I've tried to level up one of my characters from 0 to lvl 10 and got everytime on level up or teleporting this error
Code: Select all
5:44pm - scripts\rom/bot.lua:537: Fehler im Profile bei der Zeitpunktverarbeiten: onLeaveCombat
error D:/RMB/scripts/rom/functions.lua:908: attempt to compare nil with number
Code: Select all
-- Additional Lua code to execute after a target is finished
if(player.Level == 10) then
-- thats a demo for opening the gift bags from Lvl 1-10
-- and levelup the skills for a new character (mage or priest recommended)
-- you can delete that lines if you don't want to use that
-- single skill would be: sendMacro("SetSpellPoint(4,2);");
-- or levelupSkill(_skillname, _times)
-- open giftbag and equipt content