rock5's "fastLogin Revisited"

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rock5's "fastLogin Revisited"

#1 Post by rock5 » Mon May 03, 2010 5:57 am

Quick links: fastlogin, userfunction_LoginNextChar.lua, Downloads

fastLogin aka. loginxml
  • This addon simplifies logging in to Runes of Magic with convenient buttons on the login screen to log in to preset accounts.

    It also has some automation features to auto log in into accounts and characters and some features to help with botting.
  • 1. Extract the "Loginxml" folder into the "../Runes of Magic/Interface" folder. It does NOT go into the addons folder. The resulting folder should look like this "../Runes of Magic/Interface/Loginxml".

    2. Edit "accountlogin.lua" and add the account names, passwords, servers and labels you wish to use. There is a handy "button map" included to show you where the buttons will appear around the "Log In" button. If a buttons "UserName" equals "" and "Label" equals "" then that button will not be shown.

    3. Edit "logindialog.lua" and add the corresponding secondary passwords. Make sure they match up with the account numbers in accountlogin.lua.

    4. Restart the Runes of Magic client for the changes to take effect.

    That's all you need to setup to use it for botting. You can change the settings at the top of "accountlogin.lua" to affect your manual play. There is a description near each option. They should not effect botting.
Added Functionality:
  • Developers can now use a debug console at the Login and Character Selection screens by pressing the 'Tilde' key (~). You can use the console to enter commands and print variables.
  • Users can now use a convenient and more powerful print command 'pr'. What makes it more powerful is it can print out tables and comma separated values and in any combination. Eg.

    Code: Select all

    /script pr("val = ", val , "atable = ", atable)
    Note: You need to use this function to print when using the console but it also works with the in game chat box.

  • This userfunction includes a number of useful functions in relation to changing character using 'fastLogin'.
  • Just install the 'userfunction_LoginNextChar.lua' file into the 'rom/userfunctions' folder.

Function List:

  • You can use "ChangeChar" function to change to a specific character on a specific account or with no arguments, it logs into the next character.
  • Syntax:
    • ChangeChar(characterindex, account, channel)
    • characterindex - The character in the character selection screen. Values from 1 to 8 or "current" to log back into the same character.
      account - The account number or name you want to login into as setup at the top of "accountlogin.lua".
      channel - The channel you want to log into.
    All arguments are optional.
    • If 'characterindex' is ommitted then it will log into the next character in the same account.
      If 'account' is ommitted then it will log into the character specified on the same account.
      If 'channel' is ommitted then it will log into the channel specified in the setting at the top of accountlogin.lua.

    Code: Select all

    RoMScript("ChangeChar()") -- Log into next character
    RoMScript("ChangeChar('current')") -- Log off then back into the same character
    RoMScript("ChangeChar(2,4)") -- Change to 2nd character on 4th account.
    RoMScript("ChangeChar(5,nil,2)") -- Change to 5th character on the same account using channel 2
      VERY IMPORTANT!: Now ChangeChar waits for the new character to load so you don't need to do a waitForLoadingScreen(). This is going to cause problems but it was necessary.
    • This will log into the next character in the character list specified by the user, (see 'SetCharList' below). It will cycle through every account and character in the list. The list has to be declared before using this function. When it reaches the last character in the list, it will stop. It accepts no arguments. eg.

      Code: Select all

    • Use this function to specify your character list. It accepts a table as an argument. Here is an example of the correct format. For clarity it covers multiple lines. You could do it on 1 line but I recommend you do it like this to reduce errors.

      Code: Select all

      	{account=2 , chars= {}},
      	{account=6 , chars= {1,3,5,6,8}},
      	{account=5 , chars= {2,3,4,6,7}},
      Note that account 2 has no characters specified. When no characters are specified then it will go through all the characters in that account.

      As of version 1.40 you can also use groups of accounts so that you can set one group for each client you run.

      Code: Select all

      	{account=2 , chars= {}},
      	{account=6 , chars= {1,3,5,6,8}},
      	{account=5 , chars= {2,3,4,6,7}},
      	{account=7 , chars= {2,3,5,6,8}},
      In this example you would have 2 clients running, 1 to do accounts 2 and 6 and the other to do accounts 5 and 7. Each client will stop when they reach the end of their own lists.
    • Use this function to set what channel it will log into when you relog with ChangeChar or LoginNextChar.

      Code: Select all

      SetChannelForLogin(2) -- Next login will log into channel 2
      SetChannelForLogin("next") -- Next login will log into current channel + 1. Or channel 1 if already at last channel.
      SetChannelForLogin("random") -- Next login will log into a random channel. It is limited by the number of channels available. 
    • Similar to 'ChangeChar' but restarts the client before logging in. You shouldn't need to use this. You can setup ChangeChar/LoginNextChar to automatically restart after a certain number of character changes. See 'SetRestartClientSettings". Requires the 'login' userfunction ... 043#p48043.
    • Syntax:
      • ChangeCharRestart(characterindex, account, client)
      • characterindex & account - Same as ChangeChar.
        client - Name of client shortcut. See userfunction_login.lua instructions at the above link for more information.
    • Syntax:
      • SetRestartClientSettings(frequency, client)
      • frequency - After how many character loads do you want to restart the client. If set to 0 (default) it does not restart the client. Note: for it to keep proper count of the number of character loads it is recommended you update to the latest fastLogin which includes a counterbut is not required. It will just loose count if the bot is restarted.
        client - Name of client shortcut. See userfunction_login.lua instructions at the above link for more information.
    • For those users who want to start a new chain of waypoints after completing a character list, this function tells you if you are on the last character so you can, for example, load the first character in a new list and start a new waypoint file.
    • Syntax:
      • IsLastChar(override)
      • override - Allowed values are "LoginNextChar", "ChangeChar" or nil. By default, if no CharList is specified, then this function returns true if you are on the last character of the current account, otherwise it will return true if you are on the last character of the CharList. 'override' allows you to force it to check one or the other. Eg. if CharList still has values from a previous waypoint file but you are useing ChangeChar now, you can force this function to only check if on the last character of this account.
      Also to help make choices, I've included 2 simple functions getChar() and getAcc() to return the current character and account respectively.
    Example Relog Function
    • Code: Select all

      function relog()
      	-- 2 CharLists for 2 clients running at the same time
      		{account=2 , chars= {}},
      		{account=6 , chars= {1,3,5,6,8}},
      		{account=5 , chars= {2,3,4,6,7}},
      		{account=7 , chars= {2,3,5,6,8}},
      	-- My game crashes after reloging 7 times so make it restart the game every 7 relogs.
      	SetRestartClientSettings(7, "rom4u")
      	-- After finishing this script do dailies but have each client do different dailies.
      	if IsLastChar() then
      		if getAcc() == 6 then -- End of first CharList
      			ChangeChar(1,2) -- First char of first list.
      		else -- end of second CharList
      			ChangeChar(2,5) -- First char of second list.
      		-- It's not the last character so continue with the list and reload this file.
    • os008 for the original fastLogin.
      swietlowka for the login buttons.
      MiesterMan for the ChangeChar function.
      Bot_romka for auto race/class, namegen idea and skipping dialogs.
      And everyone else who has contributed.
    Version 3.7
    - Fixed bug in pr command that caused it to stop working when the console display buffer filled up.
    - Added the region to the bottom left of the login screen.
    - Added unlimited button support.
    - Added button to show the button map.
    - Added support for region specific accounts.
    (20.9 KiB) Downloaded 1505 times
    Version 1.51 - fixed bug when character is not in list.
    - Remembers acc and char and server in various places to help with crash recovery.
    - Added support for ServerLinkList.lua file.
    - Added simple default onClientCrash to recover from crashes.
    (7.7 KiB) Downloaded 1288 times
    Last edited by rock5 on Wed Jun 23, 2010 11:38 am, edited 10 times in total.
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    Re: Autologin revisited

    #2 Post by rock5 » Thu May 27, 2010 12:15 am

    --=== Added by lisa ===--

    save the loginxml folder from the zip file to
    /Runes of Magic/Interface/
    Open accountlogin.lua and logindialog.lua and add in your account details.

    Code: Select all

    	Account1 = {	UserName = "accnamehere",	Password = "firstpasswordhere", Server = "servernamehere",	},

    Code: Select all

    	Account1 = {	ID = 1,		SecondaryPassword = "secondarypasswordhere",	},
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    Re: Autologin revisited

    #3 Post by KillerTHC » Thu May 27, 2010 10:58 am

    I see... Well it's worth a try.

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    Re: Autologin revisited

    #4 Post by Bonanit » Sat May 29, 2010 1:42 pm

    I don't understand how I have to configure it to change automatically between my account characters.
    I have put the archives in the Interface folder of Runes of magic but it doesn't work.
    An other question: Is the 1-10 script activated alone in every character? Or do I have to active it?

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    Re: Autologin revisited

    #5 Post by rock5 » Sat May 29, 2010 2:51 pm

    Bonanit wrote:I don't understand how I have to configure it to change automatically between my account characters.
    I have put the archives in the Interface folder of Runes of magic but it doesn't work.
    An other question: Is the 1-10 script activated alone in every character? Or do I have to active it?
    You need to put the 'Loginxml' folder in the 'Interface' folder (not in the addon folder).

    You need to change some values in 'accountlogin.lua':
    - fastLoginLoopAccounts="youraccountname" -- not your character names but your actual account name
    - fastLoginRelog=true; -- To have it automatically log in to the next character when you return to character selection.

    The other options are optional.

    Then at the end of your last 1-10 script logout so your next character loads. Then load the first script again. He's the end of mine as an example.

    Code: Select all

    	<!-- #  5 --><waypoint x="-23764" z="4484">
    			sendMacro("Logout();"); yrest(3*60*1000) -- wait for next character to load
    			-- Re-initialize player
    			player =;
    			yrest (4000)
    The re-initialization is necessary otherwise you'll encounter problems like not attacking mobs or not opening giftbags.

    Then log in, load the first character and start your first script. It should then cycle through all the characters until the last one, then stop at the character selection screen.

    IMPORTANT known bug: When it finishes the last character you'll need to log off then back on again to get the automatic re-login working again. Actually I'll look into fixing this.

    It may still take you some time to make your 1-10 scripts reliable enough to go through all 8 characters without failing for one reason or other. Good luck.
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    Re: Autologin revisited

    #6 Post by rock5 » Sat May 29, 2010 5:02 pm

    Updated to version 1.2.
    - Fixed bug that caused it to stop working after last character which forced you to reload game to continue using it again. ... 350#p10350
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    Re: Autologin revisited

    #7 Post by Yersinia » Wed Jun 09, 2010 8:23 am

    Just a question, how can we change automatically the account after a cycle of character (when we are at the last character, can we automatically launch the next account, and not stop to the character selection screen) ? ;)

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    Re: Autologin revisited

    #8 Post by rock5 » Wed Jun 09, 2010 8:53 am

    Yersinia wrote:Just a question, how can we change automatically the account after a cycle of character (when we are at the last character, can we automatically launch the next account, and not stop to the character selection screen) ? ;)
    It rarely, for me anyway, finishes all 8 characters without failing at least once. Also after 8 characters I like to review the results and send accumulated stuff to a primary character and maybe see if I need to give more money to my next set of 8 characters. For me 8 in a row is enough so I'm not really motivated to add this feature. Sorry.
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    Re: Autologin revisited

    #9 Post by miximixi007 » Thu Jun 17, 2010 8:02 am

    Help me please,it doesn`t work for me when i logout my first client is unzip them into ..\Runes of Magic\interface : accountlogin.lua & accountlogin.xml & characterselect.lua & characterselect.xml

    i also changed the account like this:

    -- >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> CHOOSE WHETHER TO AUTO LOGIN OR NOT <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
    -- >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ENTER YOUR USERNAME BETWEEN THE QUOTES BELOW <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
    -- >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ENTER YOUR PASSWORD BETWEEN THE QUOTES BELOW <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
    -- >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
    -- >>>>>>>>>>>>> THESE ACCOUNTS WILL CYCLE THROUGH THE CHARACTERS <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
    -- >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

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    Re: Autologin revisited

    #10 Post by rock5 » Thu Jun 17, 2010 8:34 am

    miximixi007 wrote:Help me please,it doesn`t work for me when i logout my first client is unzip them into ..\Runes of Magic\interface : accountlogin.lua & accountlogin.xml & characterselect.lua & characterselect.xml
    I just tested it with the current version. It still works so the version is ok.

    It just looks like you didn't put the files into a Loginxml folder.
    Your folder should be
    ..\Runes of Magic\interface\Loginxml

    I've updated the instructions in the 1st post, so hopefully it's more clearer.
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    Re: Autologin revisited

    #11 Post by miximixi007 » Thu Jun 17, 2010 9:06 am

    Thanks for ur quick answer,it can be autologin the first char now.but can`t auto login second char after logout the first one.and it stop at select server screen .sorry for my stupid.

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    Re: Autologin revisited

    #12 Post by rock5 » Thu Jun 17, 2010 9:10 am

    miximixi007 wrote:Thanks for ur quick answer,it can be autologin the first char now.but can`t auto login second char after logout the first one.and it stop at select server screen .sorry for my stupid.
    The way you set it up should work. Are you sure you started your first character of your account kksdgs? kksdgs isn't the character name is it?
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    Re: Autologin revisited

    #13 Post by miximixi007 » Thu Jun 17, 2010 9:22 am

    Are you sure you started your first character of your account kksdgs? kksdgs isn't the character name is it?

    Yes,i sure my account is kksdgs.and my first char name is testffdff,second char name is testagain.i tried still doesn`t auto login second char after manual click the key of confirm server.

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    Re: Autologin revisited

    #14 Post by rock5 » Thu Jun 17, 2010 9:44 am

    miximixi007 wrote:Are you sure you started your first character of your account kksdgs? kksdgs isn't the character name is it?

    Yes,i sure my account is kksdgs.and my first char name is testffdff,second char name is testagain.i tried still doesn`t auto login second char after manual click the key of confirm server.
    I think there might be a small bug in the logic. I'm in the process of fixing it.

    Try fastLoginAutoEnter=false;

    That's how I have mine set up and it works. You just have to start the first character manually.
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    Re: Autologin revisited

    #15 Post by miximixi007 » Thu Jun 17, 2010 1:56 pm

    Great!it worked when i set fastLoginAutoEnter=false and start the first character manually.but i get new problem,the bot show :
    [string " ..."]:5: attempt to call field 'new' (a nil value)

    How can i do?ty again

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    Re: Autologin revisited

    #16 Post by rock5 » Thu Jun 17, 2010 2:02 pm

    miximixi007 wrote:Great!it worked when i set fastLoginAutoEnter=false and start the first character manually.but i get new problem,the bot show :
    [string " ..."]:5: attempt to call field 'new' (a nil value)

    How can i do?ty again
    Is that the whole error? Because usually it tells you what script it'd for?
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    Re: Autologin revisited

    #17 Post by miximixi007 » Thu Jun 17, 2010 2:43 pm

    hmmm,only one line at there.i copy it below:

    Use MACRO: Executing RoMScript "Logout();".
    [string " ..."]:5: attempt to call field 'new' (a nil value)

    Please enter the script name to run.
    Type in 'exit' (without quotes) to exit.

    by the way ,i didn`t create characterName.xml with next character and i never login the next character.

    my waypoints:
    <waypoints >
    <!-- # 3 --><waypoint x="-3779" z="-8480"></waypoint>
    <!-- # 4 --><waypoint x="-3654" z="-8639"></waypoint>
    <!-- # 5 --><waypoint x="-3519" z="-8670">
    sendMacro("Logout();"); yrest(4*60*1000) -- wait 3m for next character to load

    -- Re-initialize player
    player =;
    settings.loadProfile("l1-10"); -- Profile name
    yrest (4000)

    loadPaths("test"); -- First script

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    Re: Autologin revisited

    #18 Post by rock5 » Thu Jun 17, 2010 3:04 pm

    CPlayer:new() is a relatively new function created for this purpose. Probably you haven't updated your version of the bot in awhile. Update to the latest version.

    You don't need to create a characterName.xml. "settings.loadProfile("l1-10");" will load the basic l1-10.xml profile.

    I've nearly finished updating Autologin so you can tell it to load the next character from in the waypoint file. No more adding account names to the autologin settings.
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    Re: Autologin revisited

    #19 Post by miximixi007 » Thu Jun 17, 2010 3:31 pm

    rock5 wrote:CPlayer:new() is a relatively new function created for this purpose. Probably you haven't updated your version of the bot in awhile. Update to the latest version.

    You don't need to create a characterName.xml. "settings.loadProfile("l1-10");" will load the basic l1-10.xml profile.

    I've nearly finished updating Autologin so you can tell it to load the next character from in the waypoint file. No more adding account names to the autologin settings.
    i checked my bot ,it show me version is 3.20

    if u add function with cycle accounts would be better. lol

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    Re: Autologin revisited

    #20 Post by rock5 » Thu Jun 17, 2010 4:23 pm

    Updated to version 1.3.
    • Minor bug fixes
    • Re-haul of character selection logics.
    • Changed way the next character is loaded
    There are new instruction regarding the changes so please read the first post. ... 350#p10350
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