Running ONLY regardless of aggro?

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Re: Running ONLY regardless of aggro?

#21 Post by silinky » Sat Dec 08, 2012 3:41 am

well for to7h i have made a wp in the past but i dropped it since then and i don't have the code :(

i made it like this:
- i used teleport
- i also used countmobs() userfunction, and when mobs were close i just teleported to the next waypoint. it usually went like this: mobs came closer, i teleported away ~180 units, killed a couple (i was a m/r, i used tods mostly), teleported to the next waypoint, and so on...
- when all mobs were killed, the bot used the sound alarm, and i manually pulled 2 more bugs, then pressed "delete" again and bot resumed kiting.

wasn't really hard to do it, and sometimes i could even use the first tick of the thunderstorm also.

there were occasional deaths though, but rarely :)) and since the equipment was HD, i didn't lose any hammers.

hope it helps.

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Re: Running ONLY regardless of aggro?

#22 Post by Tamyra » Sat Dec 08, 2012 7:36 am

rock5 wrote:If I understand correctly, you just want a movement assist bot that you can press insert to make it continuously move forward but you want to be able to steer with the keys instead on the mouse? If so, how would you like it to work? It might be difficult to use the Insert key. Maybe a double tap on the forward key to start it running? And steering with ADQE?

Edit I just reread that last line and understood it this time. You want a bot that keeps pressing the direction key that you press? So that means it wouldn't include the turn keys. The numpad would be ideal for this because the corner keys could mean press 2 keys at once and the center key could mean stop.
You're getting a little closer to what I need. For example, speed and fly hack, you press one key and they start working, you still tell them which way to go, then there is a key that stops the hack and returns normal function. The only thing this one would do is activate the constant holding down of the "d" key(causing the character to run to the right...NOT fwd...running right allows the camera to see what is going on behind you and takes care of the angle issues). If you were to do this manually your hand would quickly cramp.
silinky wrote:well for to7h i have made a wp in the past but i dropped it since then and i don't have the code :(

i made it like this:
- i used teleport
- i also used countmobs() userfunction, and when mobs were close i just teleported to the next waypoint. it usually went like this: mobs came closer, i teleported away ~180 units, killed a couple (i was a m/r, i used tods mostly), teleported to the next waypoint, and so on...
- when all mobs were killed, the bot used the sound alarm, and i manually pulled 2 more bugs, then pressed "delete" again and bot resumed kiting.

wasn't really hard to do it, and sometimes i could even use the first tick of the thunderstorm also.

there were occasional deaths though, but rarely :)) and since the equipment was HD, i didn't lose any hammers.

hope it helps.
While that sounds great, I actually do not mind doing everything else myself. What I do not want is something that automates all the killing etc.

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Re: Running ONLY regardless of aggro?

#23 Post by rock5 » Sat Dec 08, 2012 11:01 am

Tamyra wrote:The only thing this one would do is activate the constant holding down of the "d" key(causing the character to run to the right...NOT fwd...running right allows the camera to see what is going on behind you and takes care of the angle issues). If you were to do this manually your hand would quickly cramp.
So are you saying you only want to automate the 'd' button? Is it your intention of keeping an eye out behind and in front of you by continuously looking to the side of the direction you are going? Don't you want to use the mouse? So you don't like the idea of the numpad? Would you rather just have the 'd' button automated? I could just make it so if you double tap the 'd' then it continues to run. Is that what you want?
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Re: Running ONLY regardless of aggro?

#24 Post by Tamyra » Sat Dec 08, 2012 11:04 am

rock5 wrote:
Tamyra wrote:The only thing this one would do is activate the constant holding down of the "d" key(causing the character to run to the right...NOT fwd...running right allows the camera to see what is going on behind you and takes care of the angle issues). If you were to do this manually your hand would quickly cramp.
So are you saying you only want to automate the 'd' button? Is it your intention of keeping an eye out behind and in front of you by continuously looking to the side of the direction you are going? Don't you want to use the mouse? So you don't like the idea of the numpad? Would you rather just have the 'd' button automated? I could just make it so if you double tap the 'd' then it continues to run. Is that what you want?
Pretty Much.
rock5 wrote:Don't you want to use the mouse?
I will be, to change the direction and determine where the thunderstorm will be cast only, not to "move" fwd, or in this case, to the right. The "D button" automation would do that.

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Re: Running ONLY regardless of aggro?

#25 Post by rock5 » Sat Dec 08, 2012 11:36 am

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- Double 'd' starts it running to the right.
- Change the variable 'interval' to change how quickly you have to tap.
- You can still use 'swqe'.
- 'd' or 'a' stops it auto moving right.
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Re: Running ONLY regardless of aggro?

#26 Post by Tamyra » Sat Dec 08, 2012 12:35 pm

Okay, looks great with the one small problem that the speed that I double tap may not always be the same, and sometimes it triggers, sometimes it doesn't(cannot afford for it to not trigger). Maybe use a single tap on a key not used by default in game for anything? Like the "~" next to the 1?

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Re: Running ONLY regardless of aggro?

#27 Post by rock5 » Sat Dec 08, 2012 1:14 pm

This one trigers with the tilde. Like the previous, 'd' or 'a' stops it auto moving.
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Re: Running ONLY regardless of aggro?

#28 Post by Tamyra » Sat Dec 08, 2012 4:05 pm

Haha!! It's PERFECT!! Thanks!!

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Re: Running ONLY regardless of aggro?

#29 Post by Bot_romka » Thu May 09, 2013 6:23 pm

i modified AutoRight for farm OT in Tosh
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Re: Running ONLY regardless of aggro?

#30 Post by wps » Thu Aug 01, 2013 10:23 am

I try to farm bugs, but I got charged and died over 20 times there.
I saw the videos on youtube, and they are not getting charged.
My HP is 79K less than the video 98K.
I lost 16K when I am charged by the small one,
but they didn't get charged at all.
It's pretty easy to die.

Is there any tricks?

Those mob keeps reset when I died and re-enter.
That bothers me too.


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Re: Running ONLY regardless of aggro?

#31 Post by noobbotter » Fri Dec 20, 2013 2:14 pm

The larger bugs will charge you once when you first get their aggro, but they won't charge you again (unless you die and/or restart the instance). When I go in, I generally have 68K - 80K HP. I'm not sure how much damage their charge does but I know it's less than a fourth of my HP. I'm a secondary priest so I'll let one bug charge me and as I'm getting up I'll heal myself twice then hit Regen as I walk to the next one. When this one charges me I'll do the same thing. heal, heal, regen. As I have more bugs following me (notice I haven't attacked any bugs yet) they will begin taking more of my HP so I may have to heal 4 or 5 times before doing a regen and moving on.

Depending on your HP and what your defense is, you might want to clear the central circle area out before drawing any bugs. Or if you can handle it, you can clear out the center area with the bugs nipping on your heels.

Anyway, after you have the number of bugs you want to use, start running away from them and you have to do an AoE on them all at the same time and get their health down around 25%. If you do this with all the bugs that are chasing you at the same time, they should all be in sync and spawn the little bugs at the same time. When they are spawning the little bugs, you have to keep moving (preferably away from them) because if you stand still, even if you think you're far enough away, the little bugs will get you in the blink of an eye. Then you keep moving around the circle and once the big bugs stop to spawn more, that's when you take out the little ones. Just don't let them get too close to you.

The video I saw that really shows how to pull these bugs is here:

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Re: Running ONLY regardless of aggro?

#32 Post by AngelDrago » Tue Apr 22, 2014 9:38 pm

Bot_romka wrote:i modified AutoRight for farm OT in Tosh

this is awesome but my question is how can i make the character run not in the center but in the outer rim?

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Re: Running ONLY regardless of aggro?

#33 Post by noobbotter » Wed Apr 23, 2014 7:07 am

I believe the line:

Code: Select all

local Dist_C = 170		-- distance from center of circle to player
sets the distance from the center that the character will try to stay at. For instance, I have used this code in the old eoj farming in Chrysalia so that when he arrives on site, he would look at other characters standing around Papp and then do an autoright function using a distance of 50 until he was not standing on top of another player. I also use my modified autoright function at mailboxes and housemaid NPCs so that I don't stand on another player. In fact, The line of code for setting distance to center object (Papp, housemaid, mailbox, or whatever) I used a random function so it's not the same every time:

Code: Select all

local Dist_C = math.random(30,80)
By default it is 170. You can try increasing it and see what it does. I would maybe try 190 or possibly 200. If you go too large a number then it will run into the outside walls. You'll have to play with it and test it until you get it working how you want it.

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Re: Running ONLY regardless of aggro?

#34 Post by AngelDrago » Wed Apr 23, 2014 9:52 am

thank you will try it later and see what happens

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Re: Running ONLY regardless of aggro?

#35 Post by AngelDrago » Thu Apr 24, 2014 8:56 am

thank you again noobbotter so i got the running part done the perfect distance for me is local Dist_C = 225. And now to my next question is their a way that the camera always follows the mop i notice that i need to move the angle when facing the bug's and that get me sometimes killed.

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Re: Running ONLY regardless of aggro?

#36 Post by noobbotter » Thu Apr 24, 2014 10:03 am

If you are there to manually control the camera and the killing of the bugs (Using script just to do the running) you should be able to modify the camera angle using your right mouse button without affecting the direction the bot is running. The problem I see coming though, is once you click the ground with your AoE spell the bot will face that direction which will throw off your run for a split second which might be enough to get you killed. I'm not sure what could help at this point. I never had good luck with using this in Tosh, whether it was a server response time problem or what, I find it much easier just to do the whole thing manually. But what I do is I first use Unbridled Enthusiasm, and I also have a script where I run the Speed() but it runs it slightly slower than the default fast speed so as to ensure I don't get pulled back ever. Also, make sure you turn off the "Click to move" option.

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Re: Running ONLY regardless of aggro?

#37 Post by nightdps » Thu Apr 24, 2014 10:53 am

I prefer to run clockwise, anyone know how to make the adjustment running clockwise?

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Re: Running ONLY regardless of aggro?

#38 Post by noobbotter » Mon Apr 28, 2014 7:33 am

I believe all you have to do is swap the

Code: Select all

and the

Code: Select all

. So anywhere where it has the Left key press, change it to a right keypress, and vice verse. Looking at it, it looks like there is one straff_left and 2 straff_right commands.

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Re: Running ONLY regardless of aggro?

#39 Post by mat » Fri Oct 17, 2014 7:09 am

hi I do not arrive has to understand(include) how to make wp and to have of aggro no person could help me.

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Re: Running ONLY regardless of aggro?

#40 Post by Bot_romka » Fri Apr 03, 2015 12:47 pm

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