So I need beta testers.
What it can do? Until now it can score equip.
This userfunctions main purpose is to clean the bag and equip characters when they level through quests. Therefore it scores and filter every equip in your bag and equip it if it is better than what is already equipped (or nil). But it can also used to compare items
Code: Select all
-- First function give you an gearscore as a number
getItemScore( item )
@item item object
-- secound function give you an gearscore as a number
getEquipScore( item )
@item item object
-- the other is the 'main' function of the userfunction
clearAndEquipChar(erase, rarity, safeswitch)
@erase a boolean which say if all other stuff should should thrown out
@ rarity the max rarity until stuff will thrown out 1 -white, 2 -green, 3 -blue and so on (if nil 2 is default)
@safeswitch a string which activate the function behind level 50 "I know what I'm doing"
all other things will result in nothing and the userfunction stops function after level 50
(Basically those big lists on top of the file)
V0.9e :add a new function and a few bug fixes, added sanity check for + level addresse
V1.0 fix weapon values, add auto check if wearing a two handed weapons when try to equip shield or talisman, fix bug with arrows for scout
V1.0b fixed all know bugs , starting to implement scoring for quest items
V1.0d turned off debug messages