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Re: Version progress

Posted: Fri Nov 06, 2020 5:35 pm
by Onche
Ok so I would like some help on something : in the past I had the opportunity to help updating addresses.lua because I managed to make the old rom/bot update some addresses by itself (just by deleting not working functions).
I don't know if the current bot is able to update addresses.lua itself, but yesterday there was a new patch in the game and when running the "tweaked bot", it updated some.
Here is the list :

Code: Select all

Patched addresses.actualSpeed_offset     (value: 0x790, at: 0x5FC8EC)
Patched addresses.bankOpenPtr    (value: 0xA6CBC4, at: 0x693DC2)
Patched addresses.boundStatusOffset      (value: 0x40, at: 0x868BA3)
Patched addresses.camDistanceSave_offset         (value: 0x490, at: 0x62F120)
Patched addresses.camDistance_offset1    (value: 0x454, at: 0x62F086)
Patched addresses.camDistance_offset2    (value: 0x244, at: 0x43E8E9)
Patched addresses.camPtr_offset  (value: 0x47C, at: 0x5EFE35)
Patched addresses.camXUVec_offset        (value: 0x128, at: 0x44377B)
Patched addresses.camX_offset    (value: 0x104, at: 0x44369E)
Patched addresses.castingBarPtr  (value: 0xA6CC80, at: 0x63BAA1)
Patched addresses.charAlive_offset       (value: 0x228, at: 0x5EFA8B)
Patched addresses.charBattle_offset      (value: 0x74A, at: 0x5F07F2)
Patched addresses.charClassInfoBase      (value: 0xA0CC48, at: 0x5EE43D)
Patched addresses.charClassInfoSize      (value: 0x430, at: 0x6C1F3F)
Patched addresses.charPtrMounted_offset  (value: 0x7C, at: 0x887BA2)
Patched addresses.charPtr_offset         (value: 0x5A8, at: 0x5ED9C2)
Patched addresses.charStance_offset      (value: 0x7C4, at: 0x5EFB05)
Patched addresses.coolDownOffset         (value: 0xE8, at: 0x6BEF2C)
Patched addresses.cursorBase     (value: 0xA6E274, at: 0x5F697F)
Patched addresses.dailyCount_offset      (value: 0xF8AC, at: 0x6C0CDF)
Patched addresses.durabilityOffset       (value: 0x18, at: 0x6BB31B)
Patched addresses.editBoxHasFocus_address        (value: 0xA69FFC, at: 0x73FF1D)
Patched addresses.eggPetMaxExpTablePtr   (value: 0xA65534, at: 0x80DA51)
Patched addresses.functionMousePatchAddr         (value: 0x3B486C7, at: 0x62F656)
Patched addresses.functionTargetPatchAddr        (value: 0xE8CD8B56, at: 0x5F357F)
Patched addresses.gameTimeAddress        (value: 0xA08050, at: 0x60DAA7)
Patched addresses.getTEXT        (value: 0xA2DAFC, at: 0x60DB3C)
Patched addresses.guildBankOpen_offset   (value: 0xBC, at: 0x877700)
Patched addresses.high9sBase     (value: 0xA24490, at: 0x687BF4)
Patched addresses.hotkeysKey_offset      (value: 0x54, at: 0x7EB0CC)
Patched addresses.hotkeysPtr     (value: 0xA6E298, at: 0x7733AA)
Patched addresses.hotkeys_offset         (value: 0x28, at: 0x7EBD04)
Patched addresses.idCardNPCOffset        (value: 0x36C, at: 0x6A8027)
Patched addresses.idOffset       (value: 0xC, at: 0x85137C)
Patched addresses.inUseOffset    (value: 0x1C, at: 0x79812B)
Patched addresses.isInGame       (value: 0xA2DA2C, at: 0x645D55)
Patched addresses.itemCountOffset        (value: 0x10, at: 0x78F4D2)
Patched addresses.loadingScreenPtr       (value: 0xA6E3A8, at: 0x5F6667)
Patched addresses.loadingScreen_offset   (value: 0xC, at: 0x7ED8AE)
Patched addresses.loginInfoPtr   (value: 0xA6CA88, at: 0x77B1C2)
Patched addresses.macroBody_offset       (value: 0x118, at: 0x7F566F)
Patched addresses.maxDurabilityOffset    (value: 0x15, at: 0x6C7EE1)
Patched addresses.mousePtr_offset        (value: 0x75C, at: 0x60B717)
Patched addresses.moveKeysPressed_offset         (value: 0xAAC, at: 0x5EE078)
Patched addresses.nameOffset     (value: 0xC, at: 0x6A8084)
Patched addresses.partyIconList_base     (value: 0xA6E488, at: 0x667472)
Patched addresses.partyLeader_address    (value: 0xA2F228, at: 0x662988)
Patched addresses.partyMemberList_address        (value: 0xA6F710, at: 0x5EF4FF)
Patched addresses.pawnCastingElapsed_offset      (value: 0x264, at: 0x894D5C)
Patched addresses.pawnCasting_offset     (value: 0x260, at: 0x894D36)
Patched addresses.pawnClass1_offset      (value: 0x310, at: 0x5F0C9D)
Patched addresses.pawnClass2_offset      (value: 0x31C, at: 0x5F0CA3)
Patched addresses.pawnDirXUVec_offset    (value: 0x34, at: 0x88AB76)
Patched addresses.pawnDirZUVec_offset    (value: 0x3C, at: 0x88AB81)
Patched addresses.pawnHarvesting_offset  (value: 0x164, at: 0x895885)
Patched addresses.pawnId_offset  (value: 0x14, at: 0x886F0A)
Patched addresses.pawnIsPet_offset       (value: 0x280, at: 0x898DC2)
Patched addresses.pawnLevel2_offset      (value: 0x320, at: 0x895321)
Patched addresses.pawnLevel_offset       (value: 0x314, at: 0x89531B)
Patched addresses.pawnLootable_offset    (value: 0x3A0, at: 0x5EE3F5)
Patched addresses.pawnMP_offset  (value: 0x2E8, at: 0x8951CD)
Patched addresses.pawnMaxMP_offset       (value: 0x2EC, at: 0x8951DA)
Patched addresses.pawnName_offset        (value: 0x294, at: 0x894E72)
Patched addresses.pawnPetPtr_offset      (value: 0x284, at: 0x89E713)
Patched addresses.pawnRace_offset        (value: 0x328, at: 0x8248DA)
Patched addresses.pawnTargetPtr_offset   (value: 0x278, at: 0x5FEABA)
Patched addresses.pawnType_offset        (value: 0x18, at: 0x8A3C71)
Patched addresses.pawnX_offset   (value: 0x28, at: 0x88AB56)
Patched addresses.ping_offset    (value: 0x7C0, at: 0x60A6CB)
Patched addresses.playerCraftLevelBase   (value: 0xA0A8A8, at: 0x5EEE47)
Patched addresses.playerCraftLevel_offset        (value: 0x152C, at: 0x6C962A)
Patched addresses.psi    (value: 0xA0CC10, at: 0x7CC9C4)
Patched addresses.qualityBaseOffset      (value: 0x40, at: 0x620194)
Patched addresses.qualityTierOffset      (value: 0x16, at: 0x62019A)
Patched addresses.questGroup_offset      (value: 0x4F0, at: 0x789A95)
Patched addresses.realItemIdOffset       (value: 0x98, at: 0x6A4A49)
Patched addresses.requiredLevelOffset    (value: 0x58, at: 0x7ADBC1)
Patched addresses.skillsTableBase        (value: 0xA6F7C8, at: 0x836A73)
Patched addresses.staticCooldownsBase    (value: 0xA09A88, at: 0x640360)
Patched addresses.staticEquipBase        (value: 0xA086D8, at: 0x601DA2)
Patched addresses.staticGuildBankBase    (value: 0xA6F98C, at: 0x5EE7BE)
Patched addresses.staticTablePtr         (value: 0xA6FD5C, at: 0x889FB2)
Patched addresses.staticTableSize        (value: 0xA6FD58, at: 0x63A67C)
Patched addresses.staticbase_char        (value: 0xA06A94, at: 0x5E6CC4)
Patched addresses.staticbase_macro       (value: 0xA6E3EC, at: 0x7753FD)
Patched addresses.swimAddress    (value: 0xB483C7, at: 0x44DF29)
Patched addresses.tablesBase     (value: 0xA3293C, at: 0x6B5BCD)
Patched addresses.valueOffset    (value: 0x34, at: 0x7D327F)
Patched addresses.zoneId         (value: 0xA651C8, at: 0x63FA92)

Assuming information for 'addresses.pawnMP2_offset'; now 0x2F0, was 0x2F0
Assuming information for 'addresses.pawnMaxMP2_offset'; now 0x2F4, was 0x2F4
Assuming information for 'addresses.pawnY_offset'; now 0x2C, was 0x2C
Assuming information for 'addresses.pawnZ_offset'; now 0x30, was 0x30
Assuming information for 'addresses.camYUVec_offset'; now 0x12C, was 0x12C
Assuming information for 'addresses.camZUVec_offset'; now 0x130, was 0x130
Assuming information for 'addresses.camY_offset'; now 0x108, was 0x108
Assuming information for 'addresses.camZ_offset'; now 0x10C, was 0x10C
Assuming information for 'addresses.eggPetBaseAddress'; now 0xA24AA0, was 0xA24AA0
Assuming information for 'addresses.inventoryBagIds'; now 0xA214BC, was 0xA214BC
Assuming information for 'addresses.itemSetSkillsBase'; now 0xA26658, was 0xA26658
Assuming information for 'addresses.moneyPtr'; now 0xA1A4F4, was 0xA1A4F4
Assuming information for 'addresses.rentBagBase'; now 0xA22064, was 0xA22064
Assuming information for 'addresses.rentBankBase'; now 0xA2208C, was 0xA2208C
Assuming information for 'addresses.rentEggSlotBase'; now 0xA220DC, was 0xA220DC
Assuming information for 'addresses.staticInventory'; now 0xA17520, was 0xA17520
Assuming information for 'addresses.staticBankbase'; now 0xA1A4FC, was 0xA1A4FC
Assuming information for 'addresses.itemQueueCount'; now 0xA249F8, was 0xA249F8

Read bytes for functionTargetBytes at: 0x5F357F Bytes: 56 8B CD E8 49 80 2A 00
Read bytes for functionMouseX1Bytes at: 0x62F656 Bytes: C7 86 B4 03 00 00 00 00 00 00
Read bytes for functionMouseX2Bytes at: 0x62F669 Bytes: 89 86 B4 03 00 00
Read bytes for functionMouseX3Bytes at: 0x62FE34 Bytes: 89 8E B4 03 00 00
Read bytes for functionMouseY1Bytes at: 0x62F677 Bytes: C7 86 B8 03 00 00 00 00 00 00
Read bytes for functionMouseY2Bytes at: 0x62F68A Bytes: 89 86 B8 03 00 00
Read bytes for functionMouseY3Bytes at: 0x62FE3A Bytes: 89 86 B8 03 00 00
Read bytes for swimAddressBytes at: 0x44DF29 Bytes: C7 83 B4 00 00 00 03 00 00 00
Obviously when I compare those values, some are different from the new rombot, so I'm wondering if I should try to "fix" those values or if that is a bad idea. But the thing is :
1. I'm not sure which old address name matches which new one (the new rom/bot has different addresses names). I tried to write next the each addresses its old name, but I'm not sure if I'm doing it right or not.
@Administrator, do you think you could help me on this ? I would just need you to check if I did not make any mistake, and also finding the missing ones (I have a list of some other addresses at the end of the file).
It looks like this :

Code: Select all

	camera = {
			base = 0x47C, -- camPtr_offset = 0x47C,
			distance = 0x2e8, -- camDistanceSave_offset = 0x490,
			x = 0x104, -- camX_offset = 0x104,
			y = 0x108, -- camY_offset = 0x108,
2. Also on the list of the update above, you can see that it is written "value:X at: Y". So If X is the value I have to put in the addresses.lua, what is Y ? Are those values just an information or do I have to do something with it ?

By doing this, it would just help me a lot on updating some addresses and then share the update to everyone.

Thank you so much,

Re: Version progress

Posted: Sat Nov 07, 2020 4:16 pm
by Administrator
There is a new address update script. Run rom-bot/addrupdate and that should take care of most of the important ones. Run rom-bot/addrtest and verify if the outputs look good.

Some addresses will probably need to manually be done. I won't be able to get to those soon, sorry.

Re: Version progress

Posted: Sun Nov 08, 2020 5:55 am
by Onche
Oh ok didn't see those scripts :oops:

Ok then its fine, I tried that update and it updated some addresses. I'll keep my old tweaked MM just in case.

Thank you so much !

Re: Version progress

Posted: Sun Nov 08, 2020 12:49 pm
by Tomato
Without having changed anything, this problem suddenly arises. That was the case with some characters. Does somebody has any idea

/micromacro/scripts/rom/classes/item.lua:154: attempt to concatenate field 'Name' (a nil value)

Re: Version progress

Posted: Tue Nov 10, 2020 10:17 pm
by Administrator
I just pushed up some minor fixes. That should address the issue you're having, Tomato. Please update and test again.

Re: Version progress

Posted: Sat Nov 14, 2020 5:46 pm
by Tomato
Yes it works again without any problems. 1000 thanks to you for that. <3

Oh, I would have another question before I open a new topic. Is there a way to automatically change the characters in linked accounts :?:

Re: Version progress

Posted: Sun Nov 15, 2020 12:37 pm
by Miworax
2020-11-15 18:33:50 - IGF:\CHARACTER_SELECT.selectedIndex\:IGF [string "local a={CHARACTER_SELECT.selectedIndex} re..."]:1: attempt to index global 'CHARACTER_SELECT' (a nil value)

ill get this error while trying to use any waypoint. Someone know how to fix that ?

Re: Version progress

Posted: Sun Nov 15, 2020 3:03 pm
by Administrator
Tomato wrote: Sat Nov 14, 2020 5:46 pm Yes it works again without any problems. 1000 thanks to you for that. <3

Oh, I would have another question before I open a new topic. Is there a way to automatically change the characters in linked accounts :?:
Miworax wrote: Sun Nov 15, 2020 12:37 pm 2020-11-15 18:33:50 - IGF:\CHARACTER_SELECT.selectedIndex\:IGF [string "local a={CHARACTER_SELECT.selectedIndex} re..."]:1: attempt to index global 'CHARACTER_SELECT' (a nil value)

ill get this error while trying to use any waypoint. Someone know how to fix that ?
Tomato wrote: Sat Nov 14, 2020 5:46 pm Yes it works again without any problems. 1000 thanks to you for that. <3

Oh, I would have another question before I open a new topic. Is there a way to automatically change the characters in linked accounts :?:
The answer to both of these questions is that character selection via the game's API has been removed, so the bot cannot call those functions any more to switch character.

Re: Version progress

Posted: Mon Nov 16, 2020 3:47 am
by Miworax
But i wasnt using any kind of charakter selection thing :( ill just wanted to try the party heal after last patch. How do i fix that? Do i have to delete just a few things?

Re: Version progress

Posted: Mon Nov 16, 2020 9:41 am
by Administrator
Miworax wrote: Mon Nov 16, 2020 3:47 am But i wasnt using any kind of charakter selection thing :( ill just wanted to try the party heal after last patch. How do i fix that? Do i have to delete just a few things?
I see. Is this the partyhealer.xml waypoint included with the scripts, or was this something that you found elsewhere (perhaps on this forum)?
Can you explain exactly what you are doing to get this error to show up so I can try to reproduce this?

Re: Version progress

Posted: Thu Nov 19, 2020 7:03 pm
by mudro323
Could you send the newest link to download the updated micromacro?:)

Can`t find it elswhere ;(

Thank you so much for your work, admin!


Re: Version progress

Posted: Fri Nov 20, 2020 12:18 pm
by Administrator
The last version of MicroMacro that the RoM bot scripts are compatible with is here:
The latest version of RoM bot scripts can be downloaded here: ...

Re: Version progress

Posted: Sat Nov 21, 2020 9:09 am
by Sasuke

Re: Version progress

Posted: Sat Nov 21, 2020 11:13 am
by Sasuke
i try to find another way, use target section in .xml like this , but player stop at 9 waypoint .......
profile, waypoint on attackment

Re: Version progress

Posted: Sat Nov 21, 2020 11:32 am
by Administrator
I think it is actually complaining about waypoint #8. There's this:

Code: Select all

	player:findTarget("Mutated Temple Demon Weed");
	local target = player:getTarget();
	player:cast("Reflected Shot");
I see an "end" in there, but there's no if/for/while/etc., so it's not valid Lua code. Remove the stray "end" in there and it should work.

Re: Version progress

Posted: Sat Nov 21, 2020 2:17 pm
by Sasuke
Administrator wrote: Sat Nov 21, 2020 11:32 am I think it is actually complaining about waypoint #8. There's this:

Code: Select all

	player:findTarget("Mutated Temple Demon Weed");
	local target = player:getTarget();
	player:cast("Reflected Shot");
I see an "end" in there, but there's no if/for/while/etc., so it's not valid Lua code. Remove the stray "end" in there and it should work.
tyfor answer i will try in a few

Re: Version progress

Posted: Sun Nov 22, 2020 6:20 pm
by Sasuke
Administrator wrote: Sat Nov 21, 2020 11:32 am I think it is actually complaining about waypoint #8. There's this:

Code: Select all

	player:findTarget("Mutated Temple Demon Weed");
	local target = player:getTarget();
	player:cast("Reflected Shot");
I see an "end" in there, but there's no if/for/while/etc., so it's not valid Lua code. Remove the stray "end" in there and it should work.
not works....skill are ok but bot stop move at waypoint 9
2020-11-23 00:19:32 - scripts\rom/bot.lua:1005: Failed to compile and run Lua code for waypoint #9

this is the bot.lua string:
assert( actionchunk, sprintf(language[150], __WPL.CurrentWaypoint) );

Re: Version progress

Posted: Mon Nov 23, 2020 9:42 am
by ThulsaDoom
Sasuke wrote: Sun Nov 22, 2020 6:20 pm
Administrator wrote: Sat Nov 21, 2020 11:32 am I think it is actually complaining about waypoint #8. There's this:

Code: Select all

	player:findTarget("Mutated Temple Demon Weed");
	local target = player:getTarget();
	player:cast("Reflected Shot");
I see an "end" in there, but there's no if/for/while/etc., so it's not valid Lua code. Remove the stray "end" in there and it should work.
not works....skill are ok but bot stop move at waypoint 9
2020-11-23 00:19:32 - scripts\rom/bot.lua:1005: Failed to compile and run Lua code for waypoint #9

this is the bot.lua string:
assert( actionchunk, sprintf(language[150], __WPL.CurrentWaypoint) );
The code should be something like this:

Code: Select all

	player:findTarget("Mutated Temple Demon Weed");
I remove:

Code: Select all

local target = player:getTarget();
I don't see any usage of "target" in your waypoint.

Re: Version progress

Posted: Wed Nov 25, 2020 10:47 am
by Administrator
If you continue to have issues after Thulsa's recommendation, please update your bot scripts again and re-try.

I added some code that will help with these sort of issues. If any waypoint Lua code fails to compile, it will now present you with additional information detailing exactly what went wrong and on which line.

Re: Version progress

Posted: Wed Nov 25, 2020 11:54 am
by Sasuke
Administrator wrote: Wed Nov 25, 2020 10:47 am If you continue to have issues after Thulsa's recommendation, please update your bot scripts again and re-try.

I added some code that will help with these sort of issues. If any waypoint Lua code fails to compile, it will now present you with additional information detailing exactly what went wrong and on which line.
ty.for now seemes works ..but i suggest you to check in "profile.xml" pet slot settings,cause if you said on bot to charge another slot in game that not works and you have an error,,
but i need to retry cause it was before reset bot