Godmode (not as interesting as topic suggest)

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Godmode (not as interesting as topic suggest)

#1 Post by Mesosmagnet » Thu Jan 22, 2009 9:18 am

Is it possible to have Godmode in Nostale? If it is possible how would I go about finding it?
Doesnt have to be nostale it can be for any other MMORPG. I would like to know the basics of getting Godmode(No damage)

I was thinking like...find what writes to the HP address and then NOP it. But that sounds too easy, and besides if character information was stored in a structure then how would you NOP only the HP code? Anyone have tips on how I could find out more about this.

I will not be able to use the internet for approximately 1 month so I am collecting material to read during that period of time.

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Re: Godmode (not as interesting as topic suggest)

#2 Post by Administrator » Thu Jan 22, 2009 9:42 am

God mode typically does not work by simply NOP-ing the instructions that change HP (unless you're playing a single-player game, that is). One method works by manipulating the hit/dodge instructions. That is, in some games, the client actually needs to inform the server that they will be taking a hit rather than dodging. Obviously, NOP-ing this would result in the functions never being called to send that information to the server. I believe, for awhile, this was actually an issue in Shaiya.

Another method that sometimes works is by increasing your HP regeneration rate. Priston Tale is an example of a game where natural regeneration rate was client-sided. You can still die with this method, but it is better than nothing.

In WoW, we were able to exploit immunity due to death (that is, being dead causes immunity, and we found a way to make this buff stick when you resurrected), and could easily solo raid bosses.

Really, it boils down to being creative in finding what you can exploit to either block the damage or outlive it. Every game is different, and there is no easy explanation.

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Re: Godmode (not as interesting as topic suggest)

#3 Post by Mesosmagnet » Fri Jan 23, 2009 10:10 am

Wow, Thanks for the reply. So NOP-ing doesnt work with online games usually.

I remember correctly, in Trickster Online, after entering a portal we get a a few seconds of IMMUNE time. Monsters cannot attack you during that period. So based on this...how would I go about making that permanent?

Another thing that I thought might work is that since in most online games, when you attack a monster it gets aggressive and attacks you but if you run too far from it it will stop attacking and become passive again. So is it possible to make yourself invisible to monsters, while still being able to kill them? (I think MapleStory godmode hack worked that way)

Though I might not fully understand it, I would like to know a little more about how to increase HP regeneration rate if possible, as that seems interesting.

ps. I have another question, I noticed that in some of the scripts written there is a target address, which show whether or not you have a target. And I saw that the address might not be just 0 and 1 but other numbers. So how would I get to finding that address?

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Re: Godmode (not as interesting as topic suggest)

#4 Post by Administrator » Fri Jan 23, 2009 7:53 pm

I remember correctly, in Trickster Online, after entering a portal we get a a few seconds of IMMUNE time. Monsters cannot attack you during that period. So based on this...how would I go about making that permanent?
I wouldn't know off the top of my head. But, if you can find some bug to do this, you can try killing yourself while you have the immunity buff on. That sounds silly, I'm sure, but it is possible (We use a similar bug in Runes of Magic to go into PK mode at level 1... You're not supposed to get this until level 15). If you can manage to kill yourself while invulnerable, then it might cause the immunity buff to stick when you resurrect.
ps. I have another question, I noticed that in some of the scripts written there is a target address, which show whether or not you have a target. And I saw that the address might not be just 0 and 1 but other numbers. So how would I get to finding that address?
Use an unknown value search. Keep switching targets and search for changed values. Or don't switch targets and search for unchanged. It takes a long time.

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Re: Godmode (not as interesting as topic suggest)

#5 Post by 3cmSailorfuku » Sat Jan 24, 2009 8:29 am

Like Administrator said, you have to be creative for finding this kind of stuff.
Most likely you have to find things by Trial & Error, that means you think about what can be exploitable and investigate that part.

In 4Story, you are able to have "Godmode" by blocking specific packets that decided if an attack was ranged, meele or spell.
Either you could block all 3 (But then you can't do anything too), disable them if you want to attack and enable it right after or only allow Spells to damage others and yourself. I found that by accident, but its not guaranteed that every game has exploits like this to abuse. But it can be quite funny to modify the adresses around the adress you found for whatever you wanted, to see what they affect.

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Re: Godmode (not as interesting as topic suggest)

#6 Post by Zeno1 » Fri Feb 13, 2009 7:42 pm

one method u could try is finding what accesses your hp address and modifying the jump leading up to that address

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Re: Godmode (not as interesting as topic suggest)

#7 Post by Rishijin » Fri Jul 31, 2009 3:14 pm

Administrator wrote:One method works by manipulating the hit/dodge instructions. That is, in some games, the client actually needs to inform the server that they will be taking a hit rather than dodging.

How would you find something that is accessing the dodge instruction?

Do you mean that there is a boolean in there that is saying 1 for hit, 0 for dodge or something similar?

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Re: Godmode (not as interesting as topic suggest)

#8 Post by Administrator » Fri Jul 31, 2009 8:24 pm

It is different for every game, but yes, that's generally the idea. In games where dodging is calculated on the client side, there is typically a check against a random number, and then a jump. You just need to manipulate some of the code.

Code: Select all

randomNumber = random(100);
if( dodgeRate > randomNumber )
  // send a packet to the server saying we will take a hit
You could change the code for 'randomNumber = random(100)' to:

Code: Select all

mov eax, 101
To make sure randomNumber is always 101, and therefor you dodge.

You could nop/jump over the check to see if you should dodge, so that the client assumes you will.

Code: Select all

mov eax, ebx
call client.dodge

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Re: Godmode (not as interesting as topic suggest)

#9 Post by Rishijin » Sat Aug 01, 2009 4:16 am

Thanks for the reply; I like those ideas, but how would I normally go about finding: A) The assembly line that writes the current random number (mov eax, randomnumber), or B) The logical comparison line in assembly for dodgerate vs a random number? Will that use "test"?

Are these instructions in assembly usually near to each other? If not, how can I backtrack where it is going until I reach something useful?

For example: If I start at the memory where dodge rate is found, how do I end up at the place where it makes a comparison to a random number?

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Re: Godmode (not as interesting as topic suggest)

#10 Post by Administrator » Sat Aug 01, 2009 5:31 am

Don't really know what to tell you about finding the address to begin with. It could be quite difficult. I guess you'll need to search for changed/unchanged values when taking hits or dodging (and check 'pause process while searcing'). Once you've found the address, you can use Cheat Engine's debugger to see what accesses it. Once you get that far, you can open up a proper debugger (such as OllyDbg), and then look around the areas where that variable was accessed. You'll be looking for CMPs, TESTs, JG/JEs.

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Re: Godmode (not as interesting as topic suggest)

#11 Post by Rishijin » Sat Aug 01, 2009 11:58 pm

Thanks for the tips. Looks like I'll just have to continue being creative and observant until I can pinpoint things like this.

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