Function to Buy Belts -->
	function buyBelts()
		printf("Now going to purchase %s belts.\n",tobuy)
		player:openStore("Cholman Hooktail")
		store:buyItem(itemName, tobuy);

	<!-- Function to Send Belts -->
	function sendBelts()
		local numeach = 6  <!-- I set number to send to each character here -->
		local beltcount = 0
		local sendtypes = {
		for k,v in pairs(nameTable) do
			UMM_SendAdvanced(v, nil, 0, 78, nil, sendtypes, nil, nil, numeach)
			beltcount = beltcount + numeach
			if beltcount >= 55 then
				beltcount = 0
		repeat RoMScript("MailFrame:Hide()") until not RoMScript ("MailFrame:IsVisible()")
	<!-- function to try relogging when sending too many items -->
	function doMyRelog()
		cprintf(,"Approaching 60 item limit... relogging...\n")
		repeat RoMScript("MailFrame:Hide()") until not RoMScript ("MailFrame:IsVisible()")
		waitForLoadingScreen() yrest(3000)
	<!-- Mounting Function -->
	function doMount()
		if not player.Mounted then
			if (useGoodie) then
	<!-- Sets character to Sarlo -->
	myitem = player:findNearestNameOrId("Cholman Hooktail")
	if myitem then
		if 220 > distance(myitem, player) then
<!-- Path from Snoop to Shop -->
<!-- # 34 --><waypoint x="-17885" z="-3342" y="803" tag = "To_Shop"> </waypoint>
<!-- # 35 --><waypoint x="-17944" z="-3368" y="817">	</waypoint>
<!-- # 36 --><waypoint x="-18015" z="-3386" y="803">	</waypoint>
<!-- # 37 --><waypoint x="-18092" z="-3420" y="795">	</waypoint>
<!-- # 38 --><waypoint x="-18169" z="-3454" y="792">	</waypoint>
<!-- # 39 --><waypoint x="-18265" z="-3496" y="784">	</waypoint>
<!-- # 40 --><waypoint x="-18345" z="-3532" y="777">	</waypoint>
<!-- # 41 --><waypoint x="-18429" z="-3569" y="784">	</waypoint>
<!-- # 42 --><waypoint x="-18488" z="-3617" y="785">	</waypoint>
<!-- # 43 --><waypoint x="-18535" z="-3701" y="777">	</waypoint>
<!-- # 44 --><waypoint x="-18579" z="-3779" y="763">	</waypoint>
<!-- # 45 --><waypoint x="-18634" z="-3859" y="741">	</waypoint>
<!-- # 46 --><waypoint x="-18664" z="-3871" y="741">	</waypoint>
<!-- # 47 --><waypoint x="-18810" z="-3942" y="682">	</waypoint>
<!-- # 48 --><waypoint x="-18875" z="-3940" y="666">	</waypoint>
<!-- # 49 --><waypoint x="-18961" z="-3919" y="644">	</waypoint>
<!-- # 50 --><waypoint x="-19054" z="-3898" y="632">	</waypoint>
<!-- # 51 --><waypoint x="-19140" z="-3870" y="629">	</waypoint>
<!-- # 52 --><waypoint x="-19232" z="-3835" y="609">	</waypoint>
<!-- # 53 --><waypoint x="-19312" z="-3804" y="601">	</waypoint>
<!-- # 54 --><waypoint x="-19387" z="-3758" y="574">	</waypoint>
<!-- # 55 --><waypoint x="-19488" z="-3688" y="577">	</waypoint>
<!-- # 56 --><waypoint x="-19570" z="-3643" y="559">	</waypoint>
<!-- # 57 --><waypoint x="-19642" z="-3603" y="534">	</waypoint>
<!-- # 58 --><waypoint x="-19695" z="-3572" y="530">	</waypoint>
<!-- # 59 --><waypoint x="-19778" z="-3525" y="523">	</waypoint>
<!-- # 60 --><waypoint x="-19894" z="-3458" y="518">	</waypoint>
<!-- # 61 --><waypoint x="-20027" z="-3382" y="494">	</waypoint>
<!-- # 62 --><waypoint x="-20156" z="-3309" y="471">	</waypoint>
<!-- # 63 --><waypoint x="-20212" z="-3258" y="459">	</waypoint>
<!-- # 64 --><waypoint x="-20326" z="-3124" y="463">	</waypoint>
<!-- # 65 --><waypoint x="-20465" z="-2960" y="461">	</waypoint>
<!-- # 66 --><waypoint x="-20533" z="-2879" y="467">	</waypoint>
<!-- # 67 --><waypoint x="-20603" z="-2795" y="488">	</waypoint>
<!-- # 68 --><waypoint x="-20686" z="-2743" y="498">	</waypoint>
<!-- # 69 --><waypoint x="-20789" z="-2724" y="511">	</waypoint>
<!-- # 70 --><waypoint x="-20916" z="-2702" y="532">	</waypoint>
<!-- # 71 --><waypoint x="-21021" z="-2691" y="529">	</waypoint>
<!-- # 72 --><waypoint x="-21098" z="-2710" y="531">	</waypoint>
<!-- # 73 --><waypoint x="-21149" z="-2738" y="531">	</waypoint>
<!-- # 74 --><waypoint x="-21183" z="-2796" y="533">	</waypoint>
<!-- # 75 --><waypoint x="-21226" z="-2857" y="540">	</waypoint>
<!-- # 76 --><waypoint x="-21265" z="-2868" y="540">	</waypoint>
<!-- # 77 --><waypoint x="-21333" z="-2857" y="537">	</waypoint>
<!-- # 78 --><waypoint x="-21383" z="-2855" y="534" tag="at_shop">
<!-- Waypoints to Mailbox -->
<!-- #  1 --><waypoint x="-21383" z="-2855" y="534" tag = "To_Mailbox">	</waypoint>
<!-- #  2 --><waypoint x="-21383" z="-2855" y="534">	</waypoint>
<!-- #  3 --><waypoint x="-21235" z="-2835" y="538">	</waypoint>
<!-- #  4 --><waypoint x="-21156" z="-2788" y="536">	</waypoint>
<!-- #  5 --><waypoint x="-21068" z="-2679" y="527">	</waypoint>
<!-- #  6 --><waypoint x="-20817" z="-2625" y="510">	</waypoint>
<!-- #  7 --><waypoint x="-20642" z="-2752" y="496">	</waypoint>
<!-- #  8 --><waypoint x="-20425" z="-2943" y="458">	</waypoint>
<!-- #  9 --><waypoint x="-20374" z="-3090" y="464">	</waypoint>
<!-- # 10 --><waypoint x="-20220" z="-3203" y="457">	</waypoint>
<!-- # 11 --><waypoint x="-20118" z="-3264" y="489">	</waypoint>
<!-- # 12 --><waypoint x="-19937" z="-3372" y="522">	</waypoint>
<!-- # 13 --><waypoint x="-19811" z="-3408" y="540">	</waypoint>
<!-- # 14 --><waypoint x="-19689" z="-3427" y="558">	</waypoint>
<!-- # 15 --><waypoint x="-19590" z="-3506" y="558">	</waypoint>
<!-- # 16 --><waypoint x="-19449" z="-3617" y="582">	</waypoint>
<!-- # 17 --><waypoint x="-19304" z="-3723" y="603">	</waypoint>
<!-- # 18 --><waypoint x="-19169" z="-3809" y="621">	</waypoint>
<!-- # 19 --><waypoint x="-18971" z="-3922" y="638">	</waypoint>
<!-- # 20 --><waypoint x="-18844" z="-3958" y="671">	</waypoint>
<!-- # 21 --><waypoint x="-18647" z="-3966" y="712">	</waypoint>
<!-- # 22 --><waypoint x="-18562" z="-3852" y="750">	</waypoint>
<!-- # 23 --><waypoint x="-18477" z="-3615" y="785">	</waypoint>
<!-- # 24 --><waypoint x="-18391" z="-3396" y="801">	</waypoint>
<!-- # 25 --><waypoint x="-18328" z="-3229" y="786">	</waypoint>
<!-- # 26 --><waypoint x="-18276" z="-3091" y="796">	</waypoint>
<!-- # 27 --><waypoint x="-18233" z="-2948" y="797">	</waypoint>
<!-- # 28 --><waypoint x="-18223" z="-2870" y="808">	</waypoint>
<!-- # 29 --><waypoint x="-18209" z="-2813" y="817">	</waypoint>
<!-- # 30 --><waypoint x="-18197" z="-2762" y="816">	</waypoint>
<!-- # 31 --><waypoint x="-18156" z="-2649" y="817">	</waypoint>
<!-- # 32 --><waypoint x="-18097" z="-2572" y="827">	</waypoint>
<!-- # 33 --><waypoint x="-18134" z="-2477" y="822">
		print("Done mailing.")
<!-- Path from Mailbox to Snoop -->	
<!-- # 19 --><waypoint x="-18045" z="-2703" tag="snoop">	</waypoint>
	<!-- # 20 --><waypoint x="-18326" z="-2650"> 			</waypoint>
	<!-- # 21 --><waypoint x="-18348" z="-2639" y="806">	</waypoint>
	<!-- # 22 --><waypoint x="-18373" z="-2861" y="786">	</waypoint>
	<!-- # 23 --><waypoint x="-18335" z="-3113" y="781">	</waypoint>
	<!-- # 24 --><waypoint x="-18199" z="-3252" y="791">	</waypoint>
	<!-- # 25 --><waypoint x="-18035" z="-3391" y="772">	</waypoint>
	<!-- # 26 --><waypoint x="-17896" z="-3340" y="801">
These are loosely based on Eggman1414's Mana Stone Production Script but I don't have the functions for recovering if you crash during the script.

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Re: check level of bot and unblock trasmutator

#7 Post by Sasuke » Sat Feb 08, 2014 8:24 pm

yes m8 i need to modify this section for send random fusion stone....also mm say me an errors in rock userfunction i post it ty m8

Code: Select all

<!--Insert each character you want to buy fusion stones for, seperated by commas and inside quotes ex: "Bob","Jim",.... -->
nameTable =
counter = 1;

function buyFusion()
	player:openStore("Odeley Prole")
	store:buyItem(202999, 10);

function sendFusion()
UMM_SendByNameOrId(nameTable[counter],"Fusion Stone");
counter = counter  + 1;
	<!-- #  1 --><waypoint x="2755" z="-1627">	
	<!-- #  2 --><waypoint x="2914" z="-1633">	</waypoint>
	<!-- #  3 --><waypoint x="3110" z="-1760">	</waypoint>
	<!-- #  4 --><waypoint x="3518" z="-1611">	</waypoint>
	<!-- #  5 --><waypoint x="3669" z="-1774">	</waypoint>
	<!-- #  6 --><waypoint x="3933" z="-1676">	</waypoint>
	<!-- #  7 --><waypoint x="4308" z="-2048">	</waypoint>
	<!-- #  8 --><waypoint x="4540" z="-2151">
if nameTable[counter] == "c" then                        <!--Insert last characters name in quotes on line 40 and 41 ex: if nameTable[counter] == "Bob" -->
UMM_SendByNameOrId("c","Fusion Stone");                          <!--Same as above-->
print("Done mailing.")
	<!-- #  1 --><waypoint x="4545" z="-2163">	</waypoint>
	<!-- #  2 --><waypoint x="4084" z="-1733">	</waypoint>
	<!-- #  3 --><waypoint x="3805" z="-1694">	</waypoint>
	<!-- #  4 --><waypoint x="3613" z="-1700">	</waypoint>
	<!-- #  5 --><waypoint x="3491" z="-1564">	</waypoint>
	<!-- #  6 --><waypoint x="3078" z="-1738">	</waypoint>
	<!-- #  7 --><waypoint x="2802" z="-1590">	</waypoint>
	<!-- #  8 --><waypoint x="2756" z="-1625">

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Re: check level of bot and unblock trasmutator

#8 Post by rock5 » Sat Feb 08, 2014 8:41 pm

I think what you want to know is how to set that waypoint file up correctly. Haven't I mentioned previously that this is a comment?

Code: Select all

<!--  some text -->

Code: Select all

Should be

Code: Select all

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Re: check level of bot and unblock trasmutator

#9 Post by Sasuke » Sat Feb 08, 2014 8:51 pm

if i set how to write i have this error.waypointlist .lua must be copy in waypoint write?ty
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Re: check level of bot and unblock trasmutator

#10 Post by lisa » Sat Feb 08, 2014 9:01 pm

You have only 1 " for the c, it whould be "c" and not c"

Regardless you need to change the names to your character names.

Code: Select all

nameTable =
then in this part

Code: Select all

if nameTable[counter] == "c" then                        <!--Insert last characters name in quotes on line 40 and 41 ex: if nameTable[counter] == "Bob" -->
UMM_SendByNameOrId("c","Fusion Stone");                          <!--Same as above-->
change the names to the same as the last name you added earlier.
in my example it would look like this.

Code: Select all

if nameTable[counter] == "Yetanotherchar" then  
UMM_SendByNameOrId("Yetanotherchar","Fusion Stone"); 
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Re: check level of bot and unblock trasmutator

#11 Post by Sasuke » Sat Feb 08, 2014 9:09 pm

with 8 character in name table don't work,i try to send stone beofre to one character and after to 2 send all staone in backpack to first character and if continue script him go to rebuy 10 stone and resend to the same first character in name pls

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Re: check level of bot and unblock trasmutator

#12 Post by lisa » Sun Feb 09, 2014 1:09 am

Looking at the code you posted it will do this.

Buy 10 fusion stones, walk to mailbox and send every fusion stone it has to the first char.
Walk back and buy 10 stones, walk to mailbox and send every stone to second char
Walk back and buy 10 stones, walk to mailbox and send every stone to third char
Walk back and buy 10 stones, walk to mailbox and send every stone to forth char
Walk back and buy 10 stones, walk to mailbox and send every stone to fifth char

So it sounds to me like it is doing exactly what it is made to do.

If you just want 10 stones sent to each char then you need to start with 0 stones in your bags.

Of course if you want to buy 80 stones at once and then go and mail them 10 at a time you will need to think the whole process that the code is doing and also use the 3rd option for sending stuff, the amount argument.

Code: Select all

UMM_SendByNameOrId(_recipient, _itemTable[, _amount])
but yes your code will need a rewrite to do that efficiently.
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Re: check level of bot and unblock trasmutator

#13 Post by Sasuke » Sun Feb 09, 2014 8:03 am

rocco sorry but i check your post for send mail to character but this is don't wotk for me,maybe i wrong to compile xml but i follow all instruction without succes,,,,i wait you for i have a good answer:)
if i have 3 character to send stone example called "giovanni" "luca" "sara" how can i set for send of each charactar stone? this is nametable and i run this xml with another player

Code: Select all

<!--Insert each character you want to buy belts for for, seperated by commas and inside quotes ex: "Bob","Jim",.... -->
nameTable =
counter = 1;

and this is your function:

Code: Select all

if nameTable[counter] == "Sara" then                     <!--Insert last characters name in quotes on line 40 and 41 ex: if nameTable[counter] == "Bob" -->
UMM_SendByNameOrId("Sara",228966);                       <!--Same as above-->
print("Done mailing.")
i follow all instruction for send it to all character,the number id is not for stone but not important i change it with correct.
there are the problem because nametable is it wrong because mm say me compile recipient,i change many time this string but without success,and also main character if i set only 2 name in one table(this is strange but with 2 names works) send 10 stone to first charactare and stop it .how can i send multiple mail and for each character 10 stone ty

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