
Runes of Magic/Radiant Arcana (
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#1 Post by jammin007 » Sun Jun 27, 2010 10:26 am

Given the success using ROMBOT with my rogue/scout I wanted to give a Mage/Priest a try. The only problem is that some of the healing abilities do not trigger. Currently the only healing I see is regenerate. I've seen the BOT die multiple times because health is low and it chooses an attack ability over healing itself. For some reason it uses HP pots over healing. It's died several times and I've never seen it use Holy Aura. Also, it doesn't use elemental catalyst on every cool down either. Please help, and thank you!

<option name="HP_LOW" value="85" />
<option name="MP_LOW_POTION" value="50" />
<option name="HP_LOW_POTION" value="50" />
<option name="USE_HP_POTION" value="best" /> <!-- potion select strategy: best|minstack -->
<option name="USE_MANA_POTION" value="best" /> <!-- potion select strategy: best|minstack -->

<!-- Rest if HP or Mana is below that level -->
<option name="HP_REST" value="30" />
<option name="MP_REST" value="15" />

<skill name="MAGE_FLAME" modifier="" hotkey="VK_1" priority="50" />
<skill name="PRIEST_RISING_TIDE" modifier="" hotkey="VK_2" priority="40" />
<skill name="MAGE_PLASMA_ARROW" modifier="" hotkey="VK_3" priority="30" />
<skill name="MAGE_FIREBALL" modifier="" hotkey="VK_4" priority="20" />
<skill name="MAGE_ELECTRIC_BOLT" modifier="" hotkey="VK_5" priority="10" />
<skill name="MAGE_ELECTROSTATIC_CHARGE" modifier="" hotkey="VK_6" priority="60" inbattle="true" />
<skill name="PRIEST_REGENERATE" hotkey="VK_7" priority="90" hpper="90" inbattle="true" />
<skill name="PRIEST_URGENT_HEAL" hotkey="VK_8" priority="80" hpper="50" />
<skill name="MAGE_ELEMENTAL_CATALYST" modifier="VK_SHIFT" hotkey="VK_1" priority="70" inbattle="true" />
<skill name="PRIEST_HOLY_AURA" modifier="VK_SHIFT" hotkey="VK_2" priority="100" hpper="25" inbattle="true" />

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Re: mage/priest

#2 Post by rock5 » Sun Jun 27, 2010 11:44 am

inbattle="true" means only cast in battle, inbattle="false" means only cast out of battle. If you want it to cast in and out of battle then leave that option out.

You have "Urgent Heal" and the potions set to trigger at 50% and you have Urgent Heal to only cast during combat. No wonder you rarely or ever see it cast. Try setting Urgent Heal hpper to about 65 and removing the inbattle="true".

If you get to 25% hp but it doesn't cast Holy Aura before you died, it's possible that you are just dying too quickly for it to have enough time to cast. You have to understand that all those skills are cast in order so if it misses a skill it will have to wait until it comes around again. A good idea is to put urgent emergency spells in the <onSkillCast> section of your profile so they get checked after every cast. Check out RoM_Working_with_profile_events for some examples.

Also, having a lot of instant and 1 second casts increases the likely-hood of missed casts. Do you see messages in MM saying "Failed to cast spell"? If so, try changing line 71 of settings to the following;
SKILL_USE_PRIOR = 400,. See if that helps.
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