need little help with this before I release it

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need little help with this before I release it

#1 Post by noobbotter » Thu Mar 14, 2013 6:18 pm

I made a new butterflies script that I'd like to release but I have just a couple problems with it that I want to correct first.

Here's a summary of the waypoint file:

<!-- NoobBotter's Butterflies Waypoint File -->
<!-- version 1.0. -->
<!-- -->
<!-- This Xaviera Butterflies script will randomly pick one of four possible -->
<!-- routes to take to kill butterflies, making you look less like a bot. -->
<!-- -->
<!-- This waypoint file starts from the Teleporter in Front Line Camp. -->
<!-- It will use zone chat to attempt to get into any available -->
<!-- butterfly party in the zone. Text used to get in party is specified by the -->
<!-- partytext variable in User Options. Default is "!but" but can be changed -->
<!-- to whatever they use on your server, ("!inv", "butts", "!fly", etc...). -->
<!-- If bot doesn't get into a party at start, it will try again each time it -->
<!-- returns to the quest giver location. -->
<!-- -->
<!-- Each possible path it takes to kill butterflies has it's own built-in -->
<!-- loop so it will work in a specific area until the quest state is complete -->
<!-- Once complete, it will stop attacking, mount, and return to turn in quest -->
<!-- It will then accept quest and randomly grab it's next path to kill more. -->
<!-- Once all 10 dailies are done the bot will return to the transporter at camp. -->
<!-- -->
<!-- NOT WORKING: if the bot encounters Galloping Gale or the Copper Gardener, it -->
<!-- should shift to TRAVEL mode, use Unbridled Enthusiasm and Godspeed pots, -->
<!-- (and if bot is a Rogue will use Sprint and Vanish) and return to questgiver -->
<!-- at which point it should head out to kill butterflies again. -->
<!-- Running away can be turned off in the User Options section for stronger -->
<!-- bots. Running from Copper Gardener is disabled by default. -->
<!-- -->
<!-- Requirements: -->
<!-- -->
<!-- UseGoodie userfunction -->
<!-- ... 2#p21952-->

I have an onEnterCombat section that I'm trying to use to where the bot will try to run away from Fierce Gale and Copper Gardener but It doesn't seem to be working. Has anyone ever figured out a good way to do that? I'm attaching the file if anyone wants to test it out or see if they can figure out a way to run from the elites.
NoobBotter's Butterfly Waypoint V.1.0
(46.02 KiB) Downloaded 207 times

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Re: need little help with this before I release it

#2 Post by rock5 » Thu Mar 14, 2013 11:53 pm

Personally I don't share scripts in public areas where there is a potential that you could end up with a huge number of bots running along the same path.

But to answer your question, the problem is the bot has trouble breaking out of the fight sequence. I added a function to help with running away scripts. It's called "player:breakFight()". It basically breaks from the fight so you would use it in onskillcast. You could do something like this.

Code: Select all = function()
		local mytarget = player:getTarget();
		if mytarget then
			if (runfromgale == true and mytarget.Id == fiercegale) or
			   (runfromgardener == true and mytarget.Id == gardener) then
				print(mytarget.Name.." detected... running away");
				... etc.
I didn't use it much and I haven't used it in a long rime but hopefully it still works.
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Re: need little help with this before I release it

#3 Post by noobbotter » Fri Mar 15, 2013 5:57 am

I was thinking about this last night too. If the bot is fighting a butterfly and then the horse or gardener show up, because they didn't start the combat, the bot won't try to run. I think I'll have to put all the code to detect and run away inside the onSkillCast. I'll mess around some more with it and see what I can get. Thanks.

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Re: need little help with this before I release it

#4 Post by rock5 » Fri Mar 15, 2013 6:20 am

I think you would have to do a search for any mobs that have you targeted and if any are gale force or gardener then run away. Or search for gale force and gardener and if found check if they have you targeted.
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Re: need little help with this before I release it

#5 Post by lisa » Fri Mar 15, 2013 6:22 am

you would only care if they are attacking the character, so just check for the objects and then check the target of the objects or maybe check the distance of the mobs to your character might be enough, if within X distance then run.

Code: Select all

local objectList = CObjectList();
local objSize = objectList:size()
for i = 0,objSize do 
	obj = objectList:getObject(i)
	--{Name = "Fierce Gale",ID = 105327}
	--{Name = "Copper Gardener",ID = 105294},
	if (obj.Id == 105327 or obj.Id == 105294) then
		if 150 > distance(player.X,player.Z,obj.X,obj.Z) then
			--change to TRAVEL
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Re: need little help with this before I release it

#6 Post by wiedzmin97 » Sun Aug 04, 2013 9:24 am

sorry for dig out this topic but i have question.
It can be set to bot run away from the Fierce Gale??
This function in nobbbotter wp dont working;/ Bot still fighting with Fierce Gale ;/

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Re: need little help with this before I release it

#7 Post by rock5 » Sun Aug 04, 2013 10:31 am

Try adding the breakfight like I said in this post ... 720#p48720
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Re: need little help with this before I release it

#8 Post by wiedzmin97 » Sun Aug 04, 2013 11:05 am

this not working ;/ again fighting with gale.

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Re: need little help with this before I release it

#9 Post by rock5 » Sun Aug 04, 2013 11:33 am

Let me see how you implemented it. Copy your version here or send it to me via pm.
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Re: need little help with this before I release it

#10 Post by wiedzmin97 » Sun Aug 04, 2013 1:05 pm

Code: Select all

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><waypoints>
	--==================== User options: ========================
	partytext = "!but"			-- text to use to get an invite to the butterflies party.
	combatdist = 150; 			-- Change value to your preferred distance. (Too high may cause problems targetting through walls).
	settings.ANTI_KS = true;	-- best not to steal kills as a bot, especially butterflies.
	usebutparty = false;			-- if set to true, bot will try to join the zone butterflies party. 
	botinparty = false;			-- set to true if you are manually joining a party
	keepridingpots = 1;		-- set to how many galloping gale pots you want to keep and not use
	runfromgale = true;			-- true means bot will run away from Fierce Gale when engaged
	runfromgardener = false;	-- set to true to have bot run away from Copper Gardener

	--================ table of possible paths to take ===================
	randpath = {

	--================= mount function ===================
	function ButMount()
		if not player.Mounted then
			if inventory:itemTotalCount(speedpot) > keepridingpots then -- if at least 15 galloping gale pots in inventory, it will use one. Don't want to waste them all.
				if (useGoodie) then

	--================= onLeaveCombat will check quest state =================== = function()
		local queststate = getQuestStatus(quest) -- Quest name is Catch Butterflies, using IDs instead.
		if queststate == "complete" then
			ButMount(); -- function in onload to mount up.
	--================= onEnterCombat section added to try to get away from Fierce Gale if encountered =================== = function()
      local mytarget = player:getTarget();
      if mytarget then
         if (runfromgale == true and mytarget.Id == fiercegale) or
            (runfromgardener == true and mytarget.Id == gardener) then
            print(mytarget.Name.." detected... running away");
	--============== preset variables... don't change these =====================
	questgiver = 118072 	-- Robbie Butcher
	quest = 424181 			-- Catch Butterflies quest
	butterfly = 105413 		-- butterflies
	speedpot = 207204 		-- Galloping Gale housemaid pot
	fiercegale = 105327		-- Fierce Gale boss horse in Inferno Gardens
	gardener = 105294		-- Copper Gardener
	settings.profile.mobs = {butterfly} -- only attacking butterflies
	settings.COMBAT_DISTANCE = combatdist;
	settings.MAX_TARGET_DIST = combatdist;
	settings.LOOT_DISTANCE = combatdist;
	<!-- #  1 --><waypoint x="6777" z="6312" y="92">	</waypoint>
	<!-- #  2 --><waypoint x="6580" z="6254" y="107">	</waypoint>
	<!-- #  3 --><waypoint x="6429" z="6206" y="107">	</waypoint>
	<!-- #  4 --><waypoint x="6399" z="6153" y="108">	</waypoint>
	<!-- #  5 --><waypoint x="6409" z="6120" y="110">	</waypoint>
	<!-- #  6 --><waypoint x="6382" z="6087" y="110">	</waypoint>
	<!-- #  7 --><waypoint x="6369" z="6038" y="114">	</waypoint>
	<!-- #  8 --><waypoint x="6340" z="5808" y="124">	</waypoint>
	<!-- #  9 --><waypoint x="6335" z="5605" y="148">	</waypoint>
	<!-- # 10 --><waypoint x="6415" z="5445" y="167" tag="getquest">	
		local dailyQuestCount, dailyQuestsPerDay= RoMScript("Daily_count()");
		if 10 == dailyQuestCount then
	if inventory:itemTotalCount(202434) > 0 then
			player:target_NPC(questgiver); -- "Robbie Butcher"
			local queststate = getQuestStatus(quest) 
			if queststate == "not accepted" then
			butpath = math.random(1, 4);
	<!-- # 11 --><waypoint x="6298" z="5332" y="179" tag="farleft">	</waypoint>
	<!-- #  1 --><waypoint x="6338" z="5325" y="181">	</waypoint>
	<!-- #  2 --><waypoint x="6293" z="5209" y="185">	</waypoint>
	<!-- #  3 --><waypoint x="6296" z="5153" y="185">	</waypoint>
	<!-- #  4 --><waypoint x="6327" z="4991" y="185">	</waypoint>
	<!-- #  5 --><waypoint x="6317" z="4915" y="183">	</waypoint>
	<!-- #  6 --><waypoint x="6294" z="4776" y="185">	</waypoint>
	<!-- #  7 --><waypoint x="6299" z="4713" y="184">	</waypoint>
	<!-- #  8 --><waypoint x="6350" z="4485" y="184">	</waypoint>
	<!-- #  9 --><waypoint x="6357" z="4432" y="184">	</waypoint>
	<!-- # 10 --><waypoint x="6367" z="4371" y="185">	</waypoint>
	<!-- # 11 --><waypoint x="6383" z="4313" y="185">	</waypoint>
	<!-- # 12 --><waypoint x="6403" z="4259" y="185">	</waypoint>
	<!-- # 13 --><waypoint x="6428" z="4235" y="185">	</waypoint>
	<!-- # 14 --><waypoint x="6471" z="4201" y="185">	</waypoint>
	<!-- # 15 --><waypoint x="6489" z="4169" y="183">	</waypoint>
	<!-- # 16 --><waypoint x="6502" z="4129" y="196">	</waypoint>
	<!-- # 17 --><waypoint x="6524" z="4049" y="207">	</waypoint>
	<!-- # 18 --><waypoint x="6551" z="3939" y="207">	</waypoint>
	<!-- # 19 --><waypoint x="6577" z="3899" y="207">	</waypoint>
	<!-- # 20 --><waypoint x="6636" z="3894" y="207">	</waypoint>
	<!-- # 21 --><waypoint x="6728" z="3894" y="185">	</waypoint>
	<!-- # 22 --><waypoint x="6851" z="3881" y="185">	</waypoint>
	<!-- # 23 --><waypoint x="6937" z="3867" y="185">	</waypoint>
	<!-- # 24 --><waypoint x="7011" z="3830" y="184">	</waypoint>
	<!-- # 25 --><waypoint x="7052" z="3800" y="184">	</waypoint>
	<!-- # 26 --><waypoint x="7090" z="3764" y="184">	</waypoint>
	<!-- # 27 --><waypoint x="7135" z="3718" y="183">	</waypoint>
	<!-- # 28 --><waypoint x="7163" z="3658" y="185">	</waypoint>
	<!-- # 29 --><waypoint x="7160" z="3621" y="183">	</waypoint>
	<!-- # 30 --><waypoint x="7129" z="3558" y="193">	</waypoint>
	<!-- # 31 --><waypoint x="7074" z="3455" y="194">	</waypoint>
	<!-- # 32 --><waypoint x="7066" z="3415" y="193">	</waypoint>
	<!-- # 33 --><waypoint x="7074" z="3358" y="193">	</waypoint>
	<!-- # 34 --><waypoint x="7120" z="3197" y="194">	</waypoint>
	<!-- # 35 --><waypoint x="7161" z="3158" y="193">	</waypoint>
	<!-- # 36 --><waypoint x="7204" z="3151" y="191">	</waypoint>
	<!-- # 37 --><waypoint x="7247" z="3165" y="190">	</waypoint>
	<!-- # 38 --><waypoint x="7340" z="3201" y="184">	</waypoint>
	<!-- # 39 --><waypoint x="7363" z="3228" y="183">	</waypoint>
	<!-- # 40 --><waypoint x="7363" z="3268" y="185">	</waypoint>
	<!-- # 41 --><waypoint x="7366" z="3327" y="185">	</waypoint>
	<!-- # 42 --><waypoint x="7390" z="3343" y="185">	</waypoint>
	<!-- # 43 --><waypoint x="7431" z="3351" y="183">	</waypoint>
	<!-- # 44 --><waypoint x="7459" z="3336" y="185">	</waypoint>
	<!-- # 45 --><waypoint x="7472" z="3310" y="185">	</waypoint>
	<!-- # 46 --><waypoint x="7513" z="3204" y="185">	</waypoint>
	<!-- # 47 --><waypoint x="7542" z="3179" y="184">	</waypoint>
	<!-- # 48 --><waypoint x="7572" z="3175" y="185">	</waypoint>
	<!-- # 49 --><waypoint x="7628" z="3169" y="184">	</waypoint>
	<!-- # 50 --><waypoint x="7644" z="3149" y="185">	</waypoint>
	<!-- # 51 --><waypoint x="7655" z="3123" y="184">	</waypoint>
	<!-- # 52 --><waypoint x="7652" z="3088" y="185">	</waypoint>
	<!-- # 53 --><waypoint x="7628" z="3066" y="183">	</waypoint>
	<!-- # 54 --><waypoint x="7586" z="3046" y="183">	</waypoint>
	<!-- # 55 --><waypoint x="7541" z="3025" y="184">	</waypoint>
	<!-- # 56 --><waypoint x="7536" z="3000" y="185">	</waypoint>
	<!-- # 57 --><waypoint x="7542" z="2959" y="184">	</waypoint>
	<!-- # 58 --><waypoint x="7561" z="2886" y="185">	</waypoint>
	<!-- # 59 --><waypoint x="7565" z="2823" y="184" tag="flcontinue">
	<!-- # 60 --><waypoint x="7571" z="2710" y="183">	</waypoint>
	<!-- # 61 --><waypoint x="7587" z="2585" y="185">	</waypoint>
	<!-- # 62 --><waypoint x="7603" z="2478" y="185">	</waypoint>
	<!-- # 63 --><waypoint x="7604" z="2421" y="185">	</waypoint>
	<!-- # 64 --><waypoint x="7607" z="2269" y="185">	</waypoint>
	<!-- # 65 --><waypoint x="7611" z="2203" y="185">	</waypoint>
	<!-- # 66 --><waypoint x="7633" z="2157" y="185">	</waypoint>
	<!-- # 67 --><waypoint x="7682" z="2114" y="184">	</waypoint>
	<!-- # 68 --><waypoint x="7744" z="2087" y="184">	</waypoint>
	<!-- # 69 --><waypoint x="7805" z="2086" y="185">	</waypoint>
	<!-- # 70 --><waypoint x="7966" z="2109" y="189">	</waypoint>
	<!-- # 71 --><waypoint x="8034" z="2118" y="189">	</waypoint>
	<!-- # 72 --><waypoint x="8069" z="2136" y="188">	</waypoint>
	<!-- # 73 --><waypoint x="8111" z="2126" y="179">	</waypoint>
	<!-- # 74 --><waypoint x="8142" z="2088" y="179">	</waypoint>
	<!-- # 75 --><waypoint x="8167" z="2000" y="179">	</waypoint>
	<!-- # 76 --><waypoint x="8175" z="1924" y="182">	</waypoint>
	<!-- # 77 --><waypoint x="8192" z="1828" y="187">	</waypoint>
	<!-- # 78 --><waypoint x="8220" z="1727" y="181">	</waypoint>
	<!-- # 79 --><waypoint x="8245" z="1640" y="182">	</waypoint>
	<!-- # 80 --><waypoint x="8260" z="1570" y="180">	</waypoint>
	<!-- # 81 --><waypoint x="8232" z="1630" y="183">	</waypoint>
	<!-- # 82 --><waypoint x="8207" z="1758" y="182">	</waypoint>
	<!-- # 83 --><waypoint x="8175" z="1885" y="185">	</waypoint>
	<!-- # 84 --><waypoint x="8127" z="1941" y="190">	</waypoint>
	<!-- # 85 --><waypoint x="8089" z="2018" y="188">	</waypoint>
	<!-- # 86 --><waypoint x="8063" z="2104" y="187">	</waypoint>
	<!-- # 87 --><waypoint x="8031" z="2127" y="187">	</waypoint>
	<!-- # 88 --><waypoint x="7983" z="2120" y="187">	</waypoint>
	<!-- # 89 --><waypoint x="7896" z="2103" y="188">	</waypoint>
	<!-- # 90 --><waypoint x="7834" z="2102" y="185">	</waypoint>
	<!-- # 91 --><waypoint x="7767" z="2121" y="183">	</waypoint>
	<!-- # 92 --><waypoint x="7721" z="2159" y="184">	</waypoint>
	<!-- # 93 --><waypoint x="7685" z="2219" y="185">	</waypoint>
	<!-- # 94 --><waypoint x="7671" z="2286" y="184">	</waypoint>
	<!-- # 95 --><waypoint x="7644" z="2454" y="183">	</waypoint>
	<!-- # 96 --><waypoint x="7632" z="2518" y="184">	</waypoint>
	<!-- # 97 --><waypoint x="7597" z="2697" y="185">		
		local queststate = getQuestStatus(quest)
		if queststate == "complete" then
	<!-- # 98 --><waypoint x="7568" z="2844" y="184" tag="turninfl">	</waypoint>
	<!-- # 99 --><waypoint x="7563" z="2897" y="184">	</waypoint>
	<!-- #100 --><waypoint x="7555" z="3003" y="184">	</waypoint>
	<!-- #101 --><waypoint x="7559" z="3036" y="185">	</waypoint>
	<!-- #102 --><waypoint x="7585" z="3054" y="183">	</waypoint>
	<!-- #103 --><waypoint x="7628" z="3067" y="183">	</waypoint>
	<!-- #104 --><waypoint x="7662" z="3086" y="185">	</waypoint>
	<!-- #105 --><waypoint x="7668" z="3116" y="185">	</waypoint>
	<!-- #106 --><waypoint x="7658" z="3154" y="183">	</waypoint>
	<!-- #107 --><waypoint x="7634" z="3177" y="185">	</waypoint>
	<!-- #108 --><waypoint x="7602" z="3186" y="185">	</waypoint>
	<!-- #109 --><waypoint x="7540" z="3195" y="185">	</waypoint>
	<!-- #110 --><waypoint x="7516" z="3202" y="183">	</waypoint>
	<!-- #111 --><waypoint x="7501" z="3229" y="185">	</waypoint>
	<!-- #112 --><waypoint x="7486" z="3284" y="185">	</waypoint>
	<!-- #113 --><waypoint x="7462" z="3353" y="183">	</waypoint>
	<!-- #114 --><waypoint x="7432" z="3369" y="185">	</waypoint>
	<!-- #115 --><waypoint x="7389" z="3371" y="185">	</waypoint>
	<!-- #116 --><waypoint x="7357" z="3354" y="184">	</waypoint>
	<!-- #117 --><waypoint x="7341" z="3324" y="184">	</waypoint>
	<!-- #118 --><waypoint x="7344" z="3292" y="185">	</waypoint>
	<!-- #119 --><waypoint x="7352" z="3218" y="184">	</waypoint>
	<!-- #120 --><waypoint x="7336" z="3200" y="185">	</waypoint>
	<!-- #121 --><waypoint x="7309" z="3189" y="184">	</waypoint>
	<!-- #122 --><waypoint x="7277" z="3185" y="188">	</waypoint>
	<!-- #123 --><waypoint x="7232" z="3186" y="193">	</waypoint>
	<!-- #124 --><waypoint x="7199" z="3197" y="191">	</waypoint>
	<!-- #125 --><waypoint x="7165" z="3219" y="193">	</waypoint>
	<!-- #126 --><waypoint x="7140" z="3250" y="193">	</waypoint>
	<!-- #127 --><waypoint x="7063" z="3387" y="193">	</waypoint>
	<!-- #128 --><waypoint x="7027" z="3446" y="193">	</waypoint>
	<!-- #129 --><waypoint x="6991" z="3478" y="193">	</waypoint>
	<!-- #130 --><waypoint x="6953" z="3493" y="193">	</waypoint>
	<!-- #131 --><waypoint x="6883" z="3516" y="191">	</waypoint>
	<!-- #132 --><waypoint x="6847" z="3538" y="184">	</waypoint>
	<!-- #133 --><waypoint x="6818" z="3571" y="176">	</waypoint>
	<!-- #134 --><waypoint x="6718" z="3710" y="176">	</waypoint>
	<!-- #135 --><waypoint x="6693" z="3727" y="175">	</waypoint>
	<!-- #136 --><waypoint x="6615" z="3757" y="175">	</waypoint>
	<!-- #137 --><waypoint x="6598" z="3781" y="179">	</waypoint>
	<!-- #138 --><waypoint x="6583" z="3831" y="194">	</waypoint>
	<!-- #139 --><waypoint x="6538" z="4043" y="207">	</waypoint>
	<!-- #140 --><waypoint x="6526" z="4101" y="207">	</waypoint>
	<!-- #141 --><waypoint x="6510" z="4173" y="185">	</waypoint>
	<!-- #142 --><waypoint x="6485" z="4204" y="184">	</waypoint>
	<!-- #143 --><waypoint x="6442" z="4246" y="183">	</waypoint>
	<!-- #144 --><waypoint x="6389" z="4305" y="185">	</waypoint>
	<!-- #145 --><waypoint x="6359" z="4352" y="185">	</waypoint>
	<!-- #146 --><waypoint x="6323" z="4388" y="185">	</waypoint>
	<!-- #147 --><waypoint x="6269" z="4437" y="184">	</waypoint>
	<!-- #148 --><waypoint x="6256" z="4484" y="185">	</waypoint>
	<!-- #149 --><waypoint x="6227" z="4618" y="185">	</waypoint>
	<!-- #150 --><waypoint x="6217" z="4666" y="185">	</waypoint>
	<!-- #151 --><waypoint x="6204" z="4737" y="185">	</waypoint>
	<!-- #152 --><waypoint x="6242" z="4751" y="185">	</waypoint>
	<!-- #153 --><waypoint x="6313" z="4783" y="184">	</waypoint>
	<!-- #154 --><waypoint x="6337" z="4860" y="185">	</waypoint>
	<!-- #155 --><waypoint x="6370" z="5029" y="185">	</waypoint>
	<!-- #156 --><waypoint x="6368" z="5076" y="185">	</waypoint>
	<!-- #157 --><waypoint x="6348" z="5254" y="186">	</waypoint>
	<!-- #158 --><waypoint x="6385" z="5402" y="174">		
		local queststate = getQuestStatus(quest) 
		if queststate == "complete" then
		<!-- #  1 --><waypoint x="6343" z="5353" y="178" tag="left">	</waypoint>
	<!-- #  2 --><waypoint x="6281" z="5212" y="183">	</waypoint>
	<!-- #  3 --><waypoint x="6283" z="5157" y="183">	</waypoint>
	<!-- #  4 --><waypoint x="6345" z="4869" y="185">	</waypoint>
	<!-- #  5 --><waypoint x="6409" z="4746" y="183">	</waypoint>
	<!-- #  6 --><waypoint x="6469" z="4632" y="185">	</waypoint>
	<!-- #  7 --><waypoint x="6490" z="4504" y="183">	</waypoint>
	<!-- #  8 --><waypoint x="6510" z="4452" y="183">	</waypoint>
	<!-- #  9 --><waypoint x="6532" z="4361" y="185">	</waypoint>
	<!-- # 10 --><waypoint x="6510" z="4241" y="183">	</waypoint>
	<!-- # 11 --><waypoint x="6515" z="4192" y="183">	</waypoint>
	<!-- # 12 --><waypoint x="6535" z="4067" y="207">	</waypoint>
	<!-- # 13 --><waypoint x="6577" z="3897" y="206">	</waypoint>
	<!-- # 14 --><waypoint x="6614" z="3857" y="200">	</waypoint>
	<!-- # 15 --><waypoint x="6703" z="3791" y="174">	</waypoint>
	<!-- # 16 --><waypoint x="6799" z="3697" y="176">	</waypoint>
	<!-- # 17 --><waypoint x="6896" z="3587" y="175">	</waypoint>
	<!-- # 18 --><waypoint x="6974" z="3506" y="193">	</waypoint>
	<!-- # 19 --><waypoint x="7053" z="3422" y="193">	</waypoint>
	<!-- # 20 --><waypoint x="7110" z="3219" y="193">	</waypoint>
	<!-- # 21 --><waypoint x="7139" z="3192" y="193">	</waypoint>
	<!-- # 22 --><waypoint x="7188" z="3176" y="193">	</waypoint>
	<!-- # 23 --><waypoint x="7246" z="3183" y="193">	</waypoint>
	<!-- # 24 --><waypoint x="7343" z="3208" y="185">	</waypoint>
	<!-- # 25 --><waypoint x="7357" z="3225" y="185">	</waypoint>
	<!-- # 26 --><waypoint x="7361" z="3251" y="184">	</waypoint>
	<!-- # 27 --><waypoint x="7360" z="3277" y="185">	</waypoint>
	<!-- # 28 --><waypoint x="7361" z="3335" y="184">	</waypoint>
	<!-- # 29 --><waypoint x="7383" z="3348" y="185">	</waypoint>
	<!-- # 30 --><waypoint x="7417" z="3348" y="183">	</waypoint>
	<!-- # 31 --><waypoint x="7449" z="3340" y="185">	</waypoint>
	<!-- # 32 --><waypoint x="7468" z="3311" y="184">	</waypoint>
	<!-- # 33 --><waypoint x="7526" z="3197" y="185">	</waypoint>
	<!-- # 34 --><waypoint x="7553" z="3184" y="184">	</waypoint>
	<!-- # 35 --><waypoint x="7586" z="3177" y="184">	</waypoint>
	<!-- # 36 --><waypoint x="7637" z="3167" y="184">	</waypoint>
	<!-- # 37 --><waypoint x="7662" z="3127" y="185">	</waypoint>
	<!-- # 38 --><waypoint x="7650" z="3092" y="185">	</waypoint>
	<!-- # 39 --><waypoint x="7624" z="3069" y="183">	</waypoint>
	<!-- # 40 --><waypoint x="7583" z="3049" y="183">	</waypoint>
	<!-- # 41 --><waypoint x="7547" z="3027" y="185">	</waypoint>
	<!-- # 42 --><waypoint x="7553" z="2996" y="185">	</waypoint>
	<!-- # 43 --><waypoint x="7561" z="2955" y="184">	</waypoint>
	<!-- # 44 --><waypoint x="7574" z="2866" y="185">	</waypoint>
	<!-- # 45 --><waypoint x="7582" z="2816" y="184" tag="lcontinue">		
	<!-- # 46 --><waypoint x="7592" z="2750" y="185">	</waypoint>
	<!-- # 47 --><waypoint x="7607" z="2625" y="185">	</waypoint>
	<!-- # 48 --><waypoint x="7633" z="2348" y="184">	</waypoint>
	<!-- # 49 --><waypoint x="7649" z="2135" y="184">	</waypoint>
	<!-- # 50 --><waypoint x="7655" z="2056" y="185">	</waypoint>
	<!-- # 51 --><waypoint x="7625" z="2029" y="183">	</waypoint>
	<!-- # 52 --><waypoint x="7543" z="2004" y="185">	</waypoint>
	<!-- # 53 --><waypoint x="7471" z="2000" y="183">	</waypoint>
	<!-- # 54 --><waypoint x="7418" z="2015" y="179">	</waypoint>
	<!-- # 55 --><waypoint x="7376" z="2041" y="178">	</waypoint>
	<!-- # 56 --><waypoint x="7313" z="2092" y="180">	</waypoint>
	<!-- # 57 --><waypoint x="7242" z="2138" y="178">	</waypoint>
	<!-- # 58 --><waypoint x="7150" z="2177" y="178">	</waypoint>
	<!-- # 59 --><waypoint x="7060" z="2204" y="179">	</waypoint>
	<!-- # 60 --><waypoint x="6986" z="2226" y="179">	</waypoint>
	<!-- # 61 --><waypoint x="6953" z="2257" y="178">	</waypoint>
	<!-- # 62 --><waypoint x="6932" z="2313" y="185">	</waypoint>
	<!-- # 63 --><waypoint x="6919" z="2404" y="183">	</waypoint>
	<!-- # 64 --><waypoint x="6916" z="2455" y="183">	</waypoint>
	<!-- # 65 --><waypoint x="6939" z="2489" y="185">	</waypoint>
	<!-- # 66 --><waypoint x="6975" z="2504" y="185">	</waypoint>
	<!-- # 67 --><waypoint x="7031" z="2521" y="185">	</waypoint>
	<!-- # 68 --><waypoint x="7163" z="2560" y="184">	</waypoint>
	<!-- # 69 --><waypoint x="7237" z="2582" y="185">	</waypoint>
	<!-- # 70 --><waypoint x="7363" z="2630" y="184">	</waypoint>
	<!-- # 71 --><waypoint x="7521" z="2705" y="185">	</waypoint>
	<!-- # 72 --><waypoint x="7580" z="2791" y="184">
after are just next waypoints. I can't all past here ;d

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Re: need little help with this before I release it

#11 Post by rock5 » Sun Aug 04, 2013 2:05 pm

I think I know what the problem is. There is no 'onEnterCombat' used in the bot so that function does nothing. You could try adding the code to a valid function such as onSkillCast. Try changing

Code: Select all = function()

Code: Select all function()
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Re: need little help with this before I release it

#12 Post by Eggman1414 » Sun Aug 04, 2013 7:00 pm

Love the script, runs into some problems (stuck, not attacking closer butterfly). But very reliable. My only thing I would change is, add in a user variable for using daily reset tickets. Like Use tickets if available until character is X lvl. Like for me, I am leveling my Knight side using butterflies until lvl 61. Right now it is 59. I run your script till it completes and then use a ticket and re run. Not a problem just a hassle.

9.5/10 :)

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Re: need little help with this before I release it

#13 Post by wiedzmin97 » Mon Aug 05, 2013 5:01 am

Code: Select all

<!-- #  1 --><waypoint x="6777" z="6312" y="92">   </waypoint>
   <!-- #  2 --><waypoint x="6580" z="6254" y="107">   </waypoint>
   <!-- #  3 --><waypoint x="6429" z="6206" y="107">   </waypoint>
   <!-- #  4 --><waypoint x="6399" z="6153" y="108">   </waypoint>
   <!-- #  5 --><waypoint x="6409" z="6120" y="110">   </waypoint>
   <!-- #  6 --><waypoint x="6382" z="6087" y="110">   </waypoint>
   <!-- #  7 --><waypoint x="6369" z="6038" y="114">   </waypoint>
   <!-- #  8 --><waypoint x="6340" z="5808" y="124">   </waypoint>
   <!-- #  9 --><waypoint x="6335" z="5605" y="148">   </waypoint>
   <!-- # 10 --><waypoint x="6415" z="5445" y="167" tag="getquest">   
      local dailyQuestCount, dailyQuestsPerDay= RoMScript("Daily_count()");
      if 10 == dailyQuestCount then
   if inventory:itemTotalCount(202434) > 0 then
         player:target_NPC(questgiver); -- "Robbie Butcher"
         local queststate = getQuestStatus(quest) 
         if queststate == "not accepted" then
         butpath = math.random(1, 4);
Eggman1414@ look at waypoint 10, i added using daily reset tickets if you want.

with this " function()" bot working nice :)) great thx.

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Bill D Cat
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Re: need little help with this before I release it

#14 Post by Bill D Cat » Sat Aug 10, 2013 8:24 pm

Okay, I'm new here having followed a link for one of Lisa's videos demonstrating CE. I have been reading through some of the threads here and thought I might be able to contribute at least one suggestion here. I'm not sure if this would be something you'd want to implement for the butterfly daily routine, but it's at least worth mentioning. When running from Fierce Gale or the Copper Gardner could end up getting you killed due to the high probability of being slowed or stunned, the option to commit suicide might work better.

/script SetCameraPosition(0,0,200)

This will cause you to die with no debt or EQ damage and return you to the revival point near the quest giver. I've used it a number of times when actually manually doing the daily, so I know it will work. I'll leave it up to you to decide if this is an option you want to consider for escaping unwanted combat for this script.

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